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(D) Diana DeGette*

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(D) Adam Frisch

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(R) Lauren Boebert

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(R) Jeff Crank

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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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LCV Hits Gardner With $1 Million Ad Campaign

UPDATE: The Denver Post's Kurtis Lee has a response from Republican Cory Gardner's campaign: “The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is an extreme anti-fracking group that works every day to attack Colorado’s energy economy and calls Senator Udall one of their ‘staunchest allies in the U.S. Senate.’ While Senator Udall says he is a ‘champion […]

It’s The One Thing Cory Gardner Does Well

AP's Nick Riccardi: Republican U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner's campaign is reporting it raised $1.4 million during the first three months of the year, almost all of it in March, following his surprise announcement he would challenge Democratic Sen Mark Udall. Gardner raised $1.24 million in March and has $2.1 million in cash available. Udall raised […]

Gardner’s hollow campaign narrative

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Political campaigns love to develop a narrative and connect it to everything they say and do. But sometimes they overdo it, and the campaign narrative suddenly looks cramped. Thanks to reporting by multiple media outlets, GOP senatorial candidate Cory Gardner's all-consuming Obamacare narrative is already smelling overdone and forced. And it's […]

Gardner’s attempt to compare his abortion stance to Schaffer’s doesn’t make sense

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) In a blog post Friday, I tipped my hat to a Greeley talk-radio show for being the first media outlet to report that Cory Gardner's new position on abortion, in the wake of his un-endorsement of the personhood amendment, aligns with dogmatic religious views against abortion, even in the case of […]

Buck, Like Gardner, Says No To Covering Pre-Existing Conditions

This week, Republican U.S. Senate candidate-turned CD-4 primary contender Ken Buck released his "plan" for what to do about health care once the historic calamity and grave injustice that is Obamacare (hopefully we hammed that up sufficiently) is repealed. Buck's three-page plan, with large pictures on two pages, doesn't reveal much in the way of […]

Former CD-4 Candidate With Prophetic Words for Cory Gardner’s U.S. Senate Bid

The Colorado Independent published a story this week about Republican Cory Gardner's bid for the U.S. Senate and his highly-publicized Personhood flip-flop. The story includes some interesting quotes from Doug Aden, the American Constitution Party candidate in CD-4 in 2010 (the year Gardner was first elected to Congress). As Tessa Cheek reports: In Weld Country, […]

Talk-radio scoop: Gardner says his abortion position is same as Archbishop Chaput

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) When Rep. Cory Gardner dumped his longstanding support of the Personhood amendment two weeks ago, reporters failed to tell us about Gardner's new position on abortion. It turns out, Gardner now holds the same abortion stance as Archbishop Charles Chaput, who left Denver for a Vatican post in Philadelphia in 2011. That's what […]

Personhood USA Begs Gardner: “Come Back Before it’s Too Late”

Despite his best efforts, Republican Senate candidate Cory Gardner just can't shake the Personhood issue; but it's not just Democrats who keep bringing it up. The following is an open letter, reprinted in its entirety, released via the Christian Newswire by Keith Mason of Personhood USA to Gardner, lamenting Gardner's recent reversal of support for the organization's namesake […]

Gardner Challenges Udall To “Oppose” What’s Not Happening

An unusual statement Tweeted earlier today by Republican Senate candidate Cory Gardner's campaign: First off, it would be great if Gardner would publish his press releases in plain text on his website, instead of making graphics out of them. Then again, it's not as easy to actually quote him this way, and that might be strategic for […]

BREAKING: Gardner Recommits To “Personhood” Abortion Ban

As the Rocky Mountain News reports today, another stunning turnabout in the Colorado U.S. Senate race: Less than two weeks after Republican U.S. Senate candidate Cory Gardner announced he could no longer support the so-called "Personhood" abortion bans that appeared on the Colorado ballot in prior years, today Gardner announced that he "takes it all […]


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