Well he’s tellin’ us this
And he’s tellin’ us that
Changes it every day–
Says it doesn’t matter!
Bases are loaded
And Casey’s at bat
Playin’ it play by play–
Time to change the batter!
And we don’t need the ladies
Cryin’ ’cause the story’s sad…
–Joe Walsh
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Someone at the Times finally calls “Bullshit!” on Bush’s attempt to equate Iraq with Al Qaeda:
Why go to NY when Jim Spencer can write it here: http://www.spencersp…
It’s as if our Commander continuing a failed occupation with hands over his ears and eyes shut.
Is it that hard to change a couple of lines on this site?
“Look for a new Big Line early next week.”
Most political blogs in this country are updated several times a day. What’s wrong with this one that you can’t get it together and make changes in real time? By the time you guys make your updates they will again be out of date. So instead of lashing out at your readers maybe you guys should focus on getting back on the ball?
What is it with you and other posters who are so passionate about the big line? Why don’t you redirect that energy into something that matters?
Their odds-setting doesn’t even make sense if you were a betting man. Besides, not all of the FEC reports are in.
Should change the line to something totally ridiculous, just to do it. It would probably generate a lot of “No Way!” traffic, and would have the same bearing on reality as the current pol.
It would be quite funny for the rest of us to watch if suddently they posted a line for Dullard in front of Udall and Schaffer who both dropped 20 to 1; put someone like Fawcett or Winter leadng their congressional districts; or any R over taking DeGette and Perlmutter. Damn, can’t we have April Fools twice a year?
their odds are way off from the start and now we know why because they work by committee to get it done.
We now have CD4 money in. Markey raised $36,000 and gave her self a loan of $25,000 according to the Coloradoan. So lets update CD4 line.
or enjoy the deal you’re accepting. If you prefer other political blogs, read them instead. If you prefer this one, relax and enjoy it, and stop your kvetching! 🙂
Give pols enough crap about the big line, it might happen
play nice. It’s Friday (the 13th)!
Get with the times, Lauren! We’re not the country that welcomes the hungry, oppressed, and huddled masses anymore! We’re a mean-spirited bunch of conquistadores, and, on the rare ocassion that we “take prisoners,” we torture them in the name of Liberty! If they happen to be innocent, well, we eventually let them go, if they survive that long. Robbespiere would be proud!
but haven’t you ever heard of a revival period?
Nastiness has been in vogue through the Clinton years and will no doubt continue through the end of the Bush era, but the pendulum always swings. I’m looking for that return to civility. It did exist once, didn’t it?
feel free to call me “William of.” 🙂
$717,000.00 – so he is definitely a contender financially. Still doesn’t have a prayer of winning against Udall but he probably has the primary locked up.
Klein said 83% of the contributions were from Colorado. That would be interesting to see. I’ve heard rumors of BS asking DC for for the bulk of the money. We’ll see on monday I guess.
….even though he was trying to bite the, er, peter of an undercover officer.
My God, these R’s hypocrisies are like shooting fish in a barrrel….without water.
What makes him a hypocrite instead of just a politician with bad judgement is that he sponsored a bill to outlaw public sex….. Can anyone define self-loathing?
So what IS “family values?” Whatever it is, it isn’t what the Republicans-Christian Fundies seem to practive.
-Powers Boothe
Aren’t you being hypocritical to think that only Rs are capable of being shitheads? Maybe you should try to find one Republican that you like so you’re not constantly trying to de-humanize such a large group.
I like his foreign policy stance. He actually understands backlash from our actions.
“If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be.”
Or this…
“we are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers.”
I said “foreign policy.” Which word in that phrase didn’t you understand?
So as long as someone is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, it’s ok if they’re a racist?
Between you and Dwyer, there are some great big bullies in the virtual house.
You asked for one republican that we thought wasn’t eveil, I responded with what I thought of Ron Pauls’ foreign policy stance. You attacked him and then me and complained about getting your feelings hurt. Grow up.
You’re intimidating me with your internet-anonymity-enhanced stature!
You’ve always been kind of awful to people here, a little bit of an embarrassment to even the posters that agree with you. There’s just no need to be such a snotty punk.
I’ll bet you didn’t know the ‘dark side of Ron Paul’. I didn’t either at first, and I like the way he votes – he’s not for sale. Unfortunately, being a racist (and to me, believing in conspiracy theories) invalidates him in my book.
“Republican” is. And to elect to be a member of the club that is currently responsible for our own international jihad (one which has rightly earned us the loathing of the rest of the world), anti-immigration xenophobia (despite Parsing’s desire to reverse the roles on that one), religious zealotry at the expense of the sick and suffering (e.g., the anti-stem-cell stupidity) and at the expense of a descent education for our children (e.g., marginalizing and attempting to eliminate the theory of evolution, one of the most empirically well-supported scientific theories humanity has ever produced!), homophobia, and, despite claims to the contrary, a reduction rather than augmentation of fiscal responsibility, is a legitimate cause for the reprobation of those who choose not to join that club.
A great Freudian slip? LOL!
the religious fanatics plaguing this country are all for a descentless education. They prefer to teach a 3000-year-old mythology to the well-established, phenomenally well-supported, and academically uncontested scientific theory about our descent.
After you pointed out the original mistake, I did a play on the words that was probably a bit different from the one you had in mind (as in “descent of man”).
..if I were a Log Cabin Republican? Would I still be responsible for homophobia?
of the party as currently constituted, not a member of the base to which candidates appeal, and guilty of either not forcing a showdown to retake the party from the reactionary extremists or not leaving a party that has become so distasteful. It’s like being a non-anti-semite who supported the Nazi party out of a commitment to governmental efficiency: If you support a movement that deserves strong reprobation because you adhere to some benign element within it, you nevertheless deserve to be held responsible for having by your membership supported its less benign attributes as well.
At the national level, Sen. Olympia Snow is one. At the state level, Hank Brown is one.
…..if 95% of the hypocrites in politics are Republicans. NOT!
Ain’t burning me up. Please address the issue and don’t shoot the messenger. The problem you need to deal with is not perception, nor me, but the reality of R hypocrisy.
TR and Ike were decent Pubs. There are a few in Congress, now, too, but they are out shouted by all the bullying neocons.
And hypocrites.
Makes one look jaded. “All” of your prototypical R’s are shouted down by the neocons?
I left out the word “all”, but you inserted it! Ha ha. Yes, that’s what I intended.
Come on, we all know that I don’t mean 100%, but something close to it.
You are wandering far frome the issue track, the propensity of R’s to be hypocrites.
I left out the word “all”, but you inserted it! Ha ha. Yes, that’s what I intended.
Come on, we all know that I don’t mean 100%, but something close to it.
You are wandering far frome the issue track, the propensity of R’s to be hypocrites.
It’s the propensity of anyone> who tries to fob their particular brand of morality off onto anyone else to eventually look like a dumbass. I’m sure we could dig up a speech by Wm. Jefferson on ethics.
You have to be disappointed in the Dems backpedaling on ethics and earmark reform. They have no excuse at this point, eh?
…that’s why Congress is scoring so low. Promises unfilled and while 60% of more of the country is wanting to impeach Bush or Cheney – sorry, didn’t mean to be redundant – the house isn’t even playing good political theater.
But my post here was only about reading psychology.
I think you’re not being honest about the number of people that want impeachment. Polls are no way to run a country anyway, and they can be skewed easily with samples and the way questions are asked.
The country wants to move forward – wants congress to do something. Impeachment would be unwarranted, futile, and divisive to the extreme. The Dems don’t even have the onions to cut off funding for the war – let alone a suicide charge to a bogus impeachment.
Al Gore:
Right on the internet
Right on the War
Right on re-inventing government
Right on the environment
Al Gore…
Right NOW!
Bill Richardson next,
Hillary next,
Weak: Kucinich, Obama, Edwards
Ok so not really, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone.
I always ignored any posting about Jeffco and the events because it didn’t appeal to me. However, when a friend was discussing a possible affiliation with the county I realized I needed to point them to these articles and subsequent arguing about potential partisan politics etc.
I was able to easily go onto CoPols and direct my friend to some information they should know going into the situation as they had not heard anything about the commissioner issues and other problems. So thanks from both of us.
Source: http://jeffrey-feldm…
The photo just says it all.
….I don’t think that Tank can count on receiving the NAACP endorsement next year. Still, it’s impressive that he showed!
that is telling. I hope the NAACP and the black community use this photo every chance they get. Print out millions of them !
It wasn’t a pre-planned setup….
its not like having a carrier circle off san diego to keep it out of chopper range so that bush could land in a jet under a “mission accomplished” banner.
That was a stunt and it wasn’t true.
…to the fact that massive immigration is not good for them. One does not need a PhD in sociology or do a multi-million dollar survey to know whose jobs, more than any other American demographic, have gone to the illegals.
Her fundraising totals are public and they are horrible.
She has already loaned herself $25 grand, only raised $36,000 from contributions and has only $30 grand left for cash on hand.
No wonder her campaign was spinning over at Colorado Confidential about how this campaign wasn’t about the money. I guess not–since she’s already loaning herself cash.
Smart to dump the bad news on a Friday, though.
Betsy Markey didn’t even break the low estimates her camp has been floating over the past week. It sounds like her Fort Collins base isn’t coming through for her the way she thought it would.
there is no way to spin it.
She has to get serious or get out.
Alright, AP can’t win, BM looks like she’s toast, now who???
BM is def not getting it done.
What did she spend $31,000 on in a few weeks? You are supposed to reaise money not spend half in a couple weeks. Who is getting rich on this one?
Some one once said that if Al Gore starts losing weight, he’ll get into the race.
Well, according to this TIME story, that’s what he is doing.