Easter Sunday is a day to celebrate life and reconnect with our families. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
If you have just a couple of extra minutes today, there is something important you can do to support the fight for better health care in Colorado–it could be just the thing to impress people with at the dinner table later, too.
A very important bill has been making its way through the state legislature and faces a critical vote right after Easter. I’m not sure if you knew this, but right now, doctors aren’t required to be practicing or even licensed in Colorado when they deny insurance claims. That’s just ridiculous.
Senate Bill 61 would change that.
Senate Bill 61 will ensure that doctors who review insurance claims or make decisions to approve or deny claims must be licensed to practice medicine in the state of Colorado, and they must also be qualified in the same or similar specialty as the treating physician they are reviewing. If this seems like a no-brainer to you, that’s because it should be.
But the insurance industry is lobbying hard to prevent this bill from passing and key representatives (listed below) need to hear from you. Please take a minute right now–yes, right now!–and call or email: tell these legislators to vote YES on Senate Bill 61. We want people to leave voice messages and send emails, so it doesn’t matter if it’s Sunday! The vote is on Monday, that’s tomorrow.
Rep. Jeanne Labuda
Phone: (303)866-2966
E-mail: jeanne.labuda.house@state.co.us
Rep. Beth McCann
Phone: (303)866-2959
Email: beth.mccann.house@state.co.us
Rep. Wes McKinley
Phone: (303)866-2398
E-mail: wes.mckinley.house@state.co.us
Rep. Joe Rice
Phone: (303)866-2953
E-mail: joe.rice.house@state.co.us
Rep. Jim Riesberg
Phone: (303)866-2929
E-mail: jim.riesberg.house@state.co.us
Rep. Sue Schafer
Phone: (303)866-5522
E-mail: sue.schafer.house@state.co.us
Thanks for taking a couple quick minutes out of your busy holiday to stand up for what’s right. And tell everybody you visit with today what you did to protect their health care! Have a great Easter.
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in Kansas ?
Why is a licensed Kansas Physician not as qualified as a Colorado licensed physician ?
You say its a no-brainer. Maybe I just proved you right. I don’t see the sense in the position you’re taking.
Is this supposed to boost the income of Colorado physicians ?
What’s the point ?