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May 02, 2012 10:08 PM UTC

UPDATED w/ Poll: Frackin' HELL YEAH!-When the North Fork Roared

  • by: taterheaptom


Colorado’s North Fork Valley–with the highest concentration of organic farms in the state and one of only two American Viticultural Areas in Colorado–did it.  It forced the BLM to back off and back down.  The agency is not giving up the details of what the final thing was that made it fold like a poorly installed pit liner.


Contact:  Shannon Borders, 970-240-5399

BLM defers all North Fork Valley oil and gas parcels in August 2012 lease sale

MONTROSE, Colo. – Today, the Bureau of Land Management announced the deferral all parcels associated with the August 2012 oil and gas lease sale in the North Fork Valley.  

The environmental assessment evaluated 22 proposed oil and gas parcels near Paonia, Hotchkiss and Somerset, Colo. for the Aug. 9, 2012, quarterly oil and gas lease sale.  BLM has opted to conduct additional analysis of the proposed lease parcels based on public input.

But the lesson is clear…and I can attest at times loud: Yeah.  That’s right.  Don’t mess with the North Fork.  


A Revolution Brewing?

Could it be this little agricultural valley has suddenly changed the game?  Perhaps no longer interested in being pushed around by our very own reclusive billionaire in his pretend western ‘village’, occasionally to be seen helicoptering by the townfolk below?  

News has spread quickly…from the Summit County Citizens Voice:

Persistence has paid of for residents of Colorado North Fork Valley. After citizens organized and marshaled their facts on a errant proposal to lease lands for oil and gas development, the Bureau of Land Management decided to defer the leases at least until the agency updates an overall management plan for the area.

The proposal drew howls of outrage from the rural area, where many residents say booming tourism and agriculture are the key to economic sustainability. Opposition to the plan was widespread in Paonia, Hotchkiss and Crawford.

In addition to formal objections from local governments and area businesses, farmers, ranchers, and food producers raised concerns about threats to the area’s rich agricultural heritage. Residents said the outcome shows that when communities stand and work together, citizens have an impact.

“The BLM made a good decision,” said Paonia Mayor Neal Schwieterman. “I am proud of my community and I am grateful that the BLM listened to what we had to say.”

And all over the land–via the Associated Press.  you can look it up, I’m sure. In any case, clearly people came together here like never before.  The little valley that ROARED!

Does a decisive industry spanking by a small rural valley change anything?

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10 thoughts on “UPDATED w/ Poll: Frackin’ HELL YEAH!-When the North Fork Roared

    1. is incredible news and changes the game when it comes to threatening farmers and ranchers with development.

      There are some places where O&G development is NEVER appropriate, the North Fork Valley is one of them.

      Congratulations to the Citizens for a Healthy Community group and all the people of the North Fork valley. Have a party…you deserve it.  

  1. This is a win for the democratic process. Concerned citizens organized, found friends, and made their positions known. I cynically voted in the poll that the drillers will be back with a vengence; they are already writing the Koch Brothers asking for more money so that they can change the outcomes in Washington.

    1. As long as there’s oil and gas under the valley, they’ll keep trying.

      Somebody might remind the good citizens of the valley that a vote for Romney is as good as a vote for Koch.

      1. I wonder what the real story is about the Koch Brothers and this valley. Since the black sheep Koch Brother lives there, the other two just might like him being slapped around a little. Who knows!

  2. I’m thinking it came down to a phone call from someone at CPA or COGA who told some one at the Bureau of Leasing Minerals (BLM)that no one was gonna bid on them so you might as well pull them.

    It is entirely possible that this nomination was, from the outset, simply a diversionary tactic by David Koch to draw attention away from his little fantasy western town.

    The people of the North Fork Valley are very well plugged in to the incredibly deep pockets of the Aspen community.

    They can afford very good lawyers. It would be tough for any company to make a profit on natural gas from the North Fork.

    1. This did not work out in his interest. The valley woke up and is very engaged now.

      I also don’t think it was COGA or CPA.  I think activists won it.  Its not rich well-funded people from Aspen behind it, its hard work, good facts, and dedicated people.  

      1. you describe it that way, CT. And, thanks for the correction on that Koch brother…they all look the same to me.

        I am certainly aware of the widespread effort by the people of the valley and meant no offense. My association with CHC left me immensely impressed with that community.

        There is an impression, right or wrong, however, that the growing importance of the North Forks’ abundant organic produce output is very important to the Aspen/Roaring Fork market. It never hurts to have influential friends.

        You know, of course, CT, that I would never try to minimize the effectiveness of the regular troops… the citizens who step up to the plate and get it done. I, for one, would appreciate an in-depth diary about the story from that ol’ master diarist, Club Twitty.

        The people of the North Fork have established that the dialogue about some places being off limits to gas development is a conversation whose time has come.

        Congratulations, once again.  

        1. It was hard fought and honestly won.  I may get around to that diary…work has been a bit crazed.  There seem to be other WS voices popping up…

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