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(D) Kamala Harris

(R) Donald Trump



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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



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(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



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(R) Jeff Hurd

(D) Adam Frisch



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



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(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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Reporters should ask McInnis if he could avoid “beating” by releasing income without partners’ info

( – promoted by Colorado Pols) April 30th, 2010 It slipped by me somehow, but Wed. the Colorado Independent was the first news organization to ask Colorado gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis’ campaign what McInnis meant when he said on Fox Radio April 15 that he’d take a “beating” if he released his income tax returns. […]

Big picture needs emphasis in coverage of ed bill

Education gets big headlines year around, not just when an education law like SB191 is being debated at the State Legislature. There are the CSAP tests, the graduation rates, the international comparisons, school rankings, and so on. The news is mostly bad, and the impression you’re left with, even if the reporting is fairly broad, […]

Boyles lets McInnis off the hook on AZ law

Pseudo-journalistic entities like talk-radio shows have to pin political candidates down when they make vague, chest-thumping pronouncements. This is especially critical when they’re talking to candidates, like Scott McInnis, who’s refusing to be interviewed by serious journalistic entities like The Denver Post. We’ve seen over and over how talk-radio hosts let their favored candidates off […]

On radio, McInnis says he’d take “beating” if he releases his tax returns, but hosts don’t ask why

( – promoted by Colorado Pols) You wouldn’t call many talk-radio hosts “journalists.” They’re mostly entertainers. But, still, what talk-radio host with any integrity sits in silence while a political candidate says he’d take a “beating” if he made his income tax returns public and doesn’t ask the most basic follow-up question in the book, […]

Appointed incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet?

Here are the titles used by The Denver Post in March and April (as well as recent examples from The Spot) to introduce U.S. Sen. Bennet in news stories or blog posts: » Michael Bennet » Sen. Michael Bennet » U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet » Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet » Incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet » […]

Iraq is a surprise topic on commercial drive-time radio in Denver

Even those of you who hate KOA radio have to admit that KOA-style expression and journalism look pretty good, if you’re standing in Iraq. So you have to respect KOA Colorado Morning News anchor Steffan Tubbs and others from Colorado, including Ryan Huff, a Boulder Daily Camera editor, and folks from Altitude Sports and Entertainment, […]

Post provides donor history on GOP contributor who was angry at Markey over health-care vote

( – promoted by Colorado Pols) At the end of March, The Denver Post reported that a GOP donor sent Republican congressional candidate Cory Gardner a $1,000 check with a note, “You can thank Betsy Markey’s vote [for the health-care law] for this check.” This story was included in a Post article, and repeated in […]

AP misrepresents Markey health-care outreach as “small-bore”

( – promoted by Colorado Pols) It’s basic journalism to seek the perspective of those you’re scrutinizing-and to check your facts. But the Associated Press did neither of those things for a story last Friday titled, “Vulnerable Democrats are tiptoeing on health care.” As a result, at least one Democrat, Rep. Betsy Markey of Colorado, […]

Media should clarify Gardner’s explanations for absences

Back on March 19, on KCOL radio in Ft. Collins, Cory Gardner told guest host Brad Jones that there’s a natural overlap between Gardner’s State House duties and his activities as a candidate for U.S. Congress: Brad Jones (at five minutes 15 seconds, March 18, hour 4): One issue on the campaign trail even before […]

Norton not questioned on why de-funding health-care bill is practical

Backbone talk radio host Ross Kaminsky told me today that for his interview with Jane Norton Sunday, “I expected to get harder questions for her, and I didn’t get them [from listeners].” So he gave her the kid-glove treatment. For example, Kaminsky said he asked Norton a “fairly tough” question about why she doesn’t talk […]


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