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March 04, 2016 12:45 PM UTC

Get More Smarter on Friday (March 4)

  • by: Colorado Pols

MoreSmarterLogo-300x218May the best dick joke win — it’s not like this is a Presidential debate or anything. It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).


► We try to keep the conversation above board around here (well, sometimes), but we can’t think of a better description for last night’s Republican Presidential debate than this: Shit show. If you missed the stone throwing from Detroit last night, there was a fairly universal response to the level of dialogue, as the Washington Post reports:

The Republican Party does not look prepared to come out of the wilderness after eight years of Barack Obama. 

That’s the takeaway of many leading conservatives after last night’s 11th Republican debate.

Just when you probably thought the presidential nominating contest had hit rock bottom, Donald Trump joked about the size of his genitalia…

…The two-hour shout-down in Detroit, ahead of Michigan’s primary next Tuesday, suggested that the GOP’s deep wounds will not heal any time soon and raised the odds that Hillary Clinton will wind up president this time next year…

…I’ll explain further down why Ted Cruz and John Kasich probably won the Fox News debate on points, and Marco Rubio came out worse for wear, but it’s myopic to think about last night in those terms. Because, in reality, everyone lost.

Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Yuma) was on hand in Detroit to attempt to spin things favorably for his boy, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, but instead Gardner just made a fool of himself with the Wall Street Journal.


► Last night’s embarrassment in Detroit has conservatives across the country — and here in Colorado — wondering if the Republican Party might just be on its deathbed.

Elsewhere, Jason Salzman tries to keep track of which Colorado Republicans are actually excited about a Trump candidacy. This is a particularly difficult task when media outlets near and far are having trouble getting Colorado Republicans to even respond to questions about Trump. Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) finally voiced an opinion of more than a few words about Donald Trumpand it did not go well.



Get even more smarter after the jump…


► The Colorado House of Representatives has passed a bill to “modernize” birth certificates. As a press release from One Colorado explains:

One Colorado, the state’s leading advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Coloradans and their families, released the following statement from Executive Director Dave Montez on the passage of the Birth Certificate Modernization Act, House Bill 1185, by the Colorado House of Representatives.

“Every transgender person is someone’s son or daughter, and they deserve to be treated fairly and with respect. Today’s bipartisan vote to pass the Birth Certificate Modernization Act brings us closer to eliminating one of the many unfair barriers that transgender Coloradans face every day. This legislation will help thousands of transgender Coloradans and it harms no one.

“This bill will bring Colorado law in line with federal policies for people seeking to update the gender on their birth certificate, making it drastically less invasive for transgender individuals who simply want their identity documents to reflect who they are. Someone whose birth certificate doesn’t match their gender is at risk for being denied housing, a job, or even the fundamental right to vote. That’s why this legislation is so important, and we look forward to seeing it get a fair committee assignment and advance it’s way through the Colorado Senate.”


This Denver Post blog entry from Joey Bunch probably needs a new headline. “Both parties play politics with potential nominees” is kind of like saying the Denver Broncos are hunkering down and talking only about football.


► Congressman Ken Buck (R-Greeley) still isn’t saying why he was one of just nine members of the House of Representatives to oppose naming a post office in North Carolina after Maya Angelou.


► A measure intended to help entice new teachers to ply their trade in rural Colorado schools is making its way through the legislature.


► So-called “Make My Day” laws probably shouldn’t apply to inmates in Colorado prisons.


► Democrats have a candidate in HD-51, where Republican Rep. Brian DelGrosso is term-limited. Jody Shaddock-McNally will await the winner of a GOP Primary between Hugh McKean and Tom Lucero.


Public toilets are being installed in Denver, which is…exciting, or something.


► Republican Ben Carson withdrew from the GOP Presidential race this week, and he already has a new job.



► Democrat Jeff Chostner, the District Attorney in the Pueblo area, looks likely to be running for re-election without opposition.


► The man convicted in the Aurora Theater Shootings will be spending his life in prison…but not in Colorado.


► Dana Milbank of the Washington Post thinks that Hillary Clinton should consider choosing Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren as her running mate, should Clinton capture the Democratic Presidential nomination.


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6 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Friday (March 4)

  1. Stupid Dem Politician Tricks: "The Benefits of Outsourcing":

    In a video from the Indian TV state NDTV from May 7, 2012, then-Secretary Hillary Clinton told an Indian audience that outsourcing benefited many parts of the United States: “Well, you know, it’s been going on for many years now and it’s part of our economic relationship with India, and I think that there are advantages with it that have certainly benefited many parts of our country and there are disadvantages that go to the need to, you know, improve the job skills of our own people and create a better economic environment, so it’s, like anything it’s, you know, got pluses and minuses.”

    Following a question from the host about a political ad by President Obama about outsourcing, Secretary Clinton laughingly responds, “Well, you know, it’s an election year . . . .”

    Her remarks to the Indian audience stand in stark contrast to her comments here in the United States denouncing outsourcing.

    For instance, in February 2004, Secretary Clinton said, “I do not think outsourcing American jobs is a new kind of trade . . . and I certainly do not believe it is a good thing.”

    Yeah, many parts of our economy receive its benefits, like large stockholders, CEO's, brokerage houses, maybe a 401K account here and there. 

    My Big Blue Benevolent employer today has announced layoffs, RIF's, a "reorganization", rebranding or some such thing. I didn't get it, some friends did. They would be hard pressed to see the benefits of losing your job at any time or place, regardless of your individual contribution, due to an incompetent manager who knows how to show a profit with only 1 trick: hiring the cheapest labor in the world to meet next quarter's earning estimate.

    1. You won't get any argument from me about HRC's …ummmm… flexibility, but your point would be stronger if the two examples you cite weren't 8 years apart.

      And, after all, If it weren't for her opportunistic nature she'd still be the same old center right DLC Dem she was in the 90s and earlier 2000s when that was what was working for Dems. You know. The whole we're almost as responsible and tough and pro-corporate as Rs, no threat to the pockets of the rich, but better on the social issues thing. It got the Clintons into the WH twice (the first time with a bit of an assist from Ross Perot), at a time when "conservative" was gold, "liberal" was dreck and I don't think "progressive" was in vogue yet. 

      One advantage to an ambitious pol who wants to make it to the top and who knows which way the wind blows is that if you get the wind blowing in a more desirable direction, as Warren and Sanders have within the Dem party, you get that pol moving too.

      She'll be OK in the WH. She'll do a good job. Pretty much like today's Obama who is a little more liberal than the Obama of his earlier dead center centrist presidential years. We just need to take the Senate back and work on the House.

      Oh and it looks like the whole e-mail thing isn't going anywhere terribly serious after all. Donald isn't going to get the HRC criminal indictment he's wishing for. It will be old news come election time.

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