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November 03, 2006 02:56 PM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“I want to be invisible. I do guerrilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don’t know it’s over until you’re in a body bag.”

–Former Christian Coalition Director Ralph Reed


33 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. Last March, the Bush Administration set up a Web site to make public a vast archive of Iraqi documents captured during the war. The Bush administration did so under pressure from Congressional Republicans who had said they hoped to ?leverage the Internet? to find new evidence of the prewar dangers posed by Saddam Hussein.

    But in recent weeks, the site has posted some documents that weapons experts say are a danger themselves: detailed accounts of Iraq?s secret nuclear research before the 1991 Persian Gulf war. The documents, the experts say, constitute a basic guide to building an atom bomb.

    Last night, the government shut down the Web site after The New York Times asked about complaints from weapons experts and arms-control officials. A spokesman for the director of national intelligence said access to the site had been suspended ?pending a review to ensure its content is appropriate for public viewing.?

    It was basically instructions on how to build an atomic bomb. And Bush and his cronies publish it on the internet for political reasons. The reverse Midas touch describes Bush to a tee. He’s f***** up everything he touches and leaves the mess for others to clean up. The Republican rubber stamp Congress provides no oversight. They spit in the eye of the American taxpayer, and make the world a much more dangerous place….and they don’t care….as long as it lines their pockets.

    Had enough?

    1. I think Ralph Reed still counts himself in the “Christian” crowd; certainly when he was paying off Dobson and others with Jack Abramoff’s gambling client money, he was still accepted by the Dominionist leaders as “one of them”.

  2. So I saw a sign this morning that read: “Choose Life — No on I, Yes on 43”.  Will someone tell me what the heck this person thinks 43 and I have to do with abortion?

        1. Okay, thanks for the good laugh.

          In all seriousness, I am very strongly pro-life.  Being pro-life isn’t about trying to make sure that babies are born as often as possible.  It’s about protecting lives that already exist.  Since gay sex doesn’t create life anyway, it ought to be rather irrelevant to the pro-life movement.

          What disturbs me here is that the evil twin of the pro-life movement has always been a bunch of idiots who oppose abortion because they think pregnancy is God’s punishment for casual sex.  I tend to hope that there are as few such people as possible, but I guess this sign (which was professionally produced, so there must be more of them out there) speaks poorly to my hopes.

          (Yeah, I guess I already knew.  I was just upset at whatever moron put up the sign.)

          1. on that very point. I had one guy I knoiw proclaim, “I want my daughther to have to raise that kid if she goes against God’s will and has sex before marriage.” In that light, he therefore refuses to consider allowing his daugther to have birth control because she obviuously can’t be having sex. Oh yes, he is a single dad so his daughther has no mom to intervene.

            That is my biggest peeve, people who are against no just abortions but BIRTH CONTROL. Great, let’s not prevent pregnancies, since they shouldn’t be having sex, and ensure that pharmacies don’t have to dispense birth control if they don’t want to. But then complain about people who are now confronted with an unwanted pregnancy. I would LOVE to have zero abortions – it’s a personal goal. But I find the old saw “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” the best process for getting rid of the abortion issue – by NOT HAVING UNWANTED PREGNANCIES. What’s so hard about this concept?

            1. In case you don’t know any of this, there are two reasons people are opposed to birth control.

              First, there is the theory that some birth control may be abortifacient.  It is incredibly difficult to evaluate such claims with any degree of scientific rigor because the issue has become so politicized.  If this is true, I think it makes perfect sense to work on developing and promoting forms of birth control that are not abortifacient.

              Second, the Catholic Church teaches (and I agree, incidentally) that birth control is immoral in the context of a Christian marriage.  The Church also teaches that extramarital sex is wrong.  The logical fallacy here is that somehow it should follow that extramarital sex with birth control is twice as wrong.  It’s not!  Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact.  Religious leaders should be telling people not to have extramarital sex; but if they do, for goodness sake, at least use birth control.

              So there you go.  Now you all know that I’m a right-wing religious extremist; but I at least try not to be a shallow right-wing religious extremist.

              1. speech that “casual” sex has costs both physical and emotional and how we would consider it a shame if they engaged in it. I think your discussion is right on point and correct.

              2. but appreciate the way you presented them. 

                In countries where the power of the Catholic Church is very strong, as well as other Christian countries where ‘traditional’ values are sacred, abortions are common for young women.  Abortion is a way of saving a girl’s reputation so she can later marry.

                Organized religion continues to preach antiquated reasons against the use of birth control and, in my cynical opinion of organized religion, this preaching is soley meant to increase membership rather than promote responsible policy.

          2. .
            Catholic for 50+ years, and I never heard that heresy about pregnancy as punishment.  It made me cry.

            I thought pro-lifers were against abortion because every pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest, was a gift from God.  I sure don’t want my unmarried kids to get pregnant, but I’d prefer that to an abortion. 

            wow.  Pro-life as a way to channel hatred.  What an education I get at this website. 

            1. That is an excellent defense of the Catholic theological position on birth control and abortion. Why is it presented in a political forum?  Your theology is not mine. If your church truly believe that, it would not have closed down its Human Life Amendment efforts when the Republicans took power.  If a Human Life Amendment were pending, then the issue of defining human life would be a political one in the political pipeline.  It is not.Roe v. Wade stands, for now.

              Expediency in the name of religion makes me puke.  If anyone were forcing abortions on certain groups of women against their will, then it could be a religious issue.  Incidently, if the pro-lifers are successful in getting the Supreme Court to overturn Roe and return the matter to the states, we could well have forced abortions. So if so-called christians decide that some pregnancies are not a “gift” but a trick of the devil and want those women aborted against their will, I would fight for the right of those women not to be aborted.

  3. I love life! I want to live it as long as I can. I want it to be a quality life. I wish that for everyone.

    I also love freedom, and would never dream of imposing my religious beliefs on another.

    There was a saying back in the 50s, and it resonates today::

    “You can’t legislate morality.”

    1. You used to be a Republican, until all the ones with any sense disappeared.

      What you said constitutes a winning platform in Colorado.  It’s bizarre that the state GOP can’t recognize that.

    2. Helen, are you a part of that saggy political powerhouse, NOW, where it’s mostly a bunch of denture-clattering, finger-wagging 80 year old women who want Bush to know whose your granny?

      You sure sound like it.  You quote some trite soundbite from the 1950s.  1950s???  Actually, you can very easily legislate morality.  You can legislate abortion and you can legislate nose-picking.  Whether people follow the law is another thing, but the law still exists. 

      By the way, you “love life!  And you want it to be a quality life?”  Quality of life?  Well I’m sure that little 7 month old babies-to-be would love to have life period.  Forget about a good quality of life, some can’t enjoy any life.  I know you were trying to sound cutesy there, but you sounded seriously silly.  That’s the thing with you lefties, it’s always “quality of life.”  Hence the European death cult where you load your people up on as many drugs, sex shops, and health programs as they could ever wish to use.  Those Europeans have a good, full “quality of life” but they don’t bother having kids or doing anything to ensure a good future for younger generations.  Then a more serious Islamic population comes on up and takes things over for the hedonists.  Result–Allahu Akhar a la France.

      So while you’re off having your quality of life I’ll be looking forward (how progressive!!), having kids, and ensuring a decent moral climate awaits my grandkids.

      Choose life! indeed.

      1. Are you serious?  You think white women should have more babies so the Ay-rabs don’t take over?

        Europeans have a better quality of life over all than Americans do.  They have better health care, better sex education, and widely available contraception.  They also have longer lifespans, lower abortion rates, lower divorce rates, and far lower infant mortality rates. 

        Meanwhile, the US (in large part due to those hypocritical “moral” red states) has the highest abortion rate in the western world, the highest rate of children in poverty, and an infant mortality rate on par with most third world countries.

        You want to legislate morality?  Try legislating every child under the age of five has access to health care. Wingnuts get all worked up about the fetus, but if a toddler dies from pneumonia because he’s too poor to have a doctor they could give a s**t.

        So stay the hell out of my bedroom and I’ll stay out of yours.  That’s my morality.

      2. Are you serious?  You think white women should have more babies so the Ay-rabs don’t take over?  What century are you from?

        Europeans have a better quality of life over all than Americans do.  They have better health care, better sex education, and widely available contraception.  They also have longer lifespans, lower abortion rates, lower divorce rates, and far lower infant mortality rates. 

        Meanwhile, the US (in large part due to those hypocritical “moral” red states) has the highest abortion rate in the western world, the highest rate of children in poverty, and an infant mortality rate on par with most third world countries.

        You want to legislate morality?  Try legislating every child under the age of five has access to health care. Wingnuts get all worked up about the fetus, but if a toddler dies from pneumonia because he’s too poor to have a doctor they could give a s**t.

        So stay the hell out of my bedroom and I’ll stay out of yours.  That’s my morality.

      3. FFF, I thought you were all gone and here you are back.  The European death cult was called Nazism…..supported by so-called good german christians… ran away the last time I challenged you …let’s see what you will do now.

  4. Seven more Americans killed today in Iraq. And George Bush’s plan? There is none, but he and the Republicans in Congress have decided to shut down the US office in Iraq that oversees waste and corruption. Why? Because they can.

    Freakin nuts, that’s what is is!

  5. This is the next commercial running for Tom Griggs, he’s a democrat running in the 4th Congressional District for the State Board of Education.  He’s a professor of education at the University of Northern Colorado.  Though this is race is not a high visibility race, I think that the State Board of Education can be another win for Democrats.  The State Board of Education is an important body that decides things like the Commissioner of Education.  Please help us raise awareness of this race.
    You can see Tom’s new commercial here at youtube.

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