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August 21, 2017 01:45 PM UTC

Great American Eclipse Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE #2: Apparently President Trump looked at the eclipse without protective glasses. Because, of course he did.


UPDATE: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump doing the eclipse:



See it, shoot it, discuss it, mind your pets, drive safely.


12 thoughts on “Great American Eclipse Thread

  1. Viewed the eclipse…  I didn't get any superpowers, there was no rapture, and the dead did not rise from the grave.


    Given all the hype, I must declare it all to be FAKE NEWS, brought on by Russian hackers, to destabilize the American Economy in favor of purchasing North Korean manufactured glasses using Chinese materials, based on an Iranian design in which to view the eclipse while standing by a confederate statue….

  2. Our trees created hundreds of pinhole cameras as light passed through their leaves, showing hundreds as mostly eclipsed suns.  Spectacular!  We have a bird feeder, but our feathered friends weren't impressed and scarfed merrily away through the whole event.  I retreated to my telly to  watch totality in Casper.

        1. I'll only warranty the universe for seven years, no exceptions . . . 

          (. . . if you think you can do any better, especially in the age of Trump, you'll have to find your own virgins.)

  3. It was a really fun and unique first day of school.  Our middle and high schools bought and borrowed tons of cheap eclipse viewing glasses, and were all out on the lawns kicking back and watching the eclipse progress..  The kids were so adorable, peering through the glasses to watch the sun being eaten. They described it as a "banana", a Cheshire cat grin, a silly smile that went from one side of the "face" to the other.

    For myself, it was an amazing and humbling reminder that we exist on a planet hurtling through space at immense speeds, around a star, with other heavenly bodies rotating around us. We need that "big picture" perspective sometimes.

  4. An older friend told me about wearing a t-shirt with this image recently, when a younger fellow looked at it and then commented to my friend that he supports LGBT issues. My friend replied, “You ought to!”

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