Moral: Before calling someone else “nappy-headed,” check a mirror.
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He should have made a public apology, privately apologized to the players and then shut up. His firing is partly his fault for perpetually apologizing to everyone. He kept the story alive and the media ate him for lunch.
Had he commented about some rich and powerful person of color, he MIGHT – MIGHT – have gotten away with it. But he picked one some young, unknown and extraordinarily gifted students.
I love the radio talk-show callers who blame “rap culture” for having inspired Imus to say what he and his producer said. Excuse me, but I haven’t heard the terms “nappy-headed” and “jigaboos” in any rap songs lately.
Colorado politics I was firmly told.
Lately it has become worse than the National Enquirer….
Strictly gossip and heterosexual/Republican bashing.
Imus is a Democrat.
Democratic politicians lose a soapbox with Imus
Breathe, friend.
LB is a Republican. That benediction had a touch of irony which we have come to know and love from Lauren B
Oh wait. You were talking about Gecko….
In fact I never even heard of the dude until this gossip hit the news.
I was referring to the Imus header as “gossip”, not political news.
Didn’t know his political affiliation, but have heard he was quite philanthropic. He’s been on the air for someting like 30 years. Heard he makes about $900k/year. You’d think he could afford a hair stylist. I would turn on his show occasionally, but could never stick with it for more that 60 seconds. It virtually had no substance. What was he being paid for, and who was his audience? I’m quite sure the airwaves can be filled with something better than he had to offer. Anyone here of a severance package for him? He being gone is no big loss in my book. As far as him being a Democrat….embarrassing.
Rest in Peace is apropos.
he is a dennis miller type dem. Supported Bush post 9/11, and then changed. Apparently now, he is planning to vote for McCain.
Cuz I haven’t seen that here. Unless it was in the last couple of days while I was out of town…
On this liberal site, if one isn’t completely and totally “pro gay”, they are considered racists, bigots, and basically scum. Or some sort of religious fanatic. Fuck anyone that thinks that way……
I for one am sick of it being pushed at me from most every aspect of our society.
I have no problem with gays. Play house with your boyfriends all you want. I don’t give a shit.
Just quit with the fuckin parades, floats, tv shows, etc.
Who really cares that two boys or two girls like to play house.
That is my un-college educated, high school graduate way of saying “I don’t push my lifesytle on you, don’t shove your weird shit on me”.
Hows that for an answer Ari?
I think you’d agree – everything you say should be the same for the bible thumping, holier than thou, religious agenda driving conservatives out there too.
People don’t criticize you because you are heterosexual. They criticize you for myriad other traits of yours.
I asked for a concrete example. You might feel like you’re being slighted, but I was looking for an actual post that could be construed as hetero bashing. As a hetero myself I’d be pissed off if I was being bashed.
BTW, what’s wrong with “the fuckin parades, floats, tv shows, etc.” ? You don’t have to go to the parade that happens once a year, or watch the TV show that’s either only available on premium cable or was on NBC but went off the air.
If it’s “hetero bashing” just because gays want to be accepted into society, then maybe you are a bigot. But I won’t affix you with that label – not unless you really post something that’s really homophobic.
First off, I see lots of dems bashing (including from me).
Secondly, where do you see any straight bashing? I have yet to have seen a line?
As to gossip, well, this is a blog? And the vast majority IS about Colorado politics. But I am curious, Why do you feel that this particular story is not of interest to Colorado?
While I am not too wild about Imus’s wording, I was even less wild about the treatment accorded him. In particular, he is a shock jock and many of his past actions have shown that he is NOT prejudiced. In fact, I was pleasantly suprised to hear Randi Rhodes saying that he did not deserve anywhere near this treatment and she felt that Sharpton was out of line. She was echoing the same words as Foxnews.
It seems to me that when a group accords their racial group a right or privilege but then attacks another racial group for doing the same thing, then it is racists in nature. And while Imus’s word does not directly concern concern Colorado politics, the treatment between the groups is a part of our politics. And it will become more of an issue here as we watch the illegal alien (which is probably 99% hispanics) issues become more of a focus point vs. the natives here. We will have to deal with this sooner or later.
now maybe this news story will go away! Yeah he said a bad thing, but did it really warrent a weeks worth of media obsession? There are certainly a lot more improtant things going on in the world other than this.
that Al Sharpton (the guy who really pushed for firing Imus) is no angel either. I guess he never apologized for accusing a guy for raping Tawana Brawley, when it was found out he didn’t do it. Sharpton is cheesy.
AFAIK that is true. He never paid any award monies, either.
On the other hand, Al is sometimes the only one with some street creds. I recall during a debate in 2004 a bunch of audience folks essentially tried to disrupt the proceedings with a lot of shouting of accusations and such. All of the candidates froze….except Al. He put them right in their place(s).
A mixed bag, just like most of us.
If you are going to accuse someone of something as heinous as rape, you better be damn well sure. However, Al is always the first one to come out when the accusation is first made and encourage everyone to lock him up and throw away the key, fire the bastard, etc.
The guy jumps on anything he can to get his name in the papers and there are lives destroyed as a result. This doesn’t even cross his mind when he makes his rush to judgement. He is no different than Mike Nifong in that regard.
What he did to Imus is warranted. What he has done so many other times is not.
no problem
because media folks believe this is the beginning of a purge among media “bad” boys and girls. The are all saying–who’s next.
Do we get to vote on it?
In the last few weeks we have dealt with the idea of a Black President, the Duke Lacrosse team and now this. Over the last couple of years we have looked at the Katrina debacle, Strom Thurmond’s Black daughter, Bush telling the world that John McCain has a Black daughter and the list goes on.
My dad was born in Yoakum, TX and can write a book on racism. Married to a White woman there was NEVER a racial slur used in my house. My father demanded that we
were better than that.
The bigger question here is why do White Americans want to use words like Nigger, Jigaboo and nappy headed? What do you get out of it?
but all the stories you mentioned are all far more important then what he said. He is a shock jock so the fact that he said something over the top just doesn’t seem like news to me.
of the same disease.
White people who use those words, other than the outright KKK’ers, are trying to be cool, “be black.” You know, if blacks can call each other “nigger”, then I can too cuz I am so down with you…..
My theory, anyway.
With Michael Richards and the “n” word I think you have a good point, and probably also with “ho’s.” But no Blacks call each other “Jigaboos,” or “nappy-headed.”
I believe those terms are 100% unadulterated white racist in origin as well as use.
The sad part to this is my Black friends don’t use those words – and we are, as WEB Dubois called us, “The Talented Tenth”. This generation of 30 – 45 year old, college educated, professional, wealthy Blacks that will no longer stand for this type of racism. We have worked too hard. And we will fight it at every turn no matter how “minor” the mainstream considers it.
And yes, we are beginning with those young people in our race that don’t understand why they call themselves niggas and hos – once again it goes all the way back to slavery and oppression!
If we want a world with less government regulation, society must be capable of regulating itself. This was an excellent example of that. Front and center on today’s Wall Street Journal “Behind the Fall of Imus, A Digital Brush Fire” “In a Blur, Watchdogs, Blogs, Email Spur Radio Host’s Firing”
Rather than the politicians taking over to regulate such speech, we did it. Our participation on this blog one of myriad examples of our self regulation. I personally don’t care who hosts the senate republicans website but there are those who do. If there are enough that care, it’ll change things.
Our vast ability to communicate in this age is extremely empowering and democratic. I’ve never listened to Imus. This story isn’t about Imus. It’s about us.
so they are moving this John Walker Lindh kid to the Colorado Supermax…Why? I mean, he was over there when 9/11 happened, but it wasn’t like he planned it. Just was a stupid kid who caught caught up in world events. My understanding is that he carried ammo for the Taliban, and that’s about it…and now Supermax? Seems pretty political, not to mention cruel.
He wouldn’t last long in a regular prison.
Mr. Imus should have waited until after the press conference in North Carolina to use those words to accurately describe the Duke rape accuser. The Duke rape accuser is the biggest nappy headed hos to ever walk this planet. I hope she gets together with Jesse and Al and she gives them AIDs. If she doesn’t they’ll probably meet up in hell.
I wish he would have called Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton nappy headed hos. The Rutgers students didn’t deserve that. Give credit where credit is due. Where was Jesse and Al and all the other african-american domestic terrorists with their apology to the Duke students?
will probably suffer no ramifications for her lying other than being called as a witness in the inevitable trials coming up.
DA’s are very reluctant to prosecute women for lying about sexual assault. There were two unrelated cases in Brighton some months ago, both accused “a Mexican” of rape or assault. One was a teenager and one a middle aged woman. The Brighton police put extra patrols out, worked many hours on solving these “crimes”, and the community was locked in fear.
Turns out they were complete lies, fabricated to get even with boyfriends or something.
Women who falsely, knowingly accuse men of sexual crimes need to be help accountable and charged accordingly. Once upon a time we had men literally getting away with rape. Now we have women literally getting away with crimes.
I mean, c’mon. Yeah, she’s a lowlife. And yeah, the folks like Nancy Grace who were ready to crucify the Duke lacross students are deservingof contempt. But let’s lay off the racial slurs, OK?
Many journalists are investigating whether she was paid off to say she lied. My initial thoughts wear how did a stripper convince the police, rape doctors and rape counselors and the DA that she was raped? How good would she have to have lied to make that happen?
This would not be the first time in America that rich White men paid off a Black woman for being raped – Strom Thurmond is the first one that comes to mind.
And no, even a lying Black woman is not a jigaboo!!! Why do you need to use those words? Are lying White men Crackers, or Honkys or white trash. I find the whole thing sick!!!!
Truth is not subservient to truth color. Being a human being….knows not a shadow, tone or blush. Well….maybe a blush:-)
Turth is not subservient to color. (That darn preview button is like herding cats!)
She had another guys DNA in her. It’s also not the first time a woman has acused a man of rape to get back at them either. None of us were there so we’ll never really know so lets get back to politics.
It looks like Karl Rove may well have destroyed evidence that implicated him in the White House’s orchestrated efforts to leak Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert identity to the press in retaliation against her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson. This goes to the heart of the TREASON in the OVAL WH charge, Hold on to your shorts. We’re in for a wild ride.
The warmongering apologists for this tragically failed, horribly expensive, froght with lies,misfit, out of touch, delusional, poor excuses for human being players are, “hiding behind the troops as political justification” for a misguided policy. That has the ring of truth! Up and comer Senator Jim Webb contributed to this perspective.
Let’s take our country back!!
Managing Editor of Time, Citizen Stengel, claimed that the American people do not want the Democrats to investigate the attorney firings story:
Mr. STENGEL: “I am so uninterested in the Democrats wanting Karl Rove, because it is so bad for them. Because it shows business as usual, tit for tat, vengeance. . . . That’s not what voters want to see.”
What could Citizen Stengel be thinking now? This is the Managing Editor of Time Magazine. Boy, he is some newshound huh? Here is some not breaking news, our Media is a disgrace.
Who’s to blame? Ronald Wilson Reagan. The FAR Right’s poster boy who hated American freedom’s so much he broke the back of the press and began the jihad that led to 9/11.
Let’s get it on.
Not only will this Republican administration (as well as the last 6 years of congressional control) go down in history as the most damaging to human rights, civil liberties, international relations and the rule of law…it will also have the most ignominious legacy of being the most incompetent, foolhardy and delusional bunch of misfits even the most gifted of comedians could not have imagined!
I know that the world could use another Kurt Vonnegut more than it could use another eulogy for the man. I also know that it’s the height of arrogance to presume that I have something fresh to add to the many fine diaries already written on the subject.
But I must admit that I’ve been disturbed by the way that Vonnegut’s angry irony is already undergoing an attempted de-fanging, so my very first diary briefly tries to explain why.
You’re the curious sort, Friends, so let us recommend a very brief exercise. Type “so it goes” into your favorite news search engine and learn how many journalists went to a high school requiring neither To Kill a Mockingbird nor Catcher in the Rye.
Please, do it. Really. Take the next step, don’t just imagine it, don’t just dismissively chuckle at our cheap rhetorical framing device. We can’t promise anything, but we suspect that you might learn something about reading skills, or maybe something about the kind of readers who become journalists, or perhaps merely something about the formal / generic requirements required formally by generic journalism.
You might, if you’re profoundly unlucky, even learn something about America. We did.
Yes, Friends, Kurt Vonnegut is dead, and in the space of just twenty-four hours he has somehow been rendered into a simpering, demi-toothed humanist who has nothing more to offer us than a deeply rooted, avuncular kindness pervading his shoulder-shrugging fatalism.
Sic transit. “So it goes.”
So it goes?
So it jolly well does not fucking go.
Which is hardly news to you, Friends, and we’re not making a particularly complicated point. We’re not going to drag you through the man’s full bibliography, even though we’ve been working on an elaborate pop-cultural joke, the punchline of which is “Vanilla Ice-Nine.”
Trust us, it’s hilarious.
No, we’re not going to point out the various ways in which It Does Not Go. You have perhaps heard it all before, and we know from experience that you are more literate and better informed than anybody currently standing around the Swill’s water cooler. We wouldn’t dream of insulting you by inserting the equivalent of a Spoiler Alert in a newspaper review of Hamlet, and we wouldn’t dream of giving you plot summary of that which can’t adequately be summarized.
But it does not go, it will not go, it will not have gone. Sure, Kurt Vonnegut is “gone” — but what did you expect after a long life punctuated by the shoveling of corpses like sauerkraut, and reeking like sixty years of Pall Mall straights? Did you expect him to go on The View and start hawking rejuvenating juice-makers, perhaps repent and encourage all of his loyal readers to quit their vices and begin acting like good corporate citizens, wake up both bright and early and healthy as a precursor to being wealthy and wise? Did you imagine he hoped to linger just long enough to see someone elected President who can actually use words like “cluster bombs” and “collateral damage” without choking on their own vomit?
No, our point is a simple one: quoting “So it goes” in a putative eulogy for Kurt Vonnegut is like saying “Better Dead than Red” in a retrospective lament for Ethel Rosenberg. Consider the following from Slaughterhouse-Five:
Only the candles and the soap were of German origin. They had a ghostly, opalescent similarity. The British had no way of knowing it, but the candles and the soap were made from the fat of rendered Jews and Gypsies and fairies and communists, and other enemies of the State.
So it goes.
Now there’s a passage you won’t see Wolf Blitzer quoting with crocodile nostalgia. Why? Because it doesn’t come close to fitting the narrative of the day: “Kurt Vonnegut,” we’re told, “whose prose so divertingly filled hourlong slots of our youth between Health and U.S. History, was not only a Veteran and a P.O.W. and a novelist too popular for Serious People to take him Seriously. He was finally and fundamentally one of those genuine American voices you’ve heard so much about, and he was American enough to look atrocity in the eye and let it go, chalk it up to the Way of the World, because he knew that slaughter happened and it always, naturally, ineluctably would.”
There’s no shame in being served horseshit on a platter, Friends, but we shouldn’t be proud of going back for seconds. Enough of the requiescat in pace, consider the man’s words and utter a res ipsa loquitur already.
We barely have the energy to follow the various rapings and pillagings that yesterday brought and that today and tomorrow will bring, but we reckon we can muster up one observation: “So it goes” may indeed be the American anthem, but not one that Vonnegut’s books actually approve: it is the motto of those who do indeed watch fairies and communists and Arabs and Sudanese and Appalachians bombed, burned, starved and dumbed into oblivion, and who can’t be bothered to tear their increasingly fat asses away from the TV and the refrigerator and the carseat and the computer to do anything about it.
“So it goes” is the philosophy of Trafamaldorians, which is to say the philosophy of aliens, which is to say a fundamentally inhuman philosophy. It is the righteous mantra of a country where a beer can randomly tossed on your lawn is cause for violent outrage, but the pumping of billions of tons of poison into our air and water is just one of those things. It is the motto for a world where daycare centers full of armless and legless and eyeless Lebanese (or Afghani, or Iraqi, or Cambodian, or Sudanese) children is nothing more than an unavoidable misfortune upon which to expend our collective tongue-cluckery.
But it was not the philosophy of Kurt Vonnegut’s novels, and as an epitaph it approaches gross obscenity.
If it goes, then it goes so because we let it and because we go it ourselves, because even reading and reporting the irony in the words is too much work, too inconvenient for folks as busy as we are. And Vonnegut knew it, and he went knowing it, and he went knowing that every last fucking one of us will follow him much sooner than we expected, and if we keep it up, the sooner we all go the better off the world will be.
h/t to all intellects and souls everywhere who rage against the machine! Don’t ever believe “they hate us for our freedoms”. That’s a suckers hook line and sinker.
Jus’ kidding. It was a great diatribe. It also brought to mind MLK, whose death’s anniversary was a few days ago. Here was a man who was fighting for economic justice, fighting against the M-I Complex and the Viet Nam War, and even John Andrews (gag) goes and kneels at his statue. Sanitized.
I guess you could say the same for Jesus, who fought for the same justice MLK did, who was tryinng to regain the heart and soul of the Jewish religion, and what did he get for his efforts? Same as MLK.
Then he gets sanitized into those cherubic paintings with (Euro blue)eyes gazing toward heaven and Calvinists who turned his message on its head whilst proclaiming their piety. Jesus was Mao, Joe Lewis, and Sinclair Lewis rolled into one.
Oh yeah, this was about Vonnegut, wasn’t it?