“This is a democratic boy band, is it?”
–Eric Cartman, from South Park
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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It would seem that Arapahoe County DA Carol Chambers is in big trouble again — evidently, for committing the intolerable sins of ‘Lawyering While Republican’ and cynically challenging the cocaine-laced cauldron of corruption that Colorado’s court system has become. http://cbs4denver.co…. When it comes to professional discipline in this state, EVERY prosecution is political.
Basking in the afterglow of the verdict against the former Qwest CEO, U.S. Attorney Troy Eid pontificated: “`Convicted felon Joe Nacchio’ has a very nice ring to it.” But scarcely a mile away, and likely unbeknownst to him, wife Allison was actively participating in a felony of her own: the cover-up of this crime (http://home.earthlin…). A crime which will never be prosecuted, as the only time a Colorado judge ever faces the long arm of the law is when he is caught sleeping with a comely young prosecutor who is giving head to get ahead.
The recent scandal concerning Attorney General Alberto Gonzales brings into focus a widely-known but rarely-discussed truth: Apart from garden-variety instances of rape, murder, robbery, and assorted property crimes, almost every criminal prosecution in America is political in nature. It is why Nacchio and domestic diva Martha Stewart were prosecuted for insider trading, but the young George Bush was not. It is also why those who employ illegal aliens aren’t prosecuted by the Bush Administration. If you have friends in low places, the law doesn’t apply to you.
Our public officials commit crimes with remarkable brazenness and frequency, but are rarely prosecuted, for reasons U.S. Attorney Carol Lam can probably attest to. Judges like Allison Eid enjoy special protection, as her colleagues want to avoid creating precedent that could be used against them. Ambitious prosecutors know enough to look the other way, the state Commission on Judicial Discipline couldn’t recognize “ethics” if you spotted them the first five letters, and our drive-by media only takes notice of mass murders. Even when they (apparently) steal laptop computers, District Attorney Mitch Morrissey — our own “Seedy Gonzales” — turns a blind eye.
Frankly, I’m surprised Pols wasn’t all over this one.
I had a hard time getting past “the cocaine-laced cauldron of corruption that Colorado’s court system has become.”
Although if he wanted to go all out, “cocaine-encrusted cauldron” would have been better. I always wondered why there were razors and mirrors in the pen drawers at counsel table.
the inspired title, “Inside Carolyn Chambers.” Her name is Carol, and this is a reference to an old porn film (Inside Marilyn Chambers). Riogrande is probably being libelous here.
Of course, now the nightmares will come. Carol Chambers as a porn star? Thanks a lot, Ari!
in some black leather and a riding crop and, hmmm, it just might sell. Of course, as dominatrixes go, my taste runs more to Hillary. But who knows, a walk on the Republican wild side might be a memorable experience…
Most of my Log Cabin Republican friends are primarily bottoms and masochists at that.
Democrats, on the other hand, being the party which worships equality, tend to be versatile in the sack and are not really into pain, either giving or receiving.
OQD, I just have my day brightened almost every time you post.
I think that there are huge psychological differences in righties and lefties. It’s far more than political beliefs and ideologies. I believe that people tend to veer left or right depending on their fears or lack of them (plus, of course, all kinds of other influences like parents, etc.)
I’ve mentioned here before about the difference in dreams between self-identified liberals and conservatives. Long story short is that cons tend to have a lot more nightmares, often involving carnivous animals. Libs tend to have a lot more “weird” dreams, very unconstrained, very few nightmares. I (indirectly, briefly) report, you decide.
I would add the following two tidbit observations. All those jokes about English boarding schools and bums and fear and authority are not coincidence. Also, Hitler and most of his henchmen were gay-bashing homoerotic sexual deviants. The big man himself was caprophiliac, I think that’s the word. You know, shitting and pissing mixed with sex.
As to the weirdness of conservative lovers, I can’t weigh in (from the hetero side.) Never knowlingly had one. Lots of fun submission (them, mostly) and things like that, but not pain or masochism.
I find your information about the difference between how conservatives and liberals dream to be fascinating. And I can definitely see Gecko running through the forest being chased by a large, carnivorous animal called the Hildabeast!
Between that and the nightmare involving the gay gym jock, Gecko probably sleeps with one eye open!
I don’t have a lot of nightmares, but when I do, they’re always about Zombies trying to eat me, and my gun doesn’t work 🙂
I was sad (though not surprised) that partisans from both sides attacked this. I relish in the physcological differences between Reps and Dems (like Reagan’s doodling story), and think it’s pretty fun.
Physcology of Reps and Dems, or night terrors about Zombies? 🙂
Speaking of which, “28 Weeks Later” comes out this week
What’s 28 weeks? Heck, weren’t we just recently talking about 9 1/2 weeks here? What happened to 10, 11, 12…?
To “28 days later”, a movie about a virus that infects the UK and turns people into zombie-like creatures (attack the living, try and spread the virus, but don’t limp around and you don’t have to shoot them in the head to kill them). “28 days later” is one of the best horror films that has come out recently….really creepy, intense, and not centered on gore (blood and guts, not Al). If you haven’t seen “28 days later” and you like or at least can tolerate those kinds of movies, I highly recommend it.
As long as we’re going for gratuitous allusions to classic porn flicks, “Fifth floor, what’s that secret you’re keepin'” 🙂
lunatic fringe court bashers who crashed our party to spew their bile for a while. Ignore them, and they’ll go back to their militia meetings and searching for those darn black helicopters.
Proctological examinations should never be self-administered and particularly, not without proper instrumentation.
It is never a matter for concern until the Gestapo comes for you, eh, Herr Shiloh? By all means, go back to polishing your Gott Mitt Us belt-buckle; don’t let us stop you. For that matter, why should anyone here bother discussing the evils of Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib? After all, we’re not “potential terrorists” … or are we? Anyone get spied on by the Denver P.D.? Anyone have an F.B.I. file?
Haven’t any of you Democrats read Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous Letter from Birmingham Jail? “I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” http://www.nobelpriz…
To my fellow Republicans, can you not find any wisdom in the words of our patron saint, Ronald Reagan? Some governments “make elaborate claims that citizens under their rule enjoy human rights,” … but “[e]ven if words look good on paper, the absence of structural safeguards against abuse of power means they can be taken away as easily as they are allowed.” Ronald Reagan, Speech (Proclamation of Human Rights Day), Dec. 10, 1987.
For you amoral slime-sucking lawyer-types out there, what about your grand-poobah, Elizabeth Starrs: “However, the erosion of so fundamental a right as habeas corpus, even in times when our freedoms are being threatened by enemies abroad, should give us all concern. The U.S. Constitution was established to protect individuals’ rights. These rights mean little if they are cast aside when the going gets tough.” http://www.denverpos…
It is mortifying to envision the raw possibility that people like Shiloh and Cuervo pass for today’s literati. They lack even a furtive glimpse as to the wisdom of George Santayana, and like Pastor Niemoller, will quite likely have to learn the lesson he did the hard way: “In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
Shiloh, I would respectfully submit that it is time for you and Cuervo to grow up, and add a little to your inestimable education. Start here: http://www.historypl…. If you don’t listen to greatness, you can never hope to encounter it.
…but I guess I should be flattered to co-star in your latest stream-of-consciousness screed.
See you in your dreams! Until then, the other bogeyman and I will be hiding under your bed.
Grow up, Cuervo.
Thanks for clarifying matters.
for me, Rio, is that I expect you’ll be the one in the black shirt and the hobnailed boots living your dream of finally being able to bully somebody. You’re a born sondercommando, just waiting to put a sieg together with some stray heil. That’s why you hate the courts — they stop people like you from bullying people like me. They can’t stop you from whining, though…
Actually, yes they can stop him (and you) from whining:
According to one exposГ© on censorship by Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D., (http://www.lewrockwe…) “Many people have trouble believing harrowing tales of human rights abuses now taking place in American family courts and wonder why, if they are true, we do not hear more about it. Perhaps because in many jurisdictions it is a crime to criticize family court judges or otherwise discuss family law cases publicly. In other words, censorship works.” Baskerville alleges the following:
? In March of 2006, Kevin Thompson received an order prohibiting distribution of his book, Exposing the Corruption in the Massachusetts Family Courts. (http://www.lulu.com/…) >> http://www.foxnews.c… >> The court also impounded the records of Thompson’s custody case, reinforcing the secrecy in which family courts, such as those in Colorado, often operate.
? Alice Tulanowksi of New Brunswick, New Jersey, was placed under a gag rule in 2000, though judges and the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts were left “free to discuss the intimate details of Alice’s case” in public.
? Stanley Rains of Victoria, Texas, in 2001 was gagged “from speaking, writing, or publishing his opinions” about why he was cut off from his daughter for more than two years, according to court documents. The order covers private conversations and discussions with mental health professionals and his minister. Issued with no evidentiary hearing, the order followed an article Rains published in Fathering Magazine. He was also prohibited from criticizing a city council candidate who was a divorce lawyer. The order precluded Rains from photographing death threats written on his mother’s car.
? The former husband of singer Wynonna Judd was arrested and jailed for talking to reporters about his divorce.
? A California judge shut down the Web site of “The Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Attorneys and Judges” in 2001. >> http://www.toledobla… >> David Palmer was later exonerated of charges that the Web site constituted the unauthorized practice of law (UPL). >> http://www.usatoday…. >>
? In 2005, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott formally asked a federal court to punish Charles Edward Lincoln, for criticizing the state’s family courts. Abbott termed the criticism, which consisted in filing some court papers, “bloodless terrorism.”
Here in Colorado, KnowYourCOURTS.com has received reports from several parties alleging that judges have either retaliated for talking about the divorce case or the judge or have been ordered to take down a Web site:
? Troy Kramer informed us that he was threatened or intimidated by a family judge in relation to his Web site, http://bigdogtk.blog… (now removed)
? Another contributor, who has asked us not to reveal her name out of fear, sent us an email, where she alleged that Judge Roxanne Bailin had ordered her to remove her Web site (http://infaithsname….), which was critical of the judge and CFI Bill J. Fyfe. She also alleged that Bill J. Fyfe suggested or initiated that the Boulder case be sealed, so that no one would learn what had transpire din that case.
Shiloh: That’s why you hate the courts — they stop people like you from bullying people like me.
And precisely how am I “bullying” you, Shiloh? All I am trying to do here is reform our out-of-control courts, so that we can all enjoy the benefits of living under the rule of law. Exactly how do my honest attempts to inform and enlighten the people of Colorado of the dangers imposed by tyrannnical judges infringe upon your rights in any material way? Please dispense with the juvenile ad hominem attacks and advocate your position in a rational manner, if you are capable of so doing.
The citizen’s fundamental right to be free from tyrannical and arbitrary rule, and concomitant right to resort to violence to secure that right when necessary, has been universally embraced. As one notorious radical rabble-rouser put it:
This statement comes not from Stalin, Mao, or Che Guevara but rather, that pentultimate prince of peace, Pope John Paul II. Living under the iron fist of Communism, he understood this fact on a visceral level. His Holiness added in an encyclical that any violent result is morally “attributable to the aggressor whose action brought it about.” Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a., Pope John Paul II), Evangelium Vitae, Sec. 55, Encyclical Letter on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life, March 25, 1995.
If, as everyone from Cicero to Pope John Paul II agrees, we have the right to resort to violence to secure our rights as men under the rule of law, do we not have the right to raise our voices in search of peaceful alternatives? What right do you have to silence me? Do you own this blog, Shiloh? And if you would censor me, do you think you would be entitled to even a smidgeon of respect from your fellows?
Of course, I am angry … and of course, I will speak out. If you had even a bare trace of integrity in your soul, you would do so as well, were our positions reversed. As Rabbi AKIVAH said: “Don’t judge your fellow man until you are in his shoes.” http://www.kimel.net…
Step up to the plate and stop acting like a snotty child.
Now see, you gave him/her attention and look what it got you.
To paraphrase John Edwards, there are two Americas when it comes to justice. Interesting how many cases are tried in the media, with mugshots and perp walks common practice while the Consitiution says everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I guess the presumption of innocence is for media favored individuals only.
Lester is just one of those black helicopter pilots.
They’re everywhere, they’re everywhere.
watching me!
How did you know Lester was “African American?”
Always an American first.
I am sorry sorry that I haven’t contributed to this thread all weekend! I was out at my local monthly militia FTX training site doing the obstacle course with a full 60-Lb. ruck sack and NBC mopp suit and night-vision goggles on. I got back this afternoon but, I had to go rotate out the emergency food rations in my underground bunker (that’s a bi-monthly chore). One has to be prepared, you see, in case any judges, court clerks and portly attorneys ambush us in the middle of the night and try open up a can of whoop-ass on us. This was my first opportunity to make it to a computer, which, by the way, is run on a roof-top solar panel array, which feeds direct current (DC) into a DC/AC converter.
[for the record and for those who don’t know otherwise, this was a facetious comment –no need to report this parody to the FBI)
I was flying my black helicopter over your house while you typed your rant. We observed you rotating the rations in your bunker and alerted the FBI at 18:36 hours. They’ll be arriving any minute now.
Another case where our servicemembers are getting raked over the coals. They go on deployment and come home and find that they no longer have custody of their children. Read the whole story here:
On bumpers all over the country is as big a lie as Saddam having something to do with 9/11. The troops have been screwed from the beginning by a country full of people who think once that magnet is on the SUV, their job is done. Unless you count all their blathering about how tough and patriotic they are and how “we” (not them personally of course) can’t leave util the job is done.
It should read
Support the troops
Send congressmen and the admin to fight.
Once ppl like W. and Cheney have to look at a gun pointing at them, they will chicken out. And it is not enough to send their kids.
Shiloh. Your statement
“Riogrande is one of three
lunatic fringe court bashers who crashed our party to spew their bile for a while. Ignore them, and they’ll go back to their militia meetings and searching for those darn black helicopters.” is wrong.
Sorry that you can not see the importance of our discussion about the courts. As far as us being on the lunatic fringe, I guess the same was said of our forefathers as they dumped the tea into Boston harbour. If you took a look at the site you might gain some insight into what we are concerned about. We are just Mothers and Fathers who are trying to get the courts to do what is right for our children. We do not go to Militia meetings or stare at the sky’s looking for black helicopters. There is a problem with the courts and I hope that you never have to experience them as we have. But, if you do we will be here for you. And, one other thing is that this is a public forum and just not your party, sport. I do not tread on your constitutional right-do not tread on mine.
He’s just whining. But then, I guess, I’m really talking to myself, right. –Sure, you remember. You, me, Rio Grande, we’re all the same person, remember? Sure, now he says we’re three people but he’s just being charitable!
I am also a lunatic court fringe basher as far as you’re concerned and that suites me just fine. I am also someone who remembers peace and prosperity until I experienced the cauldrons of deceipt and corruption that best characterizes our present-day court system. I use a handle here because both of you do but my name is Dale Kim Thorup and I don’t give a damn who knows it.
I challenge both of you to read my legal affidavit at KnowYourCourts.com as it is supported by 370 pages of documentary evidence. I know what I’m talking about and I can prove corruption by multiple members of the Colorado Bar Association. Why do you think Colorado’s (non) regulating agencies refuse to investigate my complaint and evidence? You never have anything to back up your name-calling,venom-spewing, always less than informed dialogue here. Surprise me and the rest of the readers here with your evidence.
As far as I’m concerned, I never called you jack sh*t.
I never called the other guy jack sh*t either, except to say that I didn’t understand his post.
Please aim your paranoia elsewhere.
Either that, or read the posts before you rant.
If you want me to read something for free, tell me what’s in it for me. Otherwise, send me a check. I’ll be happy to read it for you.
Obviously you believe that everything is fine with the current Colorado court system but I still don’t see any evidence to support your opinion. We’ve directed you to ours. The problem with you is that you are not concerned about corruption by CBA members in Colorado courts and anyone who does care is ranting or paranoid. I also see that you still don’t have the courage to disclose your identity to the readers here nor does Shiloh.
Let me guess, you’re both CBA members. Did you both enjoy my “rant?”
let alone your 370 page bloviations.
Get a life, Condom!
Spiderman III sucked.
If this is going to be the sequel to the summer of sequels, they need to do a better job than this one.
Not as good as 1 or 2?
Spidey breaks plates.
But there’s a lot of filler.
Shoulda had less gushy, more broken plates.
If they had left half the dangling story threads on the cutting room floor. 2 hours 30 is way too mush Spidey angst.
and def not more than once in a movie. I totally agree this one sucked and I loved the 1st two. Kirsten Dunst was way to clingy and needy and Spiderman should just never ever cry in a movie. It could have been good, but it was also to long trying to be to complicated with to many undeveloped twists.
You’re all such….guys!
As a kid, my three favorite comic book characters were Gambit of the X-Men (not included in the movie); Punisher (got his own movie, a good one imo); and Venom (have yet to see Spiderman 3). From what I hear the Venom angle is mediocre, and that is disappointing.
Truth be told I am a movie junkie. I will see this movie regardless in part because I am a big Sam Raimi fan (Evil Dead/Army of Darkness), and also because I am a movie junkie (did I mention that yet?). I heard that Raimi and Danny Elfman, one of the most masterful composers of our time, had a falling out and he wouldnt participate in Spiderman 3, which is a shame.
Did you mean Spiderman 4?
The opening credits says Original Music Themes by Danny Elfman. Maybe his participation was limited to themes from ealier scores? Thank goodness for IMDB.com I’m sure the answer is in there somewhere!
I heard awhile back that they had a falling out, and Elfman wouldnt be participating, but if he did the original theme than I guess they reconciled. Thanks for the correction.
Probably, my favorite song by Danny Elfman’s old band Oingo Boingo is “Grey Matter”:
They say you’re stupid
That you’re too young to vote
They say you’ll swallow anything
That they shove down your throat
They say that you can’t think
That you haven’t got a brain
That you’re just there to listen
That you’re just being trained…
If they say–lie down–don’t do it
If they say–buy it now–don’t do it
If they say–turn around–don’t do it
If they say–hit the ground–don’t do it
If they say–bite the big weenie–don’t do it
If they say–wasn’t that good–don’t do it
If they say–bend over baby–don’t do it
If they say–take it and like it–don’t do it
Dylan’s “Masters of War” was pretty good!
They can both be sung to a similar rhythm!
Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks.
You that never done nothin’
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it’s your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly.
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain.
You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion’
As young people’s blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud.
You’ve thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain’t worth the blood
That runs in your veins.
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I’m young
You might say I’m unlearned
But there’s one thing I know
Though I’m younger than you
That even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do.
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul.
And I hope that you die
And your death’ll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I’ll stand over your grave
‘Til I’m sure that you’re dead.
was disappointing.
Especially, and I’m not giving anything away here, when Peter Parker starts acting like Jim Carrey in ‘The Mask’.
Near the end when Venom comes back around, you’ll like that.
All in all, one thumb up, three stars, a better rental than big screen (only to fast forward through the lame parts).
Looks like Team Bush has lost another inning.
Obama still does cocaine? He has the money now ya know.
Obama has plenty of positions for Republicans to pick on, we don’t need to go there.
As that article points out, some shrewd R’s donate and support candidates they believe will win, hoping to capitalize on that support later.
As appealing as Obama is, any small government, pro business Republican who reads his book would be pretty skittish about an Obama presidency, especially with a Dem Senate and Congress.
You are someone with whom reason and discussion have hope to find agreement, even where your viewpoints are divergent from those with whom you are discussing the issue at hand, whatever it may be. You may persuade your counterpoint to come to your point of view. Your counterpart may persuade you. Neither of you may agree, at the end of it all, but, LIAS has only one recourse for want of reasoning abilities: ad hominem attacks. I salute you, Lauren. To the LIAS of this world, may you someday find the ability to discuss with reason instead of without.
Take a long look in the mirror.
Or better yet, pull up a few of your pathetic diaries.
Damn near EVERY one is an attack on our fine Rep Doug Lamborn.
The people of Colorado Springs don’t need you or your bullshit attacks. We elected Doug. We want Doug. We will elect Doug again.
Fuckin grow up. Get a life.
Find another hobby like bashing seal hunters or something.
You are really a sick man…er person…er female.. er whatever
Nearly every ‘reasoned’ leftie poster here is guilty of what you accuse LIAS of.
PS: Thanks DemoGirl:)
but I can’t think of any leftie poster (reasoned or otherwise) whose raison d’etre is to engage solely ad hominem bashing of the right.
How many people have disparaging ad hominem insults directed at Republicans in their signatures on every post?
I think you have your blue shades on.
But they still try to debate, don’t they? LIAS does not.
John Boehner was on TV today showing more than a taf nervousness about Iraq. But first, Boehner says we need to give Bush’s plan several more months. This comes as a new Newsweek poll shows Bush’s approval rating plummeting to an all-time low of only 28%, compared to Nixon at 23% BEFORE HE WAS IMPEACHED. All leading Democrats presidential candidates now are ahead of the leading GOP candidates in the 2008 race.
While Allard and Lamborn continue supporting the president over the summer with one vote after another, while more and more soldiers die in their lab experiment, the chickens are coming home to roost Eleven more American soldiers died today in areas that were supposedly improving. But since the GOP has stopped several Democratic attempts to change course in this occupation, hacks like Boehner, Allard and Lamborn and their master Bush are solely responsible for the ongoing loss of American life in Iraq.
Gingrich wants the GOP to stay as far away from Bush and Iraq as possible. Sorry Newt, WE the AMERICAN PEOPLE, through our elective officials like Harry and Nancy should be hanging Iraq around every Republican’s neck every day until they crumble. Democrats need to point out every day that Al Qaeda supports Bush’s strategy, and that Bush is Al Qaeda’s best friend. (Has everyone hear saw the most recent Al Quaida video expressing their fervent wish that the Bush strategy continues to they can take more American lives?)
Hammer this over and over again, and remind the public that it is the GOP and White House that are enabling this slaughter and preventing the Democrats from fighting a real war on terror. By the late summer, Bush will be lucky to be at 25% and the GOP will be looking at horrific losses next year. Dorry Dobby, you’re so seriously deluded its pathetic.
In a new video posted today on the Internet, al Qaeda’s number two man, Ayman al Zawahiri, mocks the bill passed by Congress setting a timetable for the pullout of U.S. troops in Iraq.
“This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap,” Zawahiri says in answer to a question posed to him an interviewer.
Continuing in the same tone, Zawahiri says, “We ask Allah that they only get out of it after losing 200,000 to 300,000 killed, in order that we give the spillers of blood in Washington and Europe an unforgettable lesson.”
Bush doing Zawahiri’s bidding….
Remember John Kasich? I remember in August of 1993, when the Clinton administration’s budget & tax legislation was passing through the Congress, with it’s income tax increase on the top 1.2% of wealthiest taxpayers, and an increase in the corporate income tax rate, John Kasich, who was a Congressman from Ohio at the time, said on the floor of the House:
“This plan will not work. If it was to work, then I’d have to become a Democrat…”
(I’m still waiting on that conversion)
I always wanted to hear John Kasich discuss his good biking buddy Gary Condit. They were best friends before the intern (I’m so sorry I forgot her name) disappeared.
That all went away when 9/11 hit.
So many scandals…so little time!
All Chandra, all the time! 24-7. The entire FAUX News staff was overdosing on OxyCondit. 🙂
It’s not like we get the news any more in this Third World banana republic; all we get is Anna Nicole, Natalee, JonBenet, Monica, or whatever the sex scandal du jour happens to be.
I have to get my news from New Zealand, and my investigative journalism from Greg Palast. Our media is hopeless.