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(D) Diana DeGette*

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(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



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(R) Lauren Boebert

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(R) Jeff Crank

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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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Politifact, OB/GYNs Skewer Gardner Contraception Plan

As the battle in the Colorado U.S. Senate race has raged over women's access to reproductive health care and contraception, Republican Cory Gardner has tried desperately to get out from under his longstanding support for the Personhood abortion ban initiatives–which, as everyone even remotely literate in Colorado politics should know by now, could have the […]

Live Blog (Sort Of): Mark Udall vs. Cory Gardner, U.S. Senate Debate

It’s time to fire up the Colorado Pols Debate Diary once again. That's right, friends: It's live-blog time! It has become something of a tradition here at Colorado Pols for us to give you, our loyal readers, a live blog, play-by-play of political debates in Colorado. This afternoon we are live-blogging a video replay of […]

Video: Cory Gardner’s Epic Abortion Pivot Fail

We've got several clips of video from yesterday's debates in Grand Junction hosted by civic engagement group Club 20 to share, but one particularly noteworthy exchange between incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Udall and GOP challenger Cory Gardner last night needed to get in the record right away. In this truly remarkable clip of video, Udall hammers Gardner […]

Gardner: “There is no federal personhood bill.”

(Once again–the federal Life at Conception Act contains the same operative language as Colorado's Personhood abortion ban. Gardner's distinction according to fact-checkers, is complete BS. – promoted by Colorado Pols) 9News political reporter Brandon Rittiman got one-on-one interviews with both senatorial candidates last week, and the questions he chose to ask Sen. Mark Udall and his […]

Some details on how Gardner “built his entire political career on support of personhood”

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Back in July, Cosmo's Ada Calhoun quoted Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA, as saying: Mason: "[Cory Gardner has] built his entire political career on support of personhood. I think he's just listening to some bad advice, and he's playing politics." Calhoun didn't get into the details of how and why […]

Gardner Renewable Energy Ad Crashes and Burns

I cowrote the law to launch our state's green energy industry. ​Refreshing journalism yesterday from the AP's Kristen Wyatt, fact-checking GOP Senate candidate Cory Gardner's latest TV spot: GOP Senate candidate Cory Gardner, framed by sunflowers and wind turbines, tells voters in a campaign ad this week that he co-wrote a law to launch Colorado's […]

Udall Unleashes Devastating Abortion Memo On Gardner

FOX 31's Eli Stokols reports–this one's going to leave a mark. Just as GOP U.S. Senate hopeful Cory Gardner is looking to re-introduce himself on women’s health issues, Democratic Sen. Mark Udall’s campaign is set to hammer him for legislation he supported as a state lawmaker that sought to punish abortion providers more harshly than […]

“Dr. Chaps” Loves Cory Gardner’s Life At Conception Act

Yesterday saw a new lengthy email missive from Republican HD-15 nominee Gordon "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt, whose wild rhetoric before and after winning the Republican primary to succeed former House Minority Leader Mark Waller has been making national headlines. Klingenschmitt's recent suggestion that openly gay Rep. Jared Polis was ready to start "beheading Christians" "in America" […]

New Gardner Ad Keeps Contraception “Distraction” Top of Mind

UPDATE #2: FOX 31’s Eli Stokols: While Gardner disavowed Colorado’s personhood initiative earlier this year, he remains a sponsor of the federal version of the same policy, the Life Begins at Conception Act, which would ban common forms of birth control and abortion. [Pols emphasis] “Congressman Gardner will do anything to hide his backwards agenda […]

Ryan’s Radio Love for Gardner Regurgitates Trouble for Republicans

(You're not helping… – Promoted by Colorado Pols) Rep. Paul Ryan was in town last week, and he did a round of interviews on talk radio shows, hoping to find a audience hungry for his new book, which essentially explains how the Tea Party can grab actual control of things, instead of just throwing wrenches […]


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