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(D) Kamala Harris

(R) Donald Trump



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(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



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(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



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(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



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(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



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(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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MSNBC Nails Gardner As Federal Personhood Deadline Passes

​MSNBC's Steve Benen reports on the deadline missed by Rep. Cory Gardner last Friday, as noted by our friend Jason Salzman, to remove himself as a co-sponsor of the federal Life at Conception Act before the November elections: No issue has dogged Rep. Cory Gardner’s (R) Senate campaign in Colorado more than a policy known as […]

Gardner all in on federal personhood bill

(The die is cast – Promoted by Colorado Pols) The House of Representatives adjourned at noon today, meaning Colorado senatorial candidate Cory Gardner has officially missed his chance to withdraw his name from the Life at Conception Act, a federal personhood bill, prior to the Nov. election. To uncosponsor the bill, Gardner would have had […]

Clock ticking on Gardner’s opportunity to withdraw his co-sponsorship from federal personhood bill

(Will he or won't he? Does it even matter now? – Promoted by Colorado Pols) It's a big week for senatorial candidate Cory Gardner, as the clock ticks down on his opportunity to withdraw his co-sponsorship from a federal personhood bill, which aims to ban all abortion, even for rape and incest. To get his […]

Gardner even dodges “friendliest audience you could ever hope for”

(Afraid to go on Caplis? Seriously? – Promoted by Colorado Pols) KNUS radio host Dan Caplis said this morning that during 21 years on air, he's "never had trouble booking Cory Gardner." But he said, "we have had, on a regular basis, trouble booking Cory Gardner for the last three-or-four months," even though his show […]

Shaun Boyd’s Reality Check Dismantles Cory Gardner, Again

The last few weeks have been very hard on GOP U.S. Senate candidate Cory Gardner, with numerous objective news sources debunking claims Gardner has relied on to escape his unsightly past record on reproductive choice and contraception. The latest this past Friday was from CBS4's Shaun Boyd: Key excerpts: GARDNER: I believe the pill ought to be available […]

Sister of Sandy Hook Victim Demands Accountability From Gardner, Beauprez

SUNDAY UPDATE #2: The Denver Post's story on Tom Ready's comments was corrected late this morning, though their 180-degree misquote of what he said is unfortunately what their print subscribers are reading today: *Editor's note: The article has been edited to correct the statement "There is still question about whether it really happened, Sal." The previous edit stated […]

Planned Parenthood Debunks Gardner’s Contraception Math

A new ad running in Colorado from Planned Parenthood Action Fund tears into GOP U.S. Senate candidate Cory Gardner's "alternative plan" for over-the-counter sales of oral contraceptives, meant to replace the Affordable Care Act's guarantee of no-cost access to birth control for insured women once Gardner's stated goal of "repealing Obamacare" is achieved. From PPAF's […]

SurveyUSA/Denver Post: Udall 46%, Gardner 42%

New polling out today from SurveyUSA conducted for the Denver Post shows incumbent Sen. Mark Udall with a steady four-point lead over GOP challenger Cory Gardner. Lynn Bartels reports: U.S. Sen. Mark Udall leads Republican challenger Cory Gardner by 4 percentage points in a new Denver Post poll that shows the Democratic incumbent is ahead […]

Udall Presses Attack On Gardner Over Floods, Shutdown

​ A press release from Sen. Mark Udall's campaign on their new TV spot hitting GOP challenger Cory Gardner over last year's shutdown of the federal government–which occurred just after major flooding along the Front Range of Colorado, requiring an emergency federal response. After several weeks of skirmishes on the issue, Udall takes the proverbial gloves […]

9NEWS Truth Test a Joke To Cory Gardner

​9NEWS political reporter Brandon Rittiman has done a commendable job this election season with a series of Truth Tests of political TV spots running in Colorado. We haven't always agreed 100% with Rittiman's analysis, but the simple act of looking at the claims made this year, like Americans For Prosperity's bogus Obamacare attack ads, has been invaluable […]


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