Hate Mail

Every day, a thousand times a day, legislators are mailed & emailed by constituents. It's naive to think that every email and letter will be supportive; that will never be the case, because let's face it - this is politics. But, sometimes they get ugly, really ugly. Read on if you don't believe me. These are real letters to real Colorado State Legislators from real people:
From: David Dou <david.dou90@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 7:49 PM

I am going to stick a knife up your cunt and tear your heart out through there. If you have one.
From: <Knowbody56@aol.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 7:19 AM
Subject: Please Resign!!
To: SenatorHudak@gmail.com
You are a waste of a human being. Let's hope someday you are raped and wish you had something to protect yourself. If I was one of your children, I would be very ashamed of my mom and her ignorant mouth. You are truly the leading asshole in the state.
Guy Applegate
From: David Cassidy <dacass@live.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 8:14 AM
Subject: Testimony
To: senatorhudak@gmail.com
You arrogant, despicable POS. You bastard communist demonRATS are going to pay.
From: nunya business <dxsmopuim@msn.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 4:20 PM
Subject: Hoping YOU get raped !
To: "SenatorHudak@gmail.com" <SenatorHudak@gmail.com
But of course my prayers won’t be answered because you are way to fat and ugly for anyone to rape. You are a pig. I don’t just mean the way you look either. You are a PIG. A NAZI PIG. Another typical mindless idiot obamanite zombie MORON. You and those like you are the reason the word democrat has become a curse word in duhmerica. Maybe someone will in fact stick a gun in your mouth and rob you and beat you to death. THEN the world will in fact be a safer place. For this I pray and I am an atheist !

From: John <lobo@fewpb.net>
Date: Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 8:22 PM
Subject: YOU DISGUST ME!!!!!!!!!
To: senatorhudak@gmail.com

So what I have seen is you ARGUING for rape victims to "What" "Just Lie There and TAKE it??????"

A woman MY ASS! , I am a man, and Have more Understanding of what you said than you do........
You Fucking Idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SIGNED: John Simon
From: tim fradenburg <timothyfradenburg@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 12:52 AM
Subject: what a..
To: SenatorHudak@gmail.com
Man what a nasty bitch you must be.
I watched the unbelievably cruel and other-worldly like interrogating of a rape victim by you and wondered, 'someone elected you to office?'. Craziness!
If anything positive can be said about this, perhaps your insensitivity to a rape victim could somewhat be blamed by the fact that you are absolutely rape proof and therefore as unable to relate to it as are many men.
You should resign and stop embarrassing the state of Colorado.
Dr. T. Fradenburgh
From: Nick Helvey <nick_helvey@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 5:20 PM
Subject: House Bill 13-1226
To: "
SenatorHudak@gmail.com" <SenatorHudak@gmail.com>

The government these days is so fucked up. While this woman is sittin there crying telling you her story about being a rape victim you all just sit there and just tell her sorry and she's wrong? You are an inconsiderate bitch and I hope you get raped at gunpoint then I'm sure you'd want a gun as well.

Peace, love, and fuck off cunt.

From: Rosemary Niichel <rmniichel@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 7:51 AM
Subject: Foot in mouth
To: "
senatorhudak@gmail.com" <senatorhudak@gmail.com>


I thought you believed in a woman's right to choose? What happened to that? I can hardly believe you are such an insensitive, disgusting bitch (I have no other description) that you could dismiss what that woman went through. For you to make the decision that she is not capable of defending herself is absolutely appalling. I can only hope that you will experience her terror, however, I doubt anyone would want to get near enough to rape you!

Thomas A. Niichel


From: SnoMad700 <snomad700@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:10 AM
Subject: HB 1226
To: "
senatorhudak@gmail.com" <senatorhudak@gmail.com>

You are one sick fat piece of shit . You ignorant and lazy liberals don't have a fuckin clue.
Get off the public's dime and find a real fucking job, cause you certainly don't know what the hell you're doing. YOU are fucking up the beautiful state of Colorado, time for you to go live in a cave in Mexico.
From: Patrick Tilley <frsperformance@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:26 AM
Subject: WOW

Jesus jumped up Christ on a fucking rubber crutch!!! I have never seen a woman so easily earn the title shit smeared cunt faster than you!!! Congrats on that you shit smeared cunt!
I do not know where you come off telling a woman statistics are not on her side. She was fucking brutally raped and you want to talk stats! You hold a leadership position and cling to statistics instead of the logic. Leftist mentality is really a mental illness and you are suffering from a terrible case.
Look I understand you look like ten pounds of shit in a one pound sack so the thought of being raped has never even crossed your mind. However other people out there should have the right to protect themselves.
Do us all a favor and go play in oncoming traffic you pathetic excuse for a human. Freedom and Liberty are two items you do not deserve.
Thank you for ruining our nation one state at a time! I hope my words have caused you pause. I watched the video and seen your apathy towards a rape victim and decided you deserve a reminder that you can still feel things.
Go fuck yourself,
From: DRW <drw907@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Rape
Perhaps if YOU were a victim of rape you would not be such a disgusting evil bitch towards other victims
Fuck You Cunt..

From: MARY MILLER <marymiller55@me.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:41 PM
Subject: Rape
To: "
SenatorHudak@gmail.com" <SenatorHudak@gmail.com>

If I run into you I will vomit on you. What a disgusting, smarty-pants, know-it-all trailer piece. Who would be able to NOT to vomit on you. Smarty-pants, guess what I wish for you. How that girl could hold back when you had the disgusting gall to lecture her is beyond me. May Westminster be swallowed by a sink hole (except for the animals). If you are an example of the kind of human-like creature THAT ( do you get the distinction-I bet you're not bright enough-80 point IQ) lives there it will be no loss. I can wish-it's still a free country until the coup.

Absolutely worst wishes,
From: D W <rvguytoo@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 1:07 PM
Subject: Rape
Dear CUNT,
You need to be gang raped, you FUCKING CUNT WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!
THEN we shall see what you think of self defense you FUCKING CUNT WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You ignorant arrogant liberal cunt whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: David Dou <david.dou90@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 7:46 PM

Youre a fucking disgusting piece of shit, and you deserve to be gang raped until your guts fall out of your rotten old cunt, you worthless sack of shit.

Go fucking die.
From: Jamie <jamiem@newulmtel.net>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:20 PM
Subject: Dear Senator
You are probably aware of the video circulating like wildfire, of your STOOOOOPID comments to that poor rape victim.
Let me say here and now, you are one dumb fucking cunt! You should be ashamed of yourself and your remarks.
Thankfully, you are so fucking ugly, you probably will never be a rape victim like that poor girl in the video that you are
talking down to. If you have an ounce of shame left in your body, you would apologize to her and resign from your elected position.
From: John Krats <john.krats@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:55 PM
Subject: DFC

You are a Delta Fox Charley: Dumb F#$@ing Cunt. The world would be a better place without useful idiots such as yourself. Please committ suicide at your leisure.
From: Ron Nielsen <ncresen@frontiernet.net>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 6:16 AM
Subject: your Pompous speech to a Rape Victim
you are a whore who has no fear of being raped
how dare you say what you said

Ron Nielsen
P.O. Box 79
Palisade MN 56469

From: Chad M. Greene <chadasap@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:22 PM

To: "
senatorhudak@gmail.com" <senatorhudak@gmail.com>
If you weren't so ugly and fat that nobody would consider having sex with you, you'd be more sympathetic to rape survivors. You should buy a gun and kill yourself you disgusting, ugly, fat piece of shit.

From: Clyde Denver Triplett <clydedenver@live.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:11 PM
Subject: Guns

To: "
SenatorHudak@gmail.com" <SenatorHudak@gmail.com>

Your a lying bitch, Shawn hannity show last night,debunked your lies , go smoke some more dope, I will work for anybody, to get you out, my mother just left me 1.46 million in a will and I will use it in the next election, your gay loving, dope smoking, anti Jessica's Law, speaker in fact I'm going to fund a recall Petition , your not a American , left wing loon, how many babies will you kill this week, how many lizards will you protect for solar power.
From: Mike Hladik <hlads66@msn.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 12:56 PM
Subject: Serious?

To: "
SenatorHudak@gmail.com" <SenatorHudak@gmail.com>
Just because you are an ugly ass woman doesn’t mean you can’t get raped, if you’re lucky!! To tell a rape victim that she shouldn’t have a gun AND that if she did she wouldn’t be any better off MAKES ME SICK!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a sad excuse of a human and should step down now!!!! What a pathetic statement!!!! How do you sleep at night!!!!!!
Mike Hladik
From: Brian Carr <bccarr7@att.net>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 5:48 PM
Subject: Guns

My sister was raped.

You are unfathomable scum.

Go to hell and suffer.


From: Todd <todd.stetz@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:18 PM
To: "
SenatorHudak@gmail.com" <SenatorHudak@gmail.com>

YOU ARE SUCH A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Thomas Couch <creedtac@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:30 AM

I would just like to say, Ms. Hudak, You're nothing but a worthless peace of Communist shit, and you make me sick.
From: Linda Ferguson <lfergus@tcworks.net>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:29 AM
Subject: What?

What kind of stupid, foolish person are you to make the statements you made to that girl who had been raped? Are you a feminazi? Are you a man under all that bushy hair, a rapest who would like to see all women disarmed in order to make them even more vulnerable to the viciousness of rape? Are you a pervert who thinks rape would be fun? Your comments suggest that you don't see rape as a problem. Well, guess what you fool, it is unbelievably horrible. Put the shoe on the other foot and haul your big behind down to some getto and expose yourself to the worse of the worst and get yourself raped like a piece of meat. Maybe you'll also be beaten and kicked during the fun and games. And as you lie there moaning in agony and humiliation, your privates exposed and oozing seman, your breasts bitten and bruised, give some thought to how you could have avoided that had you been armed. Or would you enjoy that kind of sexual perversion? One might think so based on your insensitivety to rape victims.
Ms. Ferguson
From: Scott Burgess <gekkohorse@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 1:41 PM
Subject: Shit for Brains Senator!


You should die for supporting and encouraging the rape of women!

Disgusting fat sow!

Scott Burgess

From: bsramek <bsramek@prolynx.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 5:52 PM
Subject: Rape comment

A Fat pig like yourself would never have to worry about being raped - you probably WISH someone would service you.
From: Ed Riekens <elkwithabow@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:56 PM
Subject: Great job!

Yeah right. Saw your big dumb ugly ignorant ass on TV. How the fuck did you get so stupid? Were you just born that way? I sure feel sorry for the women of Colorado, having dumb cunts like you as their source of representation. God, you are hideous to look at. Go fist yourself, again.
Very, Very Sincerely,
E. R.
From: CW . <ewalters73@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:24 PM
Subject: Fat fuck

To: "
SenatorHudak@gmail.com" <SenatorHudak@gmail.com>

You stinking fat nasty dike liberal fuck. You Rosie Odonal Barney frank Obama are the death of this country. You stinking pig who are you to talk Down to anyone about being raped? Granted no man will ever touch you. You can respond you pig or just do the liberal shit "crazy people out there" I'm far from crazy pig

From: jared finnegan <ihatethis420@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:55 PM
Subject: Rape Victim Prevention

Dear Senator Hudak. You are less educated and more ignorant than 90% of the people i went to high school with, and trust me, there were some pretty ignorant and stupid kids there. "a gun wouldnt have helped you against your rapist because statistics are not on your side." It must be comforting to know that statistics however are on your side, and that you do not need to worry about being raped, because simply, you look like a man. No man, mentally ill or sane, would even think about putting his hands on you to rape you. You do not deserve your political position. You do not deserve compassion. You do not deserve life. You are a horrible, worthless human being. You told a rape victim that they basically deserved to be raped because of statistics. Resign now.

From: Mike <topgun97365@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 7:51 PM
Subject: Comments
You are a dumb Liberal Bitch!

From: James Arbus <Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.>

Subject: Passage of gun control law

Date: March 17, 2013 5:57:26 AM MDT

To: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

When it comes to intelligence you are a pathetically stupid politician. You sponsor emotional based laws because it feels good,not because it is logical. You have your head so far up your ass that the jaws of life couldn't save you. As a stupid bitch if you would have done your research , according to the FBI more people are killed by hammers, objects and bare hands more than they are by a rifle. So ban hammers and objects while your at it, I really hope some day you are confronted by a rapist or a killer so as to put yourself in someone's shoes. More people are killed by cars than any type of gun. So ban cars!

What about fast and furious. We got a fucking tyrant in the White House who is not accountable for the murder of a us agent and over 300 innocent Mexicans. But, you as a stupid cunt do not see what is happening and why that asshole wants to control guns. The first objective of tyranny is to disarm the people. This is true in nazi germany, takeover of Russia by Lenin, the murder of Ukrainians by Stalin, the murder of over 100 million Chinese by Mao.

Politicians should take a iq test. Apparently you do not qualify and that goes along with the other stupid democrats. Democrats are some of the most ignorant people on the face of this earth

We are experiencing tyranny and hope that the stupid politicians will pay dearly for their arrogance just like Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife by the people of this country if it gets to the point of total repression


From: cofarrar@comcast.net <cofarrar@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Budget Decisions
To: Cheri Jahn <

Go fuck yourself, you malignant cunt!
I eagerly await the day that elitist assholes like you are driven out of office forever!