As the Rocky Mountain News reports:
Colorado’s senior U.S. senator has endorsed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the crowded race for the Republican presidential nomination.
Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Loveland, touted Romney as someone who could come from outside Washington and bring needed change.
“After reviewing Governor Romney’s impressive résumé and having the opportunity to visit one-on-one with him about his vision of innovation and change for America, I am proud to announce my endorsement of him,” Allard said in a release.
“Governor Romney will bring a much needed breath of fresh air to Washington, something the country really deserves.”
Allard’s endorsement comes at a time when fellow candidates continue to take shots at Romney, accusing him of being a flip-flopper or recent convert to conservative causes. Allard, who is retiring at the end of 2008, is known as a conservative – one who authored the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage – and his voting record shows him as one of the most consistent supporters of President Bush…
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Allard is a Mormon, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Romney is a Mormon. This one was is easy to prognosticate.
….that the Potted Plant is LDS. I trust Allard did not address how he resolved the issue of Multiple Choice Mitt’s flip flops on guns, gays and reproductive choice.
What made you think that?
The more that the neo-cons back Romney, the more that it will kill his chances with the indies (who are the real deciders of the election). They do NOT want another leader who puts us into wars, runs up deficits, lies, commits high crimes, etc. W. had the same appearance as romney (able to run a state gov). Yet, W.’s record is now well known.
…for winning the coveted Allard endorsement. He must have quite a bit of influence with the important potted plant crowd.
….I’m assuming that Tancredo is still supporting old What’s-His-Name, that xenophobic candidate who nobody’s heard of!
Or Duncan Hunter?
Suthers (Catholic) has endorsed Romney as well.
….Mormons and Catholics teaming up!
Enter the Mormotholics to take over the world….
I wonder why Sen. Allard didn’t back his in-state Presidential candidate instead… Poor Tommy.
When Romney keeps dragging around the 6-9% mark in spite of spending about a million a week. He’s trying to master the Fake Authenticity thing. And having about as much success being a regular guy as Banker Bob did trying to look like a farmer in his ads.
What is it with the Colorado GOP? They just don’t get it? Cock the hammer back, take careful aim… squeeze the trigger, BANG! Perfect shot, dead center of their own foot again.
Guys get out of the country club and talk to the Reagan Republicans. You know, the ones staying home now, not voting for your chummy insider candidates….
I hope Fred Thompson steamrollers these guys – and then we can find a way to shut them out of the party.
Actually, I think those shots you describe are going more for the head than the foot.
As a liberal Dem, of course, I love this self-destruction on a pragmatic basis. Philosophically, for a viable political evolution, I am saddened.
… in national polls, which are pretty much irrelevant in presidential nominations (remember the massive lead Joe Lieberman had in all of the national polls at this time four years ago?)
The only effect national polls have is on the ability of candidates to raise money – i.e. money follows perceived front runners. Romney has proven his ability to snap this cycle – raising the most money while still running third or fourth in national polls.
The polls to watch are Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. In order to get the nomination, you need two things:
First, you need to do well in the first caucus/primary states. (Phil Gramm in 1996 failed at this, even though he had a ton of cash.)
Second, you need to have money in the bank and a Super Tuesday organization on the ground to capitalize on early success. (Edwards failed at this in 2004. Even though he was the hot commodity coming out of Iowa, he couldn’t make up for lost opportunities on the fundraising side of things in time to build an organization in the Super Tuesday primary states.)
The frontloaded system eliminates the pure dark horse candidate. It used to be that you could parlay a win in Iowa to enough fundraising to jump from state to state. Now you need the money in the bank and the org on the ground ahead of time because there’s not enough of a time gap between contests.
At this point, are mainly tracking name ID. This isn’t a good reflection of a national campaign. What I would suggest is looking at the early primary states, such as New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, etc…(there’s a lot of them). In the last polls I saw, Romney was tied for first in NH and tied for second in Iowa. These are the important numbers at this point. National poll numbers have little to do with money (look at McCain and Giuliani) raising, as has already been pointed out by “Jack”.
wondering if he would get Senator Who?’s endorsement.
The world has been waiting to hear from him on this important matter.
he’s got about as much chance of getting that sub returned as he has of seeing Multiple Choice Mitt in the White House.
…but I get your point.