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(D) Diana DeGette*

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(D) Adam Frisch

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(R) Lauren Boebert

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(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



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(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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Udall Outraises Gardner in First Full Head-to-Head Quarter

As Fox 31's Eli Stokols reports: Colorado Democratic Sen. Mark Udall raised $3.1 million in the second quarter of the year and now has $5.7 million in cash on hand as the race against Republican challenger Cory Gardner enters a more competitive phase with the election less than four months away. Udall, who is seeking […]

Udall Fronts Hobby Lobby Fix While Gardner Says “Make ‘Em Pay”

​The Colorado Independent's Tessa Cheek reports from yesterday's press conference on legislation, introduced by Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, to undo last week's Hobby Lobby Supreme Court ruling relieving many corporations of "Obamacare's" obligation to cover contraceptives in their health insurance plans: Senator Mark Udall joined women’s health advocates today to discuss his newest bill, which […]

Gardner un-cosponsored legislation in 2011, showing how he can un-cosponsor federal personhood bill now

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) One of the biggest election-year hypocrisies hanging out there, waiting for a civic-minded reporter to jump on, is the fact that senatorial candidate Cory Gardner remains a cosponsor of federal personhood legislation, even though he's told the world, both in interviews and even in a paid advertisement, that he's "learned more" […]

Gardner Recites Every Fracking Fallacy In The Book

As the Durango Herald's Brandon Mathis reports, GOP U.S. Senate candidate Cory Gardner has got his talking points on energy down pat. It's total BS, of course, but he's got great delivery: U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner, seeking to unseat incumbent U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, defended hydraulic fracturing as a job creator and said bans of […]

Why do Beauprez and Gardner support personhood at the federal but not the state level?

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) ​On 9News' "Balance of Power" show Saturday, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez confirmed his continued support for a federal personhood law but said he doesn't support a state personhood amendment. In so doing, Beauprez aligned himself with U.S. Senate candidate Cory Gardner, who's withdrawn his support for a personhood amendment in […]

Cory Gardner on Immigration: What Do You Want To Hear?

CBS4 reports on fascinating developments yesterday from a rally inside Rep. Cory Gardner's Greeley offices: Dozens of immigration reform protesters packed Rep. Cory Gardner’s office calling for changes. They even brought a mariachi band. “We have our rights. This is a public office. We’re taxpayers. We’re refusing to leave, everyone come in,” chanted the protesters… […]

Don’t Weep For John Zakhem, Cory Gardner

An excellent story yesterday from the Colorado Independent's Susan Greene takes a follow-up look at a group called the Citizen Awareness Project, a 501(c)(4) interest group under the federal tax code that was championed as an example of so-called "IRS abuse" of conservative organizations seeking tax exempt status last year: The conservative group Cory Gardner has […]

Cory Gardner: The Great Con Is On

UPDATE #3: Rep. Diana DeGette fires back at Gardner in a new Denver Post op-ed: In 2006, Gardner offered an amendment in the Colorado statehouse to prohibit emergency contraception birth control pills under the state Medicaid program. A year later, he was one of only nine members of the statehouse to oppose emergency contraception birth control […]

Planned Parenthood Rips Gardner In New Ad

UPDATE: The Colorado Independent's John Tomasic: Gardner is unlikely to come out ahead in the web war. His performance in his ad is stilted expository. He says he “changed his mind on personhood” but he hasn’t. He backed a slew of anti-abortion bills over the last decade and as an officeholder and he supported personhood […]

What Gardner Isn’t Saying on Immigration Is More Important than What He Says

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) An Associated Press article last week reported on the clashes between Sen. Mark Udall and his Republican opponent, Rep. Cory Gardner, on immigration issues. The AP piece, by Nicholas Riccardi, not only presents the two candidates' current positions on the topic but also adds info about what the one of the […]


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