President (To Win Colorado) See Full Big Line

(D) Kamala Harris

(R) Donald Trump



CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



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12 Things Colorado Women Know That You Don’t

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Colorado’s 2013 Legislative Session is in the books, er, I mean binders. It was a doozy. Shit got done. Progress got made. And the women who make up 41% of the folks representing Coloradans at the Capitol were a huge reason why. We decided to take a look back at some […]

We Never Knew Ye, Clint Webster (Yeah, Right Edition)

On May 17th, a press conference was held at the offices of the right-wing Independence Institute, featuring attorney Dave Kopel and most of the state's elected county sheriffs announcing their lawsuit against two gun safety bills passed this year's legislative session. Present at the press conference was, as we reported that afternoon, a 2010 GOP state […]

Today In BS: How It Gets Spread (Even If You’re Dead)

THURSDAY UPDATE #2: Media Matters weighs in with gusto: Kopel is not a reputable source of information in the gun policy debate. [Pols emphasis] During a December 2012 appearance on CNN to discuss a high-profile shooting involving an NFL player, Kopel falsely claimed that there is no link between gun availability and homicide rates, even though […]

Let No Facts Stand In The Way Of Rage

A brief roundup of reporting on the release late Friday by Colorado Attorney General John Suthers of long-awaited technical guidance for law enforcement on the implementation of House Bill 1224, the bill limiting gun magazine capacity to 15 rounds. Suthers' release of this guidance, which lays out the plain language of House Bill 1224 and seeks to […]

Winners and Losers of the 2013 Legislative Session

(Here come the recaps – Promoted by Colorado Pols) This year's session of the Colorado General Assembly was truly historic. After two years of divided control and stagnation in the legislature, a large backlog of high-priority, common-sense reforms awaited lawmakers in January. Working tirelessly in the face of right-wing obstruction, smear campaigns, and even threats […]

Weld County Sheriff Cooke won’t arrest federal agents

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Last month I reported that Larry Pratt, Director of Gun Owners of America, praised Weld Country Sheriff John Cooke for his opposition to gun safety legislation. On KFKA's Scooter McGee show, Pratt said some 400 sheriffs in the U.S. are promising not to enforce gun-safety laws, like Colorado's new statute expanding […]

When The Sheriff Is The Fringe

We were recently forwarded copies of the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners candidate questionnaire for 2010 candidates for county sheriffs, with some responses from now-incumbent sheriffs. As you are probably aware, an ad hoc coalition of county sheriffs is threatening to sue, along with the right-wing Independence Institute, to block the two principal gun safety bills passed […]

Did Larimer County Sheriff Smith forsake the truth after pressure from Rocky Mountain Gun Owners?

(To protect, serve, and kowtow? Promoted by Colorado Pols) In 2010, when he was running for Sheriff of Larimer County, Justin Smith answered a "candidate questionnaire" from Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. It posed 10 questions for candidates running for the office of sheriff, and it advised that "failure to answer this survey" would be viewed […]

Anti-Obama Gun Protest Unexpectedly Fizzles

UPDATE: Another reader photo, we're delighted to inform you that what pro-gun protesters lacked in numbers today outside President Barack Obama's speech, they made up for in classy! Hopefully we don't have to explain this one (it's pretty straightforward). —– We reported yesterday about the National Rifle Association's call for a protest outside President Barack Obama's […]

Sheriff’s “Extortion” Claims Collapse

KRDO-TV puts what may be closure on the big story from the weekend of wild allegations from El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa of "extortion" against county sheriffs testifying against gun safety legislation. Saturday, Maketa was so certain that a possible felony had been committed, and threats had been made by the Democratic Senate leadership regarding […]


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