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October 24, 2006 02:04 AM UTC

Ritter Still Leads Beauprez By Wide Margin

  • by: Colorado Pols

According to the latest 9News/SurveyUSA poll, Democrat Bill Ritter is in control of the governor’s race with two weeks to go:

Bill Ritter: 56%
Bob Beauprez: 38%


26 thoughts on “Ritter Still Leads Beauprez By Wide Margin

  1.   It looks like BWB’s courageous, principled stand in defense the First Amendment and whistle-blowers is paying dividends… Bill Ritter!

    1. He did what was needed to win the primary. He lost, but he tried. BWB then went after him even though  holtzman was basically offer to bury the hatchet and help BWB. I think that BWB was(is) showing the little man that he is.

  2. I am pretty confident in Ritter winning the governorship, but I am worried that the Dems won’t be able to maintain the hold on the state house.  The Dems are not out of the woods just yet.  Perhaps someone could provide me with some much needed reassurance to put my mind at ease? 

    1. Don’t look for reassurance by reading blogs–if you really care about the outcome, get your butt down to your local party headquarters and do some work for them.  I personally find it therapeutic to put my efforts toward a constructive activity–helps me cut down on my obsessive blog-checking.  Good luck.

    2. reassurance is shooting themselves in the foot. Both Ds and Rs need to take the immortal words of Satchel Paige to heart and – as I like to say – “run through the tape” (unlike that poor sucker in the Chicago marathon)

    3. For  an overview of the most contested elections in State House and Senate, see Bob Ewegen’s column in last Sunday’s Denver Post:

      My naive question is this:  How are the House Dems in jeopardy at all?  The Repubs lost 2004 election for failure to deal responsibly with the state fiscal crisis.  Dems have by and large acted with moderation and have carried out their program to get the budget back on track.  Why is the outcome in the House in doubt? 

      1. That was a presidential election year where more voters actually exercise their right.  While Sec. Dennis is claiming high voter turnout, she has been wrong one to many times for me to bite onto that. 

        Personally, I believe House will go down to the wire.  This is the one front the Republicans have put up a good fight (since lazy R’s in the Senate like Jones and Entz practically left their races to the 527’s) and Dems have been working tirelessly to keep hold of the House.

        The only way to be sure the Dems keep the house, is to make sure everyone you know votes.  Go down to the party or call up some candidates and go walk precincts, make phone calls, wave signs.  DO ANYTHING! 

  3. The Grim Milker’s numbers will continue plummeting when it starts sinking in that: (a) Voorhis is not protected under any “whistleblower” stature and (b) any quasi-moral defence of Voorhis’s actions is discredited by the fact that the GOP ICEman behaved more like a political operative than a concerned citizen in bringing his information to to the BWB campaign rather than the papers. Generally speaking, the voters will favor candidates for the state’s highest law enforcement office who manifest respect for, well, the rule of law. The Grim Milker justified his campaign’s conduct by sayiing, “It’s not wrong when we do it.” While the Nixonian argument may keep Beauprez bitter enders from scurrying off the USS Arvada, it’s also driving away the independents.

  4. The Grim Milker’s numbers will continue plummeting when it starts sinking in that: (a) Voorhis is not protected under any “whistleblower” statute and (b) any quasi-moral defence of Voorhis’s actions is discredited by the fact that the GOP ICEman behaved more like a political operative than a concerned citizen in bringing his information to to the BWB campaign rather than the papers. Generally speaking, the voters will favor candidates for the state’s highest law enforcement office who manifest respect for, well, the rule of law. The Grim Milker justified his campaign’s conduct by sayiing, “It’s not wrong when we do it.” While the Nixonian argument may keep Beauprez bitter enders from scurrying off the USS Arvada, it’s also driving away the independents.

      1. Our side hasn’t been doing a good job defending rule of law, e.g., the Salazar brothers’ despicable “yea” votes on the Military Tribunals Act. So we’ve not yet branded ourselves as the rule of law party to the extent we could have. Nonetheless, the raw materials for the narrative appear to be falling into our laps.

      2. Look at the details of the poll–D’s were pretty much sticking with Ritter; R’s were pretty much sticking with Beauprez; U’s will vote for the D’s in larger numbers and some soft R’s will desert.  That is what gives Ritter his better poll numbers.  Seats/districts that are “swing” are likely to swing D.  Districts with overwhelming R advantage will remain in R hands; candidates in districts with D advantage couldn’t lose if they tried. 
        Another interesting thing–if people approved of the President’s performance, they pretty much voted for Beauprez; if they disapproved of the President’s performance, then they pretty much voted for Ritter.  There are probably some things that Ritter or Beauprez could do to change the outcome, but not much and maybe there was not much they could have ever done.  It is not about Holtzman, or Beauprez’s ads or Ritter’s charisma–Barak Obama he ain’t.  Campaign gurus may not want to admit this, but Colorado is not bucking the national trend.  The Colorado electorate (a swing electorate by the way) is pretty reflective of the national mood.  But, there is not some major party realignment going on out there–at least not for the time being.  That sort of thing takes several cycles.  Rather, the swing voters (as opposed to party stalwarts) are unhappy with the President and his party.  The President isn’t running.  So, they are going to take it out on the R’s that are running.

        Republicans still probably have a shot at taking the House just because of the dynamics of some of the swing districts and races.  Look at the Ewegen article in the Denver Post; he is a good and unbiased observer.  He has it all called about right.

        And by the way, upticket (cause the Congressional seat is above the gubernatorial seat on the ballot), Lamborn will will win the 5th.  Fawcett will get more votes than any D ever has in the history of the seat.  But, it will not be anywhere near enough and that will be because the Democrats redistricted in a way to have a shot at the 3d and the 7th–both of which the Dems will have when all is said and done.  The price of doing that was to give up any chance of ever having a shot of winning in Colorado Springs.  An immutable fact of gerrymandering: the more precincts one puts together to make a swing district, the more partisan and safe for one party or the other, the remaining seats surrounding it will be.

  5. Why is the press not pointing out that this so called whistleblower Vorhis is a Republican activist who donated to numerous right wing republican candidates?

    1. So far the only right wing nut who has been I.D.’d as a recipient of Voorhis’ financial largesse is Mike Kopp who received $25 from the alleged whistle-blower.  Are there others?  Are there larger donations?

  6. I don’t know what possibly BWB could do at this point to pull himself out of political oblivion, but it is still possible–you never know, all the Giuliani fans could come out in force and vote BWB in (yeah right).  Honestly, who cares who New Yorkers think of this governor’s race–ever since the NYT panned the Hamilton addition, I’m sour on them.

      1. …there aren’t many fence sitters left my friend.  Add up Ritters 56% and BWB’s 38% and all you have left to fight over is 6%….it’s just not going to do it for BWB. By the way, if you’ve followed the work of Edwards since his defeat you would at least be informed enough to know what he is doing for poverty in Apalache — at least he’s using his time and wealth for things that are important in a great country like ours.

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