As the Rocky Mountain News reports:
Former U.S. Rep. Bob Schaffer said he plans to seek the GOP nomination for the seat held by retiring U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo.
Schaffer, 45, of Fort Collins, made the announcement Saturday to more than 150 people attending a Boulder County Republican Lincoln dinner.
“After considerable assessment,” Schaffer said, “I’ve decided I’m going to begin putting a campaign together to run for the United States Senate.”
Schaffer filed his official statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday, according to the FEC’s Web site. He said he expected to kick off his campaign next year.
In late April, he told the Teller County Republicans’ annual Lincoln dinner that he would be a candidate, people who attended the event said. Schaffer declined to confirm those reports…
As you know, he of course did make the same announcement two weeks before at the Teller County GOP dinner. So this really wasn’t the official announcement. Unless it was–apparently Schaffer is the only one who will ever know for sure.
Doesn’t matter anyway, since he finally got his paperwork into the FEC last week — just in time, based on the Teller County accouncement, to avoid a slew of campaign finance violation complaints…
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Jason, you have a typo on the Big Line. You mistakenly put Udall at 3:1 odds when you obviously meant to put Schaffer there and Udall back in the pack. Easy mistake.
..paging John, paging John: are you still being “courted” for a Senate run, or was that merely b/s you were shoveling?
Good to see Bob make it official.
I was going to pay attention Bob’s announcement, but I found looking at this more exciting:
he really botched this whole thing. First the Teller County deal, and now he “announces” in Boulder? Why the hell wouldn’t he do it in Weld or El Paso, where the base of Republican support is bigger? Why didn’t he make a bigger show out of the whole thing? He needs to kick it into gear if he wants to catch up to Udall…
Should be a very interesting campaign season. You’ve got the Boulder Liberal vs Bible Thumping Conservative. What will the effect be of the state party chairs – Dick “Macaca” Wadhams vs Pat “Invisible” Waak. Is the state really turning blue? How much pull does the Colorado Springs corridor and the Dobson crew really have? Is the Iraq debacle going to destroy all R candidates? Which campaign will be able to define the other candidate as an extremist?
Should be fun!
Oh sorry, that was a couple years ago, before he got shellacked by Pete Coors.
That was March…
Now we’re up to late April…
Bingo! It’s…um…”go time.” Whee.