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July 11, 2017 01:32 PM UTC

GOP's "Trumpcare" Pain Extended: McConnell Postpones Recess

  • by: Colorado Pols
No recess for you!

Via Politico:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will keep the Senate in session the first two weeks of August, the Kentucky Republican announced Tuesday — as the GOP faces a daunting to-do list that includes repealing Obamacare and raising the debt limit…

“In order to provide more time to complete action on important legislative items and process nominees that have been stalled by a lack of cooperation from our friends across the aisle, the Senate will delay the start of the August recess until the third week of August,” McConnell said.

Agitation from the Republican rank and file to cancel at least part of the annual August recess has been building for weeks with a small group of junior GOP senators pressuring their leadership to stick around in Washington to tackle not just health care but tax reform and other items on the party’s agenda.

“We have to be here. And we need time to do it,” Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska said at a news conference Tuesday with other GOP senators pushing to curtail the recess. “If we’re working three days a week, which is what we do, we’re not going to get it done.” [Pols emphasis]

Most reports on the state of negotiations over the Senate’s legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act are not optimistic about bridging the gap between hard-line Republican Senators arguing for more cuts vs. “moderate” Republicans hoping to minimize the pain of repeal. With that in mind it’s tough to know what this additional time will accomplish–but the latest word is the Senate will indeed have some manner of “revised” bill to consider by the end of the week. Sen Cory Gardner of Colorado is supporting the move to delay the August recess:

“In-state work period?” Wait, right, that’s what the August recess is formally referred to as, isn’t it? For constituents who have been waiting for a public event from Gardner for well over a year now, that’s got to ring more than a little ironic. At this point, it may be a fair question whether Gardner would support delaying the recess just so he doesn’t have to come back to Colorado, and face the near-continuous protest action going on outside (and sometimes inside) his office.

But the real question is, would passing a bill overwhelmingly opposed by the American public in every poll–a legislative campaign that has dropped Gardner’s approval ratings to shocking, perhaps career-ending lows–make things even worse?

Because if so, maybe they should just take their recess.


33 thoughts on “GOP’s “Trumpcare” Pain Extended: McConnell Postpones Recess

  1. This one is for PP, Moderatus, Andrew Carnegie… of their boys speaking.

    "Americans won't need health care if we stop funding Planned Parenthood because God will heal all disease."     Gordon Klingenschmitt

  2. Hooray for Gardner for wanting to stay in Washington and work on important legislation. Since he was in on it from the start maybe now he will have time to read up on it and learn what it is that he has been working soooo hard to accomplish.  The guy is an automatic YES vote no matter what McConnell brings to the floor.  The good news is that his Trump supporting YES vote is going to be a career killer.  He will never ever be able to portray himself as a moderate without hysterical laughter as a response.  Go for it Cory.  Stay in Washington until you have completed your mission to totally discredit any notion that you actually care about your constituents.

          1. Thurston Howell III??  Actually Andrew's IQ, as evidenced by his continuing non-effective comments here, makes Gilligan look like a genius.

                  1. Notice how terse and scarce his comments are.  

                    Things must be going pretty badly at the Ministry of Propaganda.
                    Guess his employers aren't getting their $2/trick value anymore.   Is he turning tricks for only a dime now? 

                    1. They will always have Moderatus who can underbid Andrew with his cheaper, drive-by shillings.

                      Ahh, the joy of the free market….

  3. What a contrast in character between Perlmutter and Gardner.  You could not have a clearer distinction between a politician with integrity and one who does Trumps dirty work.

  4. Geebuz….with a straight face? 

    “In order to provide more time to complete action on important legislative items and process nominees that have been stalled by a lack of cooperation from our friends across the aisle, …

    1. The kicker is 'process nominees' Michael.  McConnell shutdown processing any of Obama's nominees but wants to work overtime to install as many malignant Heritage Foundation devotees to the judicial branch ala Gorsuch as he can.  So much for calling balls and strikes when the Koch brothers are on the line.  They aren't content with just destroying our trust in the executive and legislative branches of the federal government.

  5. What I would like to know is: "WHO is drafting the revised Trumpcare legislation?"  Obviously it isn't anyone who is associated with the Democratic Party and we aren't hearing Cory Gardner brag about being part of the secret backroom meetings so is it only McConnell or is it lobbyists or the Koch brothers?  Who is making these revisions and what facts and public input are they using in their analysis.

    1. Facts? Public input? G.G. you tell funny jokes. McConnell's staying up nights writing this horror himself, with maybe the occasional late-night call to Ryan, his pal in the other chamber. And for the rest of the kids, no recess until they eat their spinach, er, pass the bill.

  6. I think the attitude of McConnell's troops is headed farther down the toilet now that he's disrupting family vacations, lobbyist junkets and sucking up to their fat-cat donors. A leader shouldn't piss off the troops lest he gets shot in the ass.

    1. Plus the screws are going to be applied to them to vote for something that is highly unpopular while Trump is doing Russian Folk Dances in the White House.  Hard to see how morale is going to be at an all time high with such a combination of 'about to hit the fan' shit headed their way.  Odds are that whatever legislation gets passed, it is going to be a stinker that costs the country in the long run.  How can it be outstanding with no input from the people and organizations that are supposed to operate it?

        1. The good Russian folk dance for Trump; and his minions here at Pols; would be the Saber Dance, from the Gayaneh Ballet, by Aram Khachaturian.

          Back when break dancing was in vogue, no break dancer would even try this dance. One needs to be an expert, since one has an actual saber; sharp edge, point, and all; in each hand.

          1. It's going to be tough for Trump to hold a saber when his tiny hands are wrapped around his phone.  Maybe that is the beauty of his dance.  Twirling a saber while tweeting.  Who knew he was so adept?

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