U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

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April 24, 2022 11:20 PM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Sometimes legends make reality, and become more useful than the facts.”

–Salman Rushdie


14 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. I have been watching the testimony of EmptyG in the 14th Amendment case. She clearly was a full, enthusiastic, participant in the Trump Insurrection, but for some reason believes she is untouchable.

    I think it is impossible to overstate the necessity of prosecuting and punishing the lot of them. I will take a moment here to point out just how accurate the opinions and predictions of the assembled libs on this site have been. 

    Every Republican who looked the other way, wallowing in denial, willing to compromise your citizenship, owes this nation more than an apology. You owe your fellow citizens your vote. You owe us your participation in excising this cancer on our democracy.

    It is undeniable the leadership of the Trumplican party has no interest in preserving majority rule. Their fear of losing power is so profound, they will rationalize treason in order to win. I wonder how many of the GOP voters are willing to go along with that.

    It takes a pretty toxic myopia to look at our current body politic and not see the threat. American democracy rests upon the decisions of millions of Republican and Unaffiliated voters. Will they see through MTG, Reppy le Pew Pew, and the rest of that devious bunch, and recognize their own complicity in the death of democracy in America?

    Which authoritarian tyrant do you want to be the first Emperor of America? Ron DeSantis? Rick Scott? Donald Trump Jr.?


    1. Despot DeSantis would be a disaster. I'm also worried about the possibilities of Potentate Pompeo or (to a slightly lesser degree) Khan Cotton.


    1. And fentanyl poisoning is creeping up to third place in causes of death for children and youth. JohninDenver, COVID is still the leading cause of death for older people 65+, but drug overdoses, along with guns and car accidents,  are wasting lives of those under 45. 

  2. Conservation Easement Tax Credits (2000-2013) were both an important tool for ag producers – and a scammers paradise.   By the time of my 2010 state senate run it had already inflicted enormous damage across rural Colorado and the problems persist. 

    We have a chance to partially 'right a wrong': SB22-119.  A bi-partisan bill that could restore the integrity of the well-intentioned Conservation Easement Program designed to protect Colorado's natural resources. 

    The bill has a $6M fiscal note (0.00016 of the state budget) that contains substantial criteria to filter out the bad actors who exploited the program while restoring C/E credits to legitimate, law-abiding land owners. This won't make the legit players whole but will go a long way in mitigating the damage done.

    This issue has been a hot potato for far too long.  It's time to do the right thing: pass this through the Senate Appropriations Committee and get it to the Governor's desk.  


    1. Doesn't the bill need to go to the Senate floor for 2nd and 3rd readings before going to Governor Polis? I assume it's passed the House?

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