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June 11, 2009 06:17 PM UTC

Denver Post Socks Puppets

  • by: Colorado Pols

From today’s Denver Post:

Memo from David Kenney to staff: Quit visiting blogs and posting anonymous comments that praise or defend Gov. Bill Ritter.

Or, in online parlance, enough with the sock puppets.

The Kenney Group is handling Ritter’s re-election bid, and Kenney learned Sunday that a blogger had traced four similar anonymous postings praising the Democratic governor to Kenney’s office.

And last week, readers of Colorado Pols, one of the state’s best-known political blogs, accused Kenney’s staffers of doing the same thing.

“Between fantasy football, March Madness and political blogs, I apparently have to crack down on the use of my office computers,” Kenney said.

Asked if he himself had posted anything anonymously, Kenney said, “God, no.”

On Saturday, a blogger who uses the pseudonym “Steve Balboni” wrote in his blog, Steam Powered Opinions, that he had received 36 hits and four postings in less than two days in response to a piece called “More Bumbling from Ritter.”

“Balboni,” who revealed his identity to The Denver Post but asked to remain anonymous, said he usually gets only two postings a week, so he was curious about all the traffic last Friday and Saturday. He said he tracked the origins of the postings and all were from a computer system at The Kenney Group.

First of all, what’s with the Kenney comment of “God, no” in regards to using blogs? That statement oozes of both contempt and disregard, neither of which are a good message.

More importantly, we want to make clear that any references made to posters coming from The Kenney Group was done in the comments section by other Polsters. We make no effort to attempt to track down the identities of registered users at Colorado Pols, nor will we. Your anonymity is safe here as long as you don’t do something yourself to screw it up (as the case with the Kenney folks).

In fact, we find the whole thing kind of harmlessly amusing, like freaking out your kitty with one of those pocket laser pointers.


18 thoughts on “Denver Post Socks Puppets

  1. .

    Michel Jackson, the “King of Pop.”

    Before you go rolling your eyes, answer me this: have you ever seen the two of them together ?


    And don’t let that vague assurance about your identity being confidential fool you: ColoradoPols simply doesn’t have the tech skillz to track you down.  They would if they could.  

    I mean, what kind of sadist torments cats with laser pointers anymore ?  Certainly not any high tech sadist, not with all the other options out there.  

    I, on the other hand, have mad skillz and botz and I know who you are.  I’ve got your home address and your GPA from High School.  

    So no disagreeing with me, or I’ll tell people how you goofed off in Home Ec.


  2. How does this help Ritter’s campaign? Sure, when someone searches these posts they might see some flattering comments, but right below them are comments talking about how they’re fake praise emanating from within Ritter’s office.

    Only the most ignorant rube could possibly fall for it. Even then, how doe sit make people more likely to vote for Bill Ritter?

    The fact that the only people who have anything nice to say about the Governor (R36 excluded) are paid employees of the Kenney Group speaks volumes about how 2010 is going to play out.

    1. The real harm comes from making it so obvious that the only supporters of Ritter during that discussion were from his campaign. They should have just said they were from the campaign and laid out some well thought-out talking points instead.

  3. “Sock puppets,” anonymous posters, Santa Claus online. So what? Seems perfectly legitimate to me for anyone to post an opinion on a blog…this one or others…and if anonymity is the order of the day, as it is, then what on earth is the fuss about?

    If I were Bill Ritter, paying the bill for the Kenney Group, I’d be somewhat concerned at their all-too-obvious lack of sophistication, experience, and skill in playing this game. Kenney’s answer to the question of whether he himself ever went onto blogs — “God, no”–bespeaks a certain contemptuous attitude that also unveils a lack of appreciation for an emerging form of public discussion that appeals to political activists in particular.

    1. When done well, sock puppetry can be a fine political tool. Unfortunately, Kenney and the rest of Ritter’s cronies are totally incapable of understanding the nuances necessary to properly execute it.

    2. It’s the creation of multiple identities by one person just to create the illusion that multiple people agree with him/her.

      But you’re right about one thing–it’s no big deal.  It comes with the territory.

      1. .

        They caught on to me real quick over at Square State a couple of years ago.

        To help keep track of my “supporters,” I used Roman numerals for Barron I, Barron II, Barron III, etc.  

        It wasn’t long – maybe 3 weeks – before they figured out those were all me, and there really wasn’t a lot of grassroots support.


    3. If someone’s posting essentially as part of a campaign (e.g. from the campaign consultants’ HQ), then it’s probably not a good idea to be posting anonymously – or at least not without disclosure.  Astroturfing usually comes with a certain amount of blowback – sometimes a LOT.  Astroturfing is looked at as being misleading; in a political campaign, that translates to “dishonest”.

      It’s kind of along the same lines as the crap Judy Miller pulled at the NY Times.  By using anonymous sources that had a (known) bias, her journalistic integrity was compromised.

      1. I agree with this. A “paid posting,” so to speak, should be identified as such. Trying to pose as something else, including being “just another blogger,” is indeed misleading. So I now see what the fuss was about. Better informed than when I started.

  4. After all, he’s a former big-city prosecutor – not some lobbyist or something – and his mature, seasoned experience as Governor is exactly what we need in these trying times.

    1. Gov. Ritter understands this and looks out for what’s best for the entire state, not just a particular interest group. Standing up for Colorado — that’s the Ritter way. The wise, principled leadership exhibited by Gov. Ritter makes me more at ease living in Colorado during these tough times.  

        1. .

          he posted that from IP 23.443.1.234.78.

          Let me know if you need the name or street address that corresponds.  Or high school transcript.  


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