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(D) Kamala Harris

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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



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(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



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(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



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(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



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(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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Gardner Clams Up As Same-Sex Marriages Resume

As the Denver Post's Jesse Paul reports, same-sex marriages are taking places across Colorado today as the last remaining stays against county clerks are vacated. After years of political battles, lost elections, and in the end anticlimactic court decisions responding to public opinion that has shifted dramatically, marriage equality is the law in Colorado: Douglas County […]

SEIU Hits Gardner On Minimum Wage En Español

Here's the English translation of SEIU Committee on Political Education's (COPE) newest Spanish language ad running in Colorado, hitting Republican Cory Gardner on his opposition to raising the minimum wage: Juanita: I am a person who works… and I need to have two jobs… Voiceover: But Republican Cory Gardner fought against raising the minimum wage here […]

Gardner’s Weasely Flip-Flop on Human-Caused Climate Change

Politico's James Hohmann reports from yesterday's debate between Sen. Mark Udall and GOP challenger Cory Gardner, moderated by Manu Raju: “Carbon pollution is real,” said Udall. “We’re prepared to put a price on carbon … I support putting a price on carbon.” Gardner repeatedly pressed Udall to say what exact price he would put on […]

Aurora Sentinel Rips Into Gardner in Endorsing Udall

As we say every Election Year, we don't attempt to list every newspaper endorsement of every major political race in Colorado. Rather, we keep an eye out for particularly notable endorsements and/or obvious trends. After an initial weekend of newspaper endorsements, one trend has glaringly stood out: By and large, editorial boards of Colorado newspapers […]

CBS/NYT: Udall 45%, Gardner 42%

We didn't want to miss mention of a new poll out this weekend from CBS and the New York Times, showing Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Udall with a three-point lead on Republican Cory Gardner–still well within the poll's +/- 3% margin of error. Here are your toplines: Interestingly, this month's CBS/NYT poll shows the same […]

Beauprez should explain what the fed personhood bill that he’s co-sponsored would do. And tell Gardner

Reporters looking for another source to counter senatorial candidate Cory Gardner’s contention that “there is no federal personhood bill” can turn to gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez, who cosponsored federal personhood legislation and acknowledges his own support for it. And while he’s talking, Beauprez should explain what his federal personhood bill would do. Both Gardner and […]

Durango Herald Rips Gardner In Powerful Udall Endorsement

'Tis the season for newspaper editorial board endorsements. As always, we want to make clear that we won't be posting links to every endorsement published by every newspaper in Colorado, despite the perennial requests we get each election cycle to do so. There's far too many, and frankly, most of them are not newsworthy. But we did […]

Gardner Gets Ridiculous: “They are different, they are not the same.”

FRIDAY UPDATE: Cory Gardner earns the dubious honor of's Whopper of the Week, via Politico: FACTCHECK.ORG WHOPPER OF THE WEEK: Rep. Cory Gardner, the Republican Senate candidate in Colorado, grabs this week’s honor for insisting “there is no federal personhood bill.” Gardner is a co-sponsor of the Life Begins at Conception Act. The bill […]

Explaining Gardner’s Mysterious Personhood Hypocrisy

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) POLS UPDATE: Cory Gardner goes all broken record again for MSNBC's Morning Joe today: —– If you've been following my blog, you know that I can't shake this question out of my head. Why did senatorial candidate Cory Gardner drop the state personhood amendments but remain a co-sponsor of the federal personhood […]

For use in the Gardner rabbit hole, here’s more details on what fed personhood bill would do

(Everyone agrees but Cory – promoted by Colorado Pols) Fox 31 Denver's Eli Stokols repeatedly tried to convince senatorial candidate Cory Gardner last week that there is such a thing as a federal personhood bill, and Gardner is a co-sponsor of it. In so doing, Stokols cited, which reported not only that the bill […]


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