It’s that time again, boys and girls. Every four weeks we ask Colorado Pols readers who they think will win the respective nominations for President. We ask the question in this manner in order to gauge changing perceptions; this certainly isn’t a scientific poll, but it’s interesting to see how politically-active folks like Pols readers are viewing the race in terms of momentum. Click below to vote, and next week we’ll give you the historical votes in order.
Remember, we don’t want to know who you support – we want to know who you think will end up as the nominee.
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
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IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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and now he’s coming to Colo. Spgs. Can’t wait to see what kind of reception he gets from the local Powers-That-Be….
off to reeducation camp with Pastor Haggard…
He’ll come back out remarried to his first wife and his son will be talking to him again.
is 250 a person. I paid 85 to see Romney but I wouldn’t have been able to cough up 250 for one ticket. If it were reasonably priced I’d go-I doubt he’ll get a lot of takers.
that is why Tancredo is offering to give tours around the Capitol/Capital for anyone willing to go to his events…
Trust me, you get a lot more from Romney 🙂 I know you’re a Guiliani fan, are you going to go?
I like him…….but not THAT much! 🙂
about to catch FIRE!
standing next to Cheney when he does
You made me laugh:)
He’d better hurry if he’s going to gain any traction.
Y’all are seriously underestimating Duncan Hunter….
and Tom Tancredo…
Then again, maybe this is the office Bob Beauprez will decide to make his comeback to!
I don’t know how Rudy keeps doing so well in a GOP that seems hostile to many of his views, but he’s doing it. I still think his campaign is going to undergo a sudden collapse, but I can’t see where it’s going to happen, so I’ll move my vote for now…
I have the same gut feeling about Rudy, it is weird and totally unfounded…and I also wish I had the same gut feeling about Hillary’s campaign.
I have the same feeling about Rudy and I think it’s because he fundamentally is what the Republican base hates. He’s liberal, tolerant, etc.
So there is this giant conflict between their votes and their desires. And if that breaks – then his support disappears.
The problem with Guliani is tht he not only loses support with the socially conservative republicans with his liberal and tolerant attitudes, he also loses with the more traditional minimal government, fiscally conservative republicans. His gun control and crime record in NYC promises more the same of the Bush administration when it comes to the Patriot Act and anti terrorism policies.
His policies make very few happy. He’s riding on 9/11 popularity and charisma. If actual issues enter into the campaign, he’s going to crash and burn in a hurry.
Roger Ailes.
That’s it; Game Over on the Republican side. FOX has already given Rudy more airtime than all the other GOP candidates combined, and they’re just warming up. Romney and Thompson should start jockeying for cabinet positions now.
cabinet posts, they should be cozying up to Hillary.
Otherwise they are wasting their time….
Roger Ailes was Daddy Bush’s communications director during the ’88 campaign, and along with Lee Atwater introduced us all to Willie Horton. And of course, more recently he has been employed as Rupert Murdoch’s minister of propaganda at Faux News.
But somehow, I do not think that hell has frozen over. The funny thing is that he is the closest of all the candidates to the republican party that I know of from the 60’s, and I would assume from before that. But instead, it will end up being another neo-con backed by the bush brothers, cheney, rumsfeld, abramhoff, etc or a 3 time loser who takes credit in any way he can. The good news is that with that, the election is the dems to lose.
No love for McCain
Someone actually voted for Tom Tancredo on one of these polls. Maybe it was his wife. Or himself…..
By my count, there are about 12-20 people who regularly post on ColoradoPols and participate in the poll. I would hardly call that group representative of anything close to the general public.
It would be better and more informative to post a link to public opinion polls.
This isn’t a “who would you like to see win”, it’s a “who’s winning right now” kind of poll. I’m not a Hillary fan, but I voted for her in the Dem poll because her campaign is still chugging along pretty smoothly right now and her opponents aren’t getting the same traction.
We’re political junkies – these polls are about political analysis, not cheerleading.
there is also a substantial number of people (like myself) who avidly read and frequent coloradopols but don’t often post, hence why there are 53 votes in this poll even though you are right that there are only a select few who regularly post. The point here being that the poll represents a much broader spectrum than just that presented by Haners, Parsing, PR, DavidThi88, et al.
everyone has multiple accounts. Maybe there are really only 4 or 5 of us on here!!! That’s deeeeep.
But yeah, I voted for Hillary because it seems inevitable and Rudy because I feel people may believe he has the best chance to beat Hillary and don’t want to risk it.
Lots of support for Ron Paul.
The Republican more principled version of Kucinich.
This poll is about who do you think WILL get the republican nod. It is not about who do you WANT to get the nod. As such, I did not vote, though I think that he is about the only republican who could win the overall election (why? because he was the only pub to be against iraq (and even most dems voted for that quagmire), also to be against the corruption and monster deficits that pub admins and ALL congress seem to want to run). But I think that he has about the same chance of winning as does kucinich on the dems. Nice comparison to Kucinich, though I think that both are very principled.
“It’s the saddest GOP primary season ever, because nobody likes any of the candidates. …
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of losers. Dennis Kucinich could probably lick вЂem all.…
ha ha ha
republican suck. i’m sure they’ll blame it on a ‘bad year’
(Q: why did people hate GOP in 2006, was it merely that the planets were improperly aligned-aka ‘a bad year’ or was it because republicans suck? i go with later.
Usually they have the annointed candidate by now with everyone lined up behind him. Instead they have to actually evaluate candidates and are surprised to find they all have negatives.
Poor Republicans, having to actually evaluate…
Dole in ’96 (twice before for prez and once for V.P.), Daddy Bush in ’88 (once before for prez and twice for V.P.), Reagan in ’80 (twice before for prez), Nixon in ’68 (once before for prez and twice for V.P.). You can’t say that GOP candidates were not adequately vetted.
Regrettably, they broke that tradition in 2000 when they nominated a virgin (so to speak) as their presidential nominee.
But, I still think Romney will pull off the GOP nomination but he’ll be way too slick of a flip-flopper for the American public and losely terribly to Hillary.
in the beginning because of his impressive background and business credentials – I wasn’t going to vote for him or anything but I thought he was a good candidate. His flip flopping totally turned me off, and now the Bushies are endorsing him, so naturally I now hope he gets nowhere near the nomination or white house…
Overall, he did a good job with MA (much better than owens did with us). But with his being backed by the neo-cons (and their not backing others that they claim THEY are like), leaves me very cautious. Anything that a neo-con backs stinks of another trap. Back in 2000, I said that W. would be just like reagan and he has been the near perfect clone of his policies (though not of him; reagan was smooth). America can not afford any more of deficit spending, invasions, corruption, etc. I want a country that my kids can grow up in and be happy AND proud.
One big difference. Reagan always had a plan for his invasions. He got in, got out and generally came out smelling like a rose. I still remember the Libya thing, we all felt like heroes. Even Grenada, according to wikipedia,
“Overall the invasion produced a sense in the American public of pride in the military.”
Reagan was a master at getting the public behind his policies. Bush, not so much…
Reagan kept poking at small groups. But he is also the one who went into lebanon and then sounded retreat once we took a black eye. It (and our retreat in ‘nam) showed that we do not take bloody noses well.
BTW, that is why we have issues with OBL, and will continue to do so. He KNOWS that we will withdraw at some point.
As to getting the ppl behind him, yeah, reagan was smooth.
As a mess that showed we don’t take bloody noses very well
…but I have nothing but respect for his ability to play the American public like a Charlie Daniels fiddle. Good looking, broad shoulders, that radio-TV voice, what’s not to like? And a brilliant story teller, the same teaching method Jesus relied so heavily on. Instead of facts, he talked about a family he met.
Even when he was caught with his hand in the Iran-Contra cookie jar, he just wiggled out of it and no one cared.
Two points: (1) by that time, he was pretty much reduced to the responsibility level of any child whose hand you’d catch in a cookie jar… and (2) GHW Bush probably put his hand in there without him even noticing…
Getting to be the candidate who loses to Hillary? Wow, what an honor. They really should give it to Tancredo or some other wingnut so they can see just how poor the support is for someone like that.
Otherwise Alan Keyes would be the only remaining candidate. Well, and maybe Tom Tancredo.