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Peter Boyles Begs “Big Liars” To Back Away From The Brink

UPDATE: The Colorado Times Recorder has more from the same bombshell interview: “Patrick, please quit this! I want you to quit it, I want you to win! People showed up on January 6th because they were lied to! Donald Trump lied to them. The people around Donald Trump told lies.” Conservative radio host Peter Boyles’ […]

Boebert Makes “So-Called Candidates,” Like Gardner, Look Awful to Boyles

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) One funny side effect of congressional candidate Lauren Boebert’s rise to fame is that she makes other Republican Party candidates in Colorado look awful–at least in the eyes of conservative hardliners who must vote nonstop if Cory Gardner has a prayer to win in November. Don’t take it from me. Hear […]

Boyles Allegedly Took Himself Off-Air at KNUS Because He Believed Co-Worker Was Neo-Nazi

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) “What would you do if you worked somewhere, and there was a neo-Nazi on the staff?” KHOW radio host Tom Martino asked his listeners Thursday. “I heard–I don’t know if it’s true–that [KNUS radio host] Peter Boyles isn’t on the air today at another station because he walked off yesterday and […]

“No You Don’t” Have to Vote for “Weenie” Gardner, Says Talk Radio Host Boyles

Boyles, Calhoun, Tancredo, and Bartels plan “world domination over lunch”

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) On KNUS-710 AM’s website today, you’ll find, from left to right, radio host Peter Boyles, Westword’s Patricia Calhoun, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and fomer Denver Post reporter Lynn Bartels (seated). The photo is titled the “Takeover Crew,” with the subtitle, “Planning world domination over lunch.”

Boyles says “illegals” bring “bed bugs” and “weird” disease to America

(The always classy Peter Boyles – promoted by Colorado Pols) KNUS talk-show host Peter Boyles continues to find new ways to bottom feed on KNUS 710-AM in the mornings, saying Thursday that "illegals" are bringing weird "respiratory diseases" and "bed bugs" into America. Boyles: I am not convinced this weird disease that’s hitting the little […]

Dump ice water on Boyles (and Tancredo), please

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Tom Tancredo is best known for being a rattlesnake on immigration issues, but he's hard right on social issues too (e.g., he supports an abortion ban.). In this conversation with KNUS' Peter Boyles last week, Tancredo says it's not what gay people do that bothers him. He says he doesn't care. […]

Stopping short of apologizing for mag comment, Herpin thanks Boyles for being “fair and balanced,” and Boyles calls Stokols a “Butt Boy”

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) FRIDAY POLS UPDATE: Something more like an apology now from Sen. Bernie Herpin, as reported by the Colorado Springs Gazette's Megan Schrader today: Sen. Bernie Herpin, a Republican, said he was trying to make a point about how last year's Democrat-sponsored gun laws have been ineffective in reducing gun violence. "There's […]

While radio stations cut local hosts, KNUS adds locals Boyles, Kelley, and now Dan Caplis

At a time when radio stations are dumping local talk shows in favor of national (and cheaper) yakkers, Denver’s KNUS is heading in the opposite direction, filling its lineup with local flotsam and jetsam tossed from competing stations. KNUS’ latest addition is Denver Attorney Dan Caplis, a social conservative with decades of experience on the […]

Peter Boyles Critiques Local Coverage of the Hudak Recall Effort, as Only Peter Boyles Can

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) In the heated battle and drama surrounding the efforts to recall Colorado State Senator Evie Hudak, accusations of malfeasance and misrepesentation have been thrown back and forth, a gubernatorial candidate has proffered obscene gestures, and local news outlets have entered the fray to parse out the truth and report on the […]


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