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(R) Lauren Boebert

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(D) Jason Crow*

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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(D) Yadira Caraveo

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Immigration Reformers Await Gardner, Coffman Votes Today

UPDATE #2:'s Luke Brinker: Endorsing Rep. Cory Gardner’s campaign against Democratic Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado this fall, the editorial board of the Denver Post assured readers that Gardner was not the extremist Udall and Democrats depicted… It turns out that maybe Gardner didn’t really mean all that stuff about being warm and fuzzy […]

In classic dodge, Gardner refuses to take government shutdown off the table

(Joke's on you – Promoted by Colorado Pols) Warning to Washington DC reporters: Here comes Senator-elect Cory Gardner! Gardner tried to slither past Colorado reporters by answering questions with falsehoods (See personhood.) or responding to queries with predictions about the future, instead of answers to the actual questions (See immigration.). Now Gardner is trotting out […]

Gardner’s Immigration Tap Dance Continues As Senator-Elect

GOP Sen.-elect Cory Gardner appeared on This Week with George Stephanopoulos yesterday, in one of his first national media appearances since his victory last Tuesday. For many viewers who haven't followed the Colorado U.S. Senate race closely, this was a chance to see the much-balleyhooed Colorado Republican wunderkind in action: “I think it’s important that Republicans show that we […]

Cory Gardner and the Elephant Still in the Room

Most media outlets have a policy that prohibits them from doing any hard-hitting news stories about a campaign once we reach the weekend before Election Day [insert obvious joke here]. It is a practice that we don’t disagree with, because it would be unfair to drop a bombshell accusation on a candidate in a news […]

Personhood leader’s Halloween costume shows how Gardner stabbed him in the back

(Ouch! – promoted by Colorado Pols) Here's my favorite Halloween costume. I only wish I'd actually seen it. @BigMediaBlog what do you think? My costume this year is a knife in my back with a "cg" on the side…. — Keith Mason (@Keith1Mason) November 1, 2014 We all know senatorial candidate Cory Gardner stabbed the […]

“Liberal” NPR goes with Gardner’s lies about Personhood and Women’s health

I truly believe NPR's Mara LIasson has Stockholm Syndrome from being a Fox News Analyst for many years. That's exactly what Roger Ailes wanted by hiring her and Juan Williams way back when, and when she clearly spouts Republican rhetoric over the People's airwaves on all those "liberal" NPR stations it becomes quite clear:     Morning […]

PPP: Udall, Gardner Tied at 48%, Hickenlooper, Beauprez at 47%

UPDATE: SurveyUSA released its final poll of 2014 today for the Denver Post, showing the gubernatorial race tied and the Senate race within two points: A poll conducted this week shows Gardner at 46 percent and Udall at 44 percent — a narrow edge within the four-percentage-point margin-of-error. The poll surveyed those who are likely to […]

Does bishops’ “neutral” stance on Amendment 67 shed light on Gardner’s preferred path to personhood

Colorado’s Catholic Bishops, speaking through the Colorado Catholic Conference, announced their “neutral stance” last week on Colorado’s latest personhood measure, Amendment 67. The Bishops’ announcement came in a news release denouncing an anti-personhood media campaign by Catholics for Choice, a national organization that challenges the “Vatican on matters related to sex, marriage, family life and […]

Hilarious New NARAL Ads Slam Gardner

A press release from NARAL Pro-Choice America announces a $450,000 ad buy for the above ad targeting young voters–attacking Republican Cory Gardner on issues he's been hit with before, except a lot funnier: “Cory Gardner tries to deceive Colorado voters on his opposition to birth control and his belief that politicians have a right to interfere […]

In familiar form, Gardner delivers his apparent personhood lie to third TV station, completing a trifecta

The Denver Post’s Lynn Bartels wrote yesterday: “Almost everyone but Congressman Gardner agrees that the federal bill is similar to state ‘personhood’ measures that Coloradans overwhelmingly defeated and Gardner supported until just weeks after entering the Senate race in February.” More proof came the night before, when Gardner’s told 7News’ Marc Stewart  (at the 50-second mark here) that the […]


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