“Success builds character, failure reveals it.”
–Dave Checkett
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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If there’s anyone out there that can make a clear, coherent argument as to why Bill Ritter deserves to be re-elected, please speak up now.
argument as to why MesaModerate deserves to still be allowed to blog here after making a false allegation,
please speak up now.
Kindly enlighten the rest of us. Thanks.
There is no ongoing “murder investigation.” There never was. It was ruled an accident back in the 1980s’, when the event occurred.
The choice is not between Ritter and perfection.
how about to keep your main man Penry from sitting in the Governor’s mansion?
I would rather have a do-nothing Democrat than a screaming right-wing ideologue.
The difference between the strong support for small business and new ideas at the federal level and the utter indifference at the state level is atrocious. details here…
Since Gov. Ritter vetoed 1170 will he also veto 1180?
HB 1180 deals with collective bargaining for firefighters. The bill originally mandated bargaining for county sheriffs, city police and firefighters. In the Senate everyone was amended out except firefighters.
Vetoing two union bills would harm Ritter and allowing 1180 to move forward, even without his signature, is poor policy.
Put him in a bit of a pickle. IMO, should have signed 1170 and vetoed 1180.
Accidential Empires
Jennifer Veiga was just about the smartest person in the room every time the Senate convened. I like Pat Steadman but I think either Pat, Jill Conrad, Alex Sanchez, John Maslanik or Ann Ragsdale could win tonight.
He knows the issues and the process.
If he wins I see him emerging as a real leader.
I don’t have anything bad to say about any of the others though.
It is a really solid group top to bottom.
Some of the candidates who I don’t think have a chance of winning have really good backgrounds.
A short time ago there would be one or two candidates and less than twenty people show up to fill vacancies. Now they are getting a lot of candidates and one hundred people coming to the vacancy committee meeting. Maybe Obama really has brought a new energy to the Democratic Party. Before his candidacy this never happened.
I think this falls into the category of he’s getting more people on staff and can now do these things.
He just sent out an email blast:
And a single “contribute” button with no beg for money – which I think is the best way to do it, but is very rare for a politician.
that would have had the Durbin amendment in it had it passed? Is it wise to be taking credit for a bill that would have been much more effective had he voted yes on the amendment?
Aside from that, I agree that the e-mail was good and that it’s a good thing his campaign is starting to become more visible.
Yes it is that bill, and no it would not have been any different if he had voted yes on the amendment because it was 15 votes shy of passage.
Not saying I agree with his vote, but factually it made no difference either way.
I was just wondering if it was a political miscalculation to be bragging about the passage of a bill that was the source of a great deal of pitchfork sharpening.
I tend to agree with Dave’s assessment, in that any time Bennet appears with the President to watch him sign a bill that helps people (cramdown or no) it’s probably a good thing for his campaign.
…the AUSA has declined to charge him with anything “at the current time.” So, he walks out of El Paso County Jail this afternoon, and will likely flee the country to avoid prosecution.
Ye gods, do they realize this will get every Vet group on both sides of the political spectrum foaming-mouth insane? Do you want to be the Prosecutor that lets the Fake Marine get away?
when he gets out this afternoon ? Lots of really pissed off people involved.
..and I will testify to that statement under oath.
that the AUSA didn’t think he had a strong enough case to convict on the as-yet not disclosed allegations, which I presume have something to do with embezzlement (don’t answer that ?)
I’m a little older than you, and I got used to hearing “war stories” in college from guys who I didn’t think had ever served.
I never went to Vietnam, and so I couldn’t challenge the stuff they said about what went on in-country, but the stuff I did know something about, their versions didn’t track with my experiences.
I even remember marching in a veterans’ parade in Colorado Springs, and some guys were wearing uniforms with the medals in the wrong order.
It all seemed pretty harmless to me. Pathetic, even.
I’ve now run for office against two retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonels, and they both campaigned as war heroes. Neither one was a pilot. You figure it out.
I have zero time in combat. I know that changes things. But golly, if someone lies about being a veteran, but can’t get the medical benefits or disability payments or whatever, what has he really stolen ? And who did he steal it from ?
If you think it diminishes your sacrifices, it doesn’t.
This clown is definitely NOT the only person who lies about this.
If he embezzled, then yeah, prosecute him.
But if that can’t be proven, then he is going to get over on this one. It’s now up to you if you get over it.
Let it go. You don’t need to carry the weight of all that anger around in your heart. It’ll tear you up.
How do you forgive someone who won’t admit their sins, and who doesn’t ask for forgiveness ?
Boy, if I knew that, I’d be a far better man than I am now.
But I encourage you to try.
I have no idea why Strandlof hasn’t been charged on a number of heavy-duty Federal counts. If I did, I’d probably be the US Attorney.
I know what I told the FBI, and the evidence I turned over to them…and he should be in front of a Federal Judge in an orange jumpsuit.
IMHO Strandlof lied about a bunch of things, but one of things he lied about broke the law – saying (repeatedly) he had the Purple Heart, and a Silver Star.
If you want, you can say he lied about having a PH when he claimed he was wounded in Iraq. From his personal YouTube page, I count about 27 charges.
Separate from all this is the fraud – I know they’re still tallying the damage, but Strandlof used his phony vet status to get people to give him money.
I don’t want this guy to just disappear – which he will if he posts bail. I want every con artist to know if you use phony vet status and imaginary wounds to con people, the Feds will hunt you down and arrest you.