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July 08, 2007 12:52 AM UTC

More Proof of Conservative Collapse in the Rocky Mountain West

  • by: davidsirota

In 2005, I wrote a national op-ed for Knight Ridder newspapers that showed how when right-wing congressional politicians return home as governors from the fantasy land known as Washington, D.C., they often drop their conservative economic elitism in the face of reality. Last week, I wrote that the conservative movement in the Rocky Mountain West is seeing this same economic elitism decline as an effective political cudgel, and not surprisingly, many Rocky Mountain states are watching their Republican parties descend into disrepair (here in Colorado, for instance, the GOP has resorted to hiring as party chairman the same supposed “guru” who most recently helped commandeer his boss George Allen from leading presidential candidate to historical cautionary tale). Now, up in Idaho, we see the convergence of both of these phenomena, as Gov. Butch Otter (R) has become yet another conservative Washington-insider-turned-home-state-economic-realist and yet another Rocky Mountain Republican fleeing his own party’s elite consensus.

The Idaho Statesman reports that during Otter’s 35 years as a career politician and icon of Wingnuttia with little to no executive responsibilities, “he has created an almost unblemished record of small-government libertarianism.” But now in a role that requires real-world decisions – not right-wing sloganeering – Otter is “tell[ing] Idahoans that he need[s] to raise taxes by some $200 million” because he knows that many Idaho roads are deadly dangerous [while] others are so congested they threaten local economies.”

What’s amazing about this is not just the conversion of a man who has relied almost exclusively on anti-tax faux populism to propel his political career – but the rhetoric he is now using. Butch Otter, Mr. Anti-Tax Populist, suddenly would like us to believe he’s a now Mr. Shared Sacrifice for the Common Good in the mold of Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

“I feel obligated right now to step up forward and say, ‘Folks, I’m sorry, but we’ve got to have it,’ ” Otter said. “I think we’ve got to prepare the environment, and when folks say ‘I’m sick and tired of paying taxes,’ well, folks, I’m sick and tired of paying taxes. But we’ve got to look to the need. We’ve got to look to the economy. We’ve got to look to the amount of time people are spending on a 13-mile-long parking lot.”

The language – which progressives have been employing for years, and which Republicans have derided as “class warfare” – is more than a little hilarious. Otter is the same guy who as congressman led the charge to pass President Bush’s deficit exploding tax cuts and budget cuts that deliberately sapped money out of federal funding to states for basic infrastructure priorities like those his state now is struggling to finance.  And there should be little doubt that Otter remains a committed Republican hack on most issues, and that if and when he pushes forward a final tax proposal, he will work to make sure it is as regressive as possible and targets as many working-class, non-GOP big shot donors as possible. Already, the Statesman notes that he “He wants to bring lawmakers and transportation experts together to look at gasoline taxes [and] vehicle registration fees” – two kinds of levies that folks hit harder and harder as you go down the income ladder.

Nonetheless, Otter’s conversion on the road to reality is extraordinary, and yet another sign that the conservative movement has gone politically and substantively bankrupt here in the Rocky Mountain West – even in its most reliable strongholds like Idaho, even among its most reliable ideologues like Otter. That’s thanks in no small part to both the generally vacuous nature of conservatives policy prescriptions, and to local progressive coalitions like United Vision for Idaho refusing to focus only on the glitzy Washington headlines, and instead doing the hard, unglamorous work of educating the public on the most important issues.

What remains to be seen is whether Rocky Mountain Democrats have both the foresight and the guts to take advantage of these opportunities. There are some terrific populist, power-challenging Democrats out here these days. But there are is a small but vocal sect of Democrats from this region that still seem to adhere to the Republican-lite model that claims the key to winning is to split the difference by worshipping at Grover Norquist’s corporate-funded altar. Whether that silly calculation comes from idiocy in the face of compelling facts, or from campaign donor-induced blindness is hard to say. But clearly as we approach 2008, the best way to defeat a faltering conservative movement is not to emulate it, but to boldly cut against it.

Originally posted at Working Assets


8 thoughts on “More Proof of Conservative Collapse in the Rocky Mountain West

  1. I have always been frustrated with the thought that being republican-lite is the key to winning elections. That is why I think the DLC is killing the democratic party.

    Good article.

  2. So, you’re proud of Otter because now he’s a realist, but pounding Republicans for being bankrupt because why?  They’re becoming realists?  If I’m missing something, please let me know (it is Monday…and late…), but it sounds like double speak to me.

    Also, the tax cuts didn’t lead to the deficit.  It was irresponsible spending that gave us run-away deficits.

    Finally, while I respect the assertion that being “republican-lite” isn’t the key to winning elections, it seems somewhat strange that recent dem successes in the rocky mountains have come from “republican-lite” Dems such as Salazar, Ritter, Schwitzer, and Tester…hardly Dems that cut boldly against Republicans

    1. Some services + ever-less income = impending disaster.

      Owens realized it before leaving office.  Otter is realizing it.  Governor GoodHair and the GOP Lege realized it.  “All tax cuts, all the time” isn’t realistic.

      BTW, Schweitzer you *might* call Republican-lite – barely, and in very limited areas.  Tester?  No way; go back and learn more about them.

      1. At least according to voting statistics, Tester is indeed in the middle.

        6-month VoteView rankings show Tester solidly staking out the center.  Of course, the VoteView rankings also show that there is no such thing as “center” any more.  There is not a single Republican to the left of any Democrat, nor obviously vice versa.

        Of course, these same rankings put Mark Udall down with John Salazar – solidly staking out some newfound conservative credentials.  And Ron Paul somehow winds up on the very bottom/right of the stack.

      2. You can’t always cut taxes, but I don’t think that the Bush cuts themselves led to the deficit.  The cuts were cuts in anticipated revenues above what we supposedly needed.  So the cuts didn’t cause the deficit.  It was Bush and spinless pork loving Republicans that caused the problem, not the cuts themselves.

        That’s reasonable in my book 🙂

        1. If he hadn’t wanted to play with his toy soldiers, do you have any doubt that Shrubya would have continued hacking at taxes until it hurt just the same?

          The very thought that we’re paying for this war in deficit spending is to me no different from the concept of tax cut until it hurts.  It’s just another way to cut government to the bone.

          1. Probably.  But still, it’s not the cuts that are the problems.  It’s the mentality of “let’s cut taxes (revenue) but not spending”.

            The whole point of tax cuts are two fold: stimulate the economy and cut the size of government.  Bush clearly only cared about trying to stimulate the economy, because he allowed congressional republicans to expand the size of government to keep their majorities. 

            So, the only contribution the cuts made to the deficits was to make the problem worse; I believe that we would still be running deficits even if the cuts didn’t go through because of the way congress spent money

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