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January 02, 2006 09:00 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

2006. 2006. 2006. 2006. 2006.

Jason Bane

Jason Bane endorsed by Arvada Police Officers


18 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Mr. Wray said–
    Can someone explain to me in concrete terms, how we are SAFER today?

    Isn’t it obvious? Since W started defending us from the terrerists who hate our freedoms, we haven’t had any building s blown up in this country.

  2. Brio,

    You’re clearly too stupid to post on this or any other board (three identical posts). Illiterates such as yourself need your “freedoms” diminished. The rest of us are just fine. Perhaps some adult education would be more productive instead of your pathetic whining. Or are you just another “Osamacrat”???

  3. Gasp!  Peggy made a joke about Dick Cheney.  The guy who supports and adovcates TORTURE! If you can’t tease a “big time a#@#%&$” like Dick Cheney, then who CAN you poke fun at?

    Looks like another slow news day for Peter Blake.  Trying to keep up with the blogs… zzzzzzzzz.

  4. “Osamacrat” !

    What in the heck is that?
    Osama is still free, and Bush never even talks about him anymore. Our military is bogged down in a war that had nothing to do with Osama or Al Qaeda UNTIL WE INVADED AND MADE IRAQ AL QAEDA’S NEW HOME. We’ve turned Iraq into the biggest terrorist training camp in the world:

    “Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as the training ground for the next generation of ‘professionalized’ terrorists, according to a report released yesterday by the National Intelligence Council, the CIA director’s think tank….

    “President Bush has frequently described the Iraq war as an integral part of U.S. efforts to combat terrorism. But the council’s report suggests the conflict has also helped terrorists by creating a haven for them in the chaos of war….

    “Before the U.S. invasion, the CIA said Saddam Hussein had only circumstantial ties with several al Qaeda members. Osama bin Laden rejected the idea of forming an alliance with Hussein and viewed him as an enemy of the jihadist movement because the Iraqi leader rejected radical Islamic ideals and ran a secular government.”

    Far too many of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, recommendations to make us safer, have still not been implemented.

    The Homeland Security budget is being spent on frivolous pork:

    “The District of Columbia used part of its grant to buy leather jackets and to send sanitation workers to self-improvement seminars. Newark bought air-conditioned garbage trucks. Columbus, Ohio, bought body armor for fire department dogs. These are not the priorities of a nation under threat.”

    The 9/11 Commission gives Bush a grade of “D” under the category: “Maximum effort to prevent terrorists from acquiring WMD” – i.e., he gets a D for his efforts to stop terrorists from getting nuclear bombs. Here’s what the 9/11 Commissioners had to say about Bush’s efforts to stop Osama from getting a nuclear bomb and dropping it on an American city:

    “Countering the greatest threat to America’s security is still not the top national security priority of the President and the Congress.”

    Most of the world now hates us.

    “Iraq has joined the list of conflicts — including the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate, and independence movements in Chechnya, Kashmir, Mindanao in the Philippines, and southern Thailand — that have deepened solidarity among Muslims and helped spread radical Islamic ideology.”

    And let me leave you with the words of the head of Republican head of the 9/11 commission, just a few weeks ago:

    “Four years after 9/11 it is scandalous that police and firefighters in large cities still cannot communicate reliably in a major crisis,” said Thomas Kean, the Republican who was chairman of the commission.

    “It is scandalous that airline passengers are still not screened against all names on a terrorist watch list.

    “It is scandalous that we still allocate scarce homeland security dollars on the basis of pork barrel spending, not risk….”

    “While the terrorists are learning and adapting, our government is still moving at a crawl.”

    Tell me again how Bush has made us safer?

    Republicans in control. Our nation and it’s freedoms more at risk now than ever.

  5. A candidate or Congress doesn’t have to lose his or her sense o humor, but presumably ought to have some dignity as well.  Peggy Lamm’s effort to be funny by wishing that Cheney would have heart troubles might bring a chuckle to Democrats, but it’s hardly the kind of thing a Member of Congress should do. Peggy’s not ready for prime time.

  6. What bunch of head in the sand useful idiots most of you are.  You’ll never get it.

    This site is becoming more and more liberal each day…

  7. At least we’re the useful sort of idiot.  I’d rather be dumb than useless.  As for the “adult education” recommended above, I’d ask Coldawg to begin with the Constitution and then follow up with the Federalist Papers.

  8. I am not a huge fan of my boss but that doesn’t really give me the right to send out a mass email to all the company’s employees wishing him heart disease this holiday season.  I would be fired and rightfully so.  Considering that my job is not anywhere near as prestigious or dignified as being a major candidate for congress, I don’t see how or why Peggy Lamm can get away with that?

    Peggy, you are no Chris Rock.  In fact, you are a candidate for U.S. Congress.  Grow up, apologize and leave the mean spirited humor to someone who is actually funny and not seeking public office.

  9. Oh that was bad a.k.a. Cheneybait a.k.a. Peggy made a boo boo:

    1.  You are the same person using multiple handles who supports another candidate and is trying to attack Peggy.  Admit it.

    2.  In a corporation you could get fired for mass e-mailing ANY criticism of your boss.  You can get fired for telling your boss his toupee looks like a nesting raccoon.  If you want your country run like a corporation, move to Iran.

    3.  It’s a joke.  Nobody is picking up your attack-thread because nobody cares.  Making fun of Dick Cheney is funny because he’s such a mean-spirited sonafabitch!

    4.  Are you an Ed Perlmutter supporter?  I only ask because this smells like a petty-Perlmutter attack.  Mailings, blogs, whisper campaigns, that style of campaigning will not win in the end because it shows a lack of original thought and ideas.  Money and connections will not buy him this congressional seat.

    5.  Go Peggy!

  10. Wow that is some insightful stuff.  You pretty much blame a campaign for something another campaign did.  So if I say that I hope you have a heart attack,  you would have no problem with that statement, I would. 

    It is fine to attack the policies or politics of a person it is never ok, even in jest, to attack the person themselves.

    I am no fan of Cheney that is for sure, but that is because his policies are insane not because he has medical issues.  Get some maturity, this goes for Lamm, you are running for the Congress of the United States.

  11. Wow that is some insightful stuff.  You pretty much blame a campaign for something another campaign did.  So if I say that I hope you have a heart attack,  you would have no problem with that statement, I would. 

    It is fine to attack the policies or politics of a person it is never ok, even in jest, to attack the person themselves.

    I am no fan of Cheney that is for sure, but that is because his policies are insane not because he has medical issues.  Get some maturity, this goes for Lamm, you are running for the Congress of the United States.

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