“Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole.”
–Ann Coulter
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was smacked down by Elizabeth Edwards. Coulter is an arrogant snob who panders to extremists and their fears. She’s what some might call a traitor.
Are you questioning someone’s patriotism because they disagree with you?
For shame!
Yes, I know she’s an ass. Just don’t pretend to be better than the Republicans you complain to everyone here about daily.
I think Ann basically blew Elizabeth off. And while I agree that Elizabeth looks like a lady while Ann looks like an ogre ( not the lovable Shrek kind) , I think Elizabeth did poorly. Isn’t she an attorney, too? Where are her debating skills? Where’s the “tear your heart out and show it to you” instinct? Her stuttering and stammering made me feel embarrassed for her. But it makes sense to have the sweet Southern little cancer survivor wife call to politely request that big, ugly, rude, etc. Ann Coulter stop making personal attacks on her family. I just wish she had done it with more gusto….
I saw the clip from MSNBC and I was frankly disappointed in Edwards rebuttal. It was still a damn fine move and I agree with her wholeheartedly but I just didn’t think she made the impact that I kept reading about in other blogs. I thought her responses were weak and hesitant.
On the other hand, Coulter looked like an even bigger bully and when an audience who came to see you is clapping for Edwards, you know you fucked up.
that Edwards is getting so much mileage out of it. It’s very gratifying to see Coulter’s words and actions turned around on her in the form of fundraising for a man she seems to despise.
He doesn’t seem to have an answer for her criticism when you strip away her venom. He’s viewed as tremendously hypocritical, and maybe having his sick wife call in to defend him wasn’t the best way to handle things.
Just an observation.
I make it a point never to read or listen to Coulter. So if there’s something of substance there I’m unaware of it. However I will say this – politicians seldom address criticism from pundits, especially partisans. (When was the last time W said anything about Michael Moore’s criticisms, for example.) So if it weren’t for the venom, I’m sure the Edwardses would not have said anything. So it doesn’t really matter that they don’t address the “substance” of Coulter’s criticisms, not unless you want that standard applied evenly to all politicians and all partisan pundits.
Excellent point. But I think the Edwards are being fairly disingenuous in a number of ways. Do you think it wasn’t a setup on Matthews’ show? Interesting that they are able to raise so much money from this right before the reporting period ends, too.
Coulter is a horrid woman, but Edwards has his own catalog of personal attacks he’s used, and nobody should truly believe that their campaign is as pious and victimized as they are making themselves out to be.
Setup on Matthews? While I’m sure the Edwardses knew she was going to be on and planned to call in, and while I’m pretty sure Coulter didn’t know about it until it happened, I don’t know what role Matthews played in setting it up. He would have to have orchestrated it somehow to be a setup IMO. But keep in mind that this happened only one day after she said she wishes he were killed by terrorists. Not much time to coordinate with Matthews. Mrs. Edwards’ stammering call didn’t sound the least bit rehearsed either, so that makes it look more spontaneous than coordinated.
I’m unfamiliar with Edwards’ attacks. I think it’s safe to say that there’s going to be personal attacks in politics so it’s not necessarily hypocritical or disingenuous for them to call Coulter on her bullshit. Wherever you draw the line, she’s way over it. Edwards better be guilty of something that egregious in order to be a hypocrite. But I see your point – and it did occur to me that this was in line with how he handled the news of his wife’s cancer. But in this world of $50 million elections you can expect more politicians to play up any sympathy they can get.
As a side note, I posted this elsewhere but it bears repeating: It’s kind of poetic that Edwards is making money off of Coulter. That will get to her faster than anyone trying to heap shame on her since she has none.
‘Terrorist’ comment was a play on Maher’s comment on Cheney. That it’s ok to say those things about Rs but not Ds.
She’s still awful, but the Edwards’ are every bit as calculated as the Clintons in their media exposure.
Maher’s comment was bad form, just because it adds nothing to the conversation. But an argument can be made in defense of its veracity (Cheney has been a major advocate of our aggressive, and horribly self-destructive, policy in Iraq). It would be a far more tenuous stretch to make such an argument about Edwards, if only because he has yet to prove himself in the foreign policy arena. So, in Maher’s case, it was partisan noise, but not without some basis. In Edward’s case, it was just partisan noise. There was no basis whatsoever.
if I’m reading this right on Daily Kos. There was a diary talking about the fact that Coulter knew before she went on with Tweety that Elizabeth Edwards was going to call in and get equal air time.
I’m a tad suspicious about it becoming a fundraising tool, and I say that as a hardcore Dem. I’m glad they have taken lemons and made lemonade but yeah, they definitely have the political savvy to know that there is big money to be made and they have a bunch they need to raise to hit their second quarter fundraising goals.
So…I guess everybody’s happy–Edwards’ campaign makes big bucks and Coulter sells more hate filled crap.
Yahoo for capitalism.
The edwards campaign has been using the thing for fund raising purposes.
doesn’t bother me at all, I don’t know why it should bother anyone.
I don’t even know that it helps the thing sell more books, people that like her already know about it, people who don’t, aren’t going to be swayed by the screeds of the hollowed out corpse that once may have been human, but now is just the vessel for a parasitic alien lifeform whose hunger for hate drives the beast to avoid normal nourishment causing the vessel to look increasingly less human.
just a theory.
No, but really Danny, can you tell me how you really feel? 🙂
Good one !
Wasn’t the initial complaint about Coulter’s lack of civility?
I’m not one of those democrats. I’m more of the metaphorically callused knuckles type.
Difference is conservative “tough” guys are actually just bullies. they love attacking people when they’re weak or hurting.
The Thing attacks people precisely because they are hurting. 9-11 widows, edwards over their son; The Thing is lucky she occupies a female vessel, she would have gotten cold cocked long ago where I come from.
I don’t care what side of the political fence you fall on–she’s obscene…and seems to have an obsession with smearing dead people’s families (ie., widows of 9/11 victims, dead sons, etc.)
Ann Coulter is no different than Paris Hilton. People don’t tune in to watch them because they are intelligent, thoughtful people, they just want the freak show.
It’s why Tweety had Coulter on his show, it’s why he had Edwards call in. It’s called ratings and he knew he was going to hit the jackpot with it.
I just find her abhorrent to rational, thinking people everywhere. My mom’s a hard core Republican and she finds Ann disgusting, beyond the pale. Her comments about the widows of 9/11 victims nearly gave my 67 year old mother a heart attack. She doesn’t understand the ugliness or why it is necessary and thinks Coulter should be banned from the airwaves.
For once, my mother and I agree on something.
Why anyone bothers to tune in to her appearances or buy her books anymore. What could be more boring than someone so completely predictable? How many thousands could tell us exactly what Coulter is going to say in response to any question? Does anyone really have to read anything she writes anymore to find out what she is going to say? She used to be shocking. Now she’s just a huge yawn. Her fans apparently have an enormous capacity for tedium. They make Limbaugh’s ditto heads look almost intelligent and intellectually curious by comparison.
More people watch wrestling than buy Coulter’s books. Does that make you feel better?
Think of the mentality we’re talking about here.
Oh wait, I do feel better. Thanks!
This consolidates their base and reinforces the power of right wing radio. No Republican up for reelection in 2008 supported the president. The dems are in disarray. Better get their act together. I say mann the border. That is Bush’s responsibility. He doesn’t do it. That helps the Repubs in 2008.
As for Coutler, I try really hard, honestly, not to be repeat all the cheap digs tossed at “older single women” back in the day…..but she is truly an old maid…and gives every evidence of lacking an active sexual life….the kind of bitterness women of a certain age exhibit…when their looks and their chances are on the decline…she is boring, now….and no longer provocative…..you can almost see the overpainted lips and the spots of rouge…and the anxiousness…
It wasn’t just unpopular with the Tancredo crowd. There are plenty of Dems who also want real border security and really DON”T want a permanent non-voting underclass of cheap guest workers.
As it is,the Dem leadership cannot be accused of obstruction just to cheat Bush out of a victory but they also didn’t bludgeon Dems like Webb, Tester, McCaskill etc. who have to hold seats in conservative leaning districts, into voting with the leadership. Bush is denied his last chance at an even partial escape from complete lame duck status, thanks to his fellow Republicans. Dems in R-leaning districts have a better chance at re-election and the majority of the public, even most who want comprehensive immigration reform, never liked this ugly combination of the worst of all possible worlds bill much anyway.
Republicans would have been better off having this bill pass and using it to separate themselves from their most unpopular President since Nixon and in campaigns to retake and add seats in places like Montana, Virginia and Missouri. The newest heartland Dems didn’t get elected by looking like lemmings and when Rs are through beating their chests about blocking this, with an assist from newly elceted Dems, they really won’t have much left to get out of it.
Dating Bill Maher and Bob Guccione, Jr.? My guess is that neither of those guys would settle for a peck on the cheek — though it might support the theory that Coulter is really a tranny. 🙂
DOES have quite the adam’s apple and big man hands and knees to go with it. Not that there would be anything wrong with that. Unless you portray yourself as the queen of the self-described God-fearing, abstinence only, anti-birth control, pepetual-chastity-outside-of-marriage, anti-gay, sex bad/torture good,nuke ’em all, Christian Extremist Republican far right.
she/he/it is the ugliest tranny I ever saw.
About 20% (one in five) of Colorado voters are Hispanic. Whoever (Rs or Ds) beats the anti-immigration drum loudest and positions themselves as the anti-Mexican party will lose in 2008. You can’t win an election with a platform that says 20% of the potential voters (or their parents & relatives) are bums who don’t deserve to be in the country.
Tancredo wins because only 8% of his CD is Hispanic (lowest in the state).
Smart candidates will count the votes and assess whether pushing the immigration wedge issue and being anti-Mexican drives more voters away from them than it attracts. Dumb candidates won’t/can’t do the math and, after they lose the election, will console their supporters that they stood on principle.
Republicans will find this to be an incredible “wedge” issue, particularly among traditional low-skill Democrats who feel the wage depression on a visceral level. If the Dems want to formally declare themselves as the party of the Reconquista, Republicans will exploit this with a fervor which makes the flap over gay marriage a tempest in a teacup.
right down the middle of your beloved Republican Party. This cannot honestly be seen as anything but positive for Democrats, as the GOP coalition continues to fracture and dissolve between the Corporate Cons and the Theocons. And then there’s dwindling Republican support for that pesky Iraq War thingie…
are just as fed up with illegal immigration. After all, it is mostly their jobs that went first.
It will be over two weeks before the official filing deadline.
Those doing well in the fundraising department will let us know well before July 15.Other will hope no one notices.
Those with better information or educated guesses please post your predictions. These guesses are for actual 2007 dollars raised not including contributons made by the candidate to his own committee.
Mark Udall $600,000
Bob Schaffer $650,000
the first boost for Schaffer as he out raises Udall this quarter
Ed Perlmutter $625,000. Any Republican thinking of running will be taken aback by the large numbe of donations from Republicans.
Joan Fitz-Gerald $575,000. Even big pro-environment donors are lining up for Joan
Jared Polis $85,000
Will Shafroth $60,000
Marilyn Musgrave $500,000. Wearing her new moderate clothes but raising lots of money from her old social conservative base
Angie Paccione $45,000.
Betsey Markey $20,000. Kind words from the party establishment but no money
Doug Lamborn $500,000. Bring it on Jeff Crank
John Salazar $550,000. John Salazar raises money every single day.
Your guess is as good as mine as these are just that guesses.
He raised only $75,000 in the first quarter, but, what isn’t reported is that he also paid $40,000 to a fundraising organization (The Rainmakers) in the 1st quarter (probably a retainer) and reported something like $16,000 in commissions owed for their fundraising on his behalf. If you look at it another way, you could say he netted less than $20,000 in funds raised after considering the $16,000 unpaid commission and the $40,000 paid. Not very good. That’s why I think he’s so desparate for money he’s willing to have the July 11, 2007 meet and greet with K&L, PRESTON GATES. http://www.coloradop…. Both Joel Hefley and Jeff Crank would have had to been shot dead and dragged into such a meet and greet. But not Doug Lamborn. He has no shame, in my book.