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As budding Senate BFFs, Gardner cites Cruz, Moran, Paul, and Thune

(The company Cory keeps – Promoted by Colorado Pols) Most people groan when media figures toss soft-ball questions at public officials, but not all softballs are created equal. As you'd expect, during a Jan. 27 interview, KNUS talk-radio host Krista Kafer thew a bunch of eye-roll-inducing questions at Colorado's new Republican Senator, Cory Gardner, like […]

Sen. Gardner in Full “Con Man Cory” Mode as Koch Brothers Plan to Spend Billions in 2016 Election

You remember the Koch Brothers, right? The ultra-conservative coal baron founders of Americans for Prosperity have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in recent elections in support of Republican candidates who promise to stand up in support of endless tax breaks for the ridiculously wealthy (among other things). Republican Senator Cory "Con Man" Gardner has […]

Cory Gardner and Climate Change: What Did You Expect?

As FOX 31's Eli Stokols reports: After campaigning successfully last year as a "different kind of Republican," Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner is under fire from conservationists for voting Wednesday against an amendment stating that humans contribute to climate change, something 69 percent of his constituents believe to be a fact. Fifteen Senate Republicans, including 2016 […]

Reporters are still letting Gardner play them on immigration

Republican Sen. Cory Gardner took his slippery interview tactics to the national stage of PBS' Newshour yesterday, responding to questions with predictions of the future, not answers to the questions, leaving us thinking we got answers from our new Senator. When we really didn't. In a re-wind of what we heard from Gardner during his election campaign, […]

Watch Out Cory Gardner, The ‘Baggers Are Restless

A conservative blogger at describes a Republican Party public event with Sen.-elect Cory Gardner sometime last month in Highlands Ranch that apparently didn't go so well: With about 100 people at the meet and greet, it was a standing room only event where Gardener spoke for about two minutes and then went to mingle with the […]

Top 10 Stories of 2014: Cory Gardner Runs for U.S. Senate (#8)

Next month Republican Cory Gardner will be sworn-in as Colorado's newest U.S. Senator. This story is not about that. In fact, let's forget about the outcome of the 2014 Election altogether (at least for the purposes of the words that follow). Regardless of what happened in November, one of the biggest political stories in Colorado […]

Owen Hill Has a Different Story for You (and Cory Gardner)

We were recently forwarded an email that State Sen. Owen Hill sent to supporters this week, and we must admit to being impressed; when it comes to self-promotional nonsense messaging that ignores history, Hill is a true talent. Hill spends most of his email discussing Republican victories in the 2014 election, though he adds unnecessarily, […]

Politifact’s Lie of the Year: Cory Gardner’s Ebola Scare Tactics

From Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checker Politifact–no shortage of lies on the campaign trail in 2014, but here's what they chose as the biggest whopper of this almost-concluded midterm election year: [Since the first Ebola case in America], more Americans — at least nine, and likely many more — have died from the flu. Yet fear of the disease […]

Newly Elected Republican Senators Sign Pledge to Eliminate Food Stamp Program in 2015 [GARDNER]

Senators Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), David Perdue (R-Ga.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.). “Small businesses and the American people cannot afford President Obama’s countless new regulations and tax increases. There is a right way and a […]

Watchdog reporting needed on Gardner

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Yesterday, Rep. Cory Gardner voted to halt Obama's program to defer deportation of millions of immigrants who have children in our country. Gardner voted in Aug. (during the election campaign) against halting Obama's  program to defer deportations of young immigrants. The two votes weren't exactly identical, but they're close enough to  make you wonder how Gardner […]


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