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(D) Diana DeGette*

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(D) Joe Neguse*

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(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



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(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



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(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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Friday “Bombshell”–Gardner Flips on Personhood Abortion Ban

UPDATE: In the story cited below, Cory Gardner claims that he started rethinking his support for the Personhood abortion ban "after voters rejected it by 3-to1 margin in 2010." As reported by Lynn Bartels, that appears very hard to believe, in light of the fact that Gardner signed on as a co-sponsor on July 23rd […]

Udall vs. Gardner: The Kitchen Sink vs. Obamascare

Good analysis of the Colorado U.S. Senate race today from the Denver Post's Lynn Bartels: Abortion, immigration, the federal government shutdown — to hear the left tell it, Republican U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner has a multitude of sins to answer for as he campaigns across Colorado to unseat Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Udall. The right […]

Cory Gardner Loves Him Some Ken Buck

Republican Ken Buck announced today what should come as little surprise: Rep. Cory Gardner has endorsed his campaign to replace him in CD-4. ​Buck made the announcement on Twitter this morning (see image at right). While the endorsement isn't a surprise for ideological reasons, it still seems a bit strange to play right into the […]

Caption This Photo: Cory Gardner and Paul Ryan Yuck It Up

Via Facebook ​For reasons we haven't yet determined, something about this phone, or perhaps the camouflage phone case, is really funny! Either way, given Rep. Paul Ryan's recent appearances in the headlines, we thought our readers might enjoy hypothesizing what's going on here. Was this the moment Rep. Cory Gardner got his own Koch brothers hotline? Which […]

Kochs in Colorado for Gardner

The Koch Brothers and their Tea Party group Americans for Prosperity are coming to a TV screen near year you. As Politico reports: Americans for Prosperity has reserved nearly $850,000 in airtime for TV ads that will begin Monday. A source tracking media buys told POLITICO that about $500,000 in time has been reserved in […]

Should Health Reform Cover Pre-Existing Conditions? Gardner: No

A major liability hanging over the candidacy of Rep. Cory Gardner for the U.S. Senate is video from a 2010 congressional primary debate from Gardner's run for CD-4, wherein Gardner proudly declares his support for the "Personhood" abortion ban–even going so far as to tell how he helped circulate the petition to get the measure […]

“Buck or Gardner?” Team Udall Hopes You Can’t Tell

UPDATE: The Denver Post's Lynn Bartels: “No matter how closely you look or how hard you squint, there’s no distinguishing Ken Buck’s ideas from Cory Gardner’s record,” Udall campaign spokesman Chris Harris said. “If Ken Buck believes it, the odds are that Cory Gardner has voted for it.” Gardner spokesman Alex Siciliano fired back. “No […]

Dan Caplis’ “two-whacks” Gardner theory

("This is getting creepy — he's Bob Schaffer all over again" – promoted by Colorado Pols) To the people who tell me I should get hazard pay for listening to conservative talk radio, I prove you wrong by offering this intelligent insight from KHOW radio host Dan Caplis, delivered during a discussion about why Rep. […]

Democrats Hit Gardner in Web Ad

Colorado Democrats have put out a web ad highlighting the highly-conservative record of Rep. Cory Gardner. You can see the ad after the jump, but first, here's FOX 31's Eli Stokols: The one-minute video focuses on Gardner’s support for the 2010 Personhood initiative, which would have effectively banned abortion in Colorado, a House GOP budget […]

Cory Gardner Polls Similar to Randy Baumgardner in Senate Race

New polling data on Colorado's U.S. Senate race was made available today by the right-leaning firm Rasmussen Reports, and the results are telling in their sameness compared to previous polls. Rasmussen now keeps Toplines and Crosstabs behind a paywall, so we don't know the answer to the question that we've always found more telling than […]


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