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January 14, 2008 11:42 PM UTC

Bruce Goes on the Attack...Literally

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE #4: Liberal group Progress Now calls on GOP leadership to condemn Bruce “assault.” Director Mike Huttner asks, “What is this, ‘Republicans Gone Wild?'” Release below.

UPDATE #3: Bruce demands an apology from the photographer he kicked (Yes, you read that correctly).

UPDATE #2: CBS4Denver has video of Bruce’s kick.

UPDATE: Colorado Pols has the exclusive first picture of this kicking episode. No word yet on why Bruce wasn’t wearing shoes. Click below for more.

The Doug Bruce saga gets weirder and weirder. From the Rocky Mountain News:

Rookie lawmaker Douglas Bruce kicked a Rocky photographer in the knee during the ceremonial prayer in the House chamber this morning.

Earlier, the anti-tax crusader tried to make light of the gaggle of reporters and photographers following him around this morning.

But, as first reported on the Rocky’s legislative blog “Live from the Colorado Legislature”, Bruce’s patience apparently snapped as photographers from the Rocky and Denver Post crouched before him to shoot his picture as he stood for the House’s morning prayer.

Bruce gave Rocky photographer Javier Manzano a swift kick in the knee and said: “Don’t do that again.”

Rocky Mountain News Editor John Temple said Manzano had the right to take Bruce’s picture. Temple said he will discuss the incident with House leadership.

“The House floor is a place where journalists are allowed to operate. It’s outrageous for Mr. Bruce in a public place to assault a photographer,” Temple said.

The sole Republican to vote NO on a caucus resolution that forced Bruce to take the oath of office today must be happy to read this. What say you, Rep. Kevin Lundberg?

Call for Republicans to immediately condemn colleagues’ assault


Michael Huttner

(303) 931-4547 cell

Denver–ProgressNowAction is calling on Republican leadership, specifically Colorado House Minority leader Mike May and Colorado GOP Republican Chairman Dick Wadhams to condemn Representative Doug Bruce’s assault on a Rocky Mountain News photographer at the Colorado State Capitol earlier today.

“What is this, ‘Republicans Gone Wild?’ It’s out of control,” stated Michael Huttner, Executive Director of ProgressNowAction, Colorado’s largest online progressive advocacy organization. “Minority Leader May and Chairman Wadhams need to publicly condemn their fellow Republicans’ unconscionable actions immediately.”

This morning Republican Representative Doug Bruce have a Rocky Mountain News photographer a “swift kick in the knee” when the photographer tried to take his picture. (RMN, 1/14/2008)

Asked by reporters in his office about the incident, Bruce said kicking the photographer was warranted. (RMN)

# # #


96 thoughts on “Bruce Goes on the Attack…Literally

        1. Here is the statute:

          (1) No recall petition shall be circulated or filed against any elected officer until the officer has actually held office for at least six months following the last election; except that a recall petition may be filed against any member of the general assembly at any time after the fifth day following the convening and organizing of the general assembly after the election.

          So as of Sunday, Dougie-Poo was eligible for recall.

          But recalls are extremely difficult due to a high number of signatures being required and the gathering time is very short.

    1. I don’t really believe you’re a Republican.  It’s ok to think whatever you want, but going through your comments, I really think you might just be a Dem pretending to be an “R”.

      Are you?

      PS Bruce is a giant tool, and an embarrassment.

      PPS Who gives a fuck what “Progressnowaction” thinks?  I’m sure they’d like every Republican in government to resign immediately.

        1. Do you doubt that Bruce is an embarrassment to 90% of us Republicans?  He’s the Cynthia McKinney of the CO GOP.

          However, the day I start taking political direction from ‘progresswhateverbushmcchimpyhallibutonevil…..blahahahaha’ I want you to come switch out my Cohibas for Swisher Sweets.

          It would be like you taking the Independence Institute’s political advice, eh?

  1. You know, I’m solely an observer in politics, other than as a voter.

    Yet, dare I say, this type of behavior is not often seen in our elected representatives (or in this case, appointed).  I knew Doug would be interesting, but not THIS interesting!

  2. A handy guide, because I know it gets confusing…

    Ok : Getting down on your knees in prayer.

    Not Ok: Banging down on your opponents knees during prayer.

    Next week’s lesson: Love thy Neighbor or Kick thy Neighbor, how to forgive those that trespass against us.

  3. this guy is an idiot plain and simple, good work el paso county republican vacancy committee you bunch of morons !  It is only going to get worse, i predict he will be expelled before the end of the session

    1. Finally, someone is recognizing this! Why wasn’t this question No. 1?

      This  photog was assaulted on the House floor. It deserves attention, whether it was from D. Bruce or a far-left liberal. It is definitely not OK to attack someone doing their job!

      Is this how D. Bruce will conduct himself on a regular basis? If so, then he doesn’t belong on the House floor.

      1. The Rocky photographer needs to file assault charges against Bruce immediately.  The CBS4 video doesn’t lie.  This violent behavior is unacceptable and should not be tolerated in any form.

        ‘Lil Dougie needs to learn that he is not king of the sandbox any longer.  If he can’t play nice, he’ll be sent to timeout.

          1. But I’d like to know what was exchanged between the three camera men (also the one video taping) right before the incident. One nudges the other, says something, then they both go to take pictures and the video zooms in on DB’s face.

            Obviously, nothing said or done could justify such an action as kicking a man on the House floor (literally), but I’d still like to know.

              1. I think so too. They held off during the 10 seconds of silence, but the still photogs raised their cameras and the videographer pulled focus on Bruce’s face right as the prayer leader started speaking. By coordinating, it would minimize the noise and flash. I bet they figured they had to get the shot while he’s standing still during the prayer, under the assumption that Bruce might take off as soon as he heard, “Amen.”

                Of course, why would anyone think that Douglas Bruce does not want his photo made, given that he’s been the biggest media hoor in the state for the last 20 years?

                How perfect is it that Rep. Bruce decided to kick somebody during a moment of prayerful silence to “reflect upon those  you represent.”

                “You are disturbing my repose! THWAP!!”

            1. Which is why my take has been “we’ll have to see”.  We should wait to get all the facts.

              But regardless of whether he was provoked kicking a reporter during a prayer is hard to justify

              1. Unless defending yourself or others from imminent bodily harm, it is not justifiable.

                Oh I get he was upset, and a case can be made that Doug thought it was rude to flash in his face while he is praying.

                But a “Please don’t do that again” would be far more appropriate than physical violence.

                I Love the Bill of Rights for Taxpayer’s.

                I like Doug’s long history of assistance to grassroots efforts.  

                But sometimes Doug’s personal behavior is baffling.

                1. It is very refreshing to hear your take on this issue.  Though we may disagree on preference for candidates from time to time, I appreciate the fact that you are honest

                  1. I was OK with Doug’s e-mail asking to be sworn in and given 90 seconds to address the assembly.  

                    I suspect he never intended for this to last beyond today, as the invitation I got to his swearing in mentioned 1:00pm today.

                    That tells me he just wanted the press to hear and report his 90 second talking points speech.

                    All well and good, right up until the moment he “steps on his own story” with a size 13 shoe.

                    Not only was kicking the photographer morally wrong, it was politically stupid on several levels.

                    1. He said that he “politely” asked the camera people to stop, and then when they didn’t, he “tapped” the camera man with his foot.

                      The video showed otherwise.

                      He said that the whole controversy today was over whether he could take his oath at 1:00 or at 8:00.

                      Clearly the issue was Bruce wanted to address the House, Romanoff said no.

                      Bruce’s radio appearance made me so mad, I literally screamed at my radio.

                      Newsman, I hate to put you on the spot like this, and if you don’t want to answer I understand.  But given today’s news, do you still feel like Bruce is fit to serve, or the best Republican to fill the seat?

                    2. That probably was his idea of a “tap”.  Doug’s a big guy and he likes to throw his weight around.  He has no concept of compromise and tends to aggravate those around him, even those who would agree with him.  I was surprised he made county commissioner but wasn’t surprised at all by his antics at the meetings.

                      BTW, which radio show was he on?  I would have liked to hear him try to weasel out responsibility for his actions.

                      I have made my feelings about him clear, I think he is an embarrassment to the EPC delegation and I have no doubt he will produce plenty of news stories in the next year.  Unfortunately.

    2. I could never get a handle on the differences, but my last education on such issues was that the physical doing is battery.

      Lawyers, please? (Never thought I’d say that!)

      1. …I believe it can be either “Assault” or “Assault & Battery”.  I believe the “assault” part refers to the attempt to injure/harm someone… for instance, you swung a baseball bat at them.  I believe the “battery” part is if you actually injure them… not only did you swing the baseball bat at them, but you actually hit them with it.

          1. According to that bastion of truth, Wikipedia, “‘Assault and battery’ is the combination of two violent crimes: assault (the threat of violence) and battery (physical violence).”


            The less often cited, but far more reliable, Encyclopedia Britannica says this about assault and battery: “related but distinct crimes, battery being the unlawful application of physical force to another and assault being an attempt to commit battery or an act that causes another reasonably to fear an imminent battery.”


            I did the research because, hard as this is to admit, I was wrong – I thought battery was the lesser of the two.

      2.    That’s the criminal code violation. There’s also the civil tort of assault which the Rocky photographer may be interested in pursuing.  Hopefully he’s got Frank Azar on speed dial.  “Have you been hurt on the floor of the House of Representatives…”

      3. In some states it is simply an offensive touching–since I don’t do crim law I don’t know what constitutes “bodily injury” since that is based on precedent.  I suspect it is a very low bar.

        Common law Assault is most closely associated with statutory menacing

        Misdemeanor menacing 18-3-206

        A person commits the crime of menacing if, by any threat or physical action, he or she knowingly places or attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury

  4. Based on the GOP caucus resolution vote, I wonder who Daddy Bruce might have gotten to let him onto the floor as a guest.  Rep. Lundberg, do you have any idea about that?

    Why are we “blessed” with such grandstanding idiots?

      1. I figured given Lundberg’s support of Bruce in the resolution that he might be the one enabling Bruce’s behavior.

        I’ll take your advice on Rep. Lambert; I don’t know him nor do I know any of his actions.  Still, enabling Doug Bruce isn’t his best decision.

        1. is a far-right ideologue. He’s a member of the  Republican Study Committee of Colorado which tells you about all you need to know about his politics – http://www.rscc.us/

          As far as those folks go Lundberg is much more of a “good guy” than Lambert. Kent has a tendency to run his mouth in partisan and border-line offensive ways without realizing that maybe, just maybe, he is in mixed company. Lundberg is a down right affable guy most of the time.  

          1. I’m conservative, so I’m “far right”.  Please enlighten me on what’s wrong with someone’s beliefs.

            Just because you don’t agree with him doesn’t make him a bad person.

            Plus, if you have any links to back up your assertion, I would love for you to post them.

            1. I never said he was a “bad person” because he has far-right beliefs. If you would re-read what I wrote you wouldn’t see that I didn’t ascribe any value to his beliefs other than a description, which was entirely accurate.

              As for value judgments about him personally – I am basing that on my many past interactions with the guy. I thought he was a jerk and I stand by that.

              YMMV I suppose

              1. Does pointing out that someone is “far right” build up someone’s credibility among the Democrats that post here?  

                Was it to prove or disprove my assertion that he was a good representative?

                Now, don’t picture me typing all pissed off and stuff-but let’s not pretend that you threw that out there as anything other than to discredit Lambert when I said he was a good representative and a good guy.

                If you don’t like him, that’s fair.  But please don’t say that it’s just because he’s “far right”

                1. Do you think my description of Lambert as “far-right” is at all inaccurate? If you don’t disagree with that assessment then I’m not sure what there is to discuss.

                  I placed no value judgment on his political philosophy. I don’t like him because he has acted like a jerk, it has nothing to do with his politics.

                  He very well may be a good rep for his district. I disagree that he’s a good guy, but that’s all up to personal opinions.  

                    1. Far right is used to describe the survivalist militia ..

                      Far Left is the move-on kook fringe of the Democrat party.  Correction used to be fringe, now they “own” the Democrat party.  (They said so, not me.)

                    2. As in, to the right of the “right”.  Which is to the right of the centrist right.  Which is to the right of the center.  Which is to the right of the centrist left.  Which is to the right of the “left”.  Which is to the right of the far left.

                      What, are you ashamed?

                      If we can’t use labels to distinguish one thing from another what would you suggest we use?

                      Or would you just rather have everyone use the labels that the far right would like us all to use?  In that example, you’d have right, and everyone else would just be wrong.

                      I think you’re objecting to your own paranoid ideas.

                    3. Oh, please.

                      We all locate individuals on a scale of far left to far right. We may disagree on that location, but generally, to describe someone as far anything with a supporting history, is descriptive, not perjorative.

                      Your favorite far lefty,,,,,,,,

  5. We have a Republican Rep committ assault on the House floor

    1. I hope the camera man presses charges

    2. What will the Republican House leadership do?

    3. What does the Colorado Republican Party think of his actions?

    4. Here’s hoping the Speaker levies heavy sanctions against this guy.

    5. Here’s hoping his district starts the recall process pronto

    There is no defending his actions. There is no room for this type of behavior anywhere and certainly not on the floor of the State House. Doug Bruce is clearly unfit to serve.  

  6. Everyone in EPC needs to vote against the “Doug” nearest them.  Lamborn threatens people, Bruce kicks them….these people are our public servants??  🙂

  7. I believe Bruce was responding to the photographer who was being very disrespectful while he was trying to pray. He should have kicked his teeth in and taught him some manners.

    1. So while Doug Bruce was praying he should have kicked in the teeth of a photographer?

      Can you show me in the Bible where Jesus kicks someone in the teeth?

      This is the behavior of a socio-path.  

      1. Bruce demands apology after kicking photographer

        While speaking to the media after the session, Bruce was asked if he was going to apologize for kicking the photographer.

        “I think the Rocky Mountain News photographer ought to apologize to the House and to me and to all the people whom he disrupted. He needs to get a lesson in manners and decorum,” said Bruce. “He was told already not to block the aisle. See you want to make a big deal out of it and again sort of make me out to be the bad guy. He was disrupting a prayer and disrupting a Pledge of Allegiance and blocking traffic and I told him politely not to do it and he insisted on doing it and he ought to be ashamed of himself.”

        “I said, ‘Don’t do that,'” said Bruce. “His behavior was reprehensible. He shouldn’t be disrupting a public prayer during a House session.”

        Rocky Mountain News Publisher John Temple said the photographer had a right to take Bruce’s picture. Temple said he would discuss the incident with House leadership.

        “The House floor is a place where journalists are allowed to operate. It’s outrageous for Mr. Bruce in a public place to assault a photographer,” Temple said.

        How much more of this crap can we expect from Bruce? Suppose someone votes against on his bills, or says something in committee that he believes “warrants” a thumping. Are we suppose to believe it’s ok for Bruce to hit people for no other reason than Bruce’s own dellusional belief that’s ok to assault anyone he pleases since he’s teaching that person a lesson on manners?

        This was completely uncalled for and Bruce not only should be repremanded by the House leadership and his party, but the photographer should file charges against him immediately. I would ask for Bruce to apologize, but we all know this bully will never apologize for any of his actions.  

      2. Jesus was a perfect human being.  I, on the other hand am still working towards that goal.  After I kicked his teeth in for being disrespectful, I am almost sure I would have asked The Father above for his forgiveness for my weakness.

          1. We live in a world where people treat people terribly everyday.  At some point, you have to stand up and say enough is enough.  For me that point is when someone is disprectful while a prayer is being said.  I didn’t say it was right, but I guarantee that reporter would think twice before he did it again.

            1. You might be the only person (besides for Doug Bruce) defending Doug Bruce! Wait a second… is this Rep. Lundberg?

              If a photographer is doing his job (you know taking photo’s) and you believe that to be a TERRIBLE act, your view of the world is pretty screwed up.

              And I believe everyone on this blog (except of course for you), Rocky Mountain News Publisher John Temple, and hopefully the Republican Party and House Leadership will take a stand… against Doug Bruce’s aggression.

              Once again, Kicking a man for doing his job is completely uncalled.

              1. What was I thinking; I have an opinion that is different from the majority so I guess I should shut up, get onboard and be a follower.  In other words, I should join the Democratic Party.

                Yes, kicking was wrong, that I will concede but they should have had enough respect to wait until the prayer was finished.  So they were both wrong.  

                1. What is wrong with taking someone’s picture while they are praying?

                  Man the pope is going to be pissed.  Not to mention all the televangilsts.

                  Do not equate violence with an imangined slight.

                  1. I am sure you have been in that room and know how sound carries, it was designed to do so.  I guarantee the clicking of the cameras could be heard across the room.  I didn’t have a problem with the TV camera because it didn’t make a sound.

                1. You need a freakin’ psychiatrist!

                  In fact, you should share your fantasy of beating everyone who disagrees with you into submission with your psychiatrist.

                  Maybe they’d up your meds.

                  Or have you commited.

  8. How much do you want to bet he won’t give an apology either?  What the vacancy committee was thinking when they sent this hothead up to Denver I have no idea.  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the biggest embarrassment from El Paso County in the legislature is no longer Michael Merrifield.

    1. They thought that since Romanoff wants to televise the House sessions, the least El Paso County could do is send us their best comedian. The Senate already has that with Schultheis, they just don’t televise the Senate yet.

  9. Why the hell are we spending millions on metal detectors to keep the crazy people OUT, when we have vacancy committees letting the crazy people IN.

    Seems there’s a bit of a disconnect there.

  10. If he had appologized I would have let it rest, but by assaulting a reporter and demanding the reporter appologize he’s stepped over the line.

    I grew up in a place where men often settled their differences with fists.  Not optimal, but I understood it.  Since that’s the way he sees the world I know how to handle him: the way you handle any bully.

  11. …and I see having this childish idiot for a representative as mostly a blessing.

    1) I find relief in that nobody will take anything he says or does seriously.  He’s not going to be finding support for any of his crazy ideas.  His Republican “collegues” won’t be going near him with a 10 foot pole.

    2) I really don’t have to worry about him getting any bills passed that I won’t like.  Like Doug Lamborn, he’s completely inept.  I’d rather see one of them in office than a competent Republican that would actually successfully advance the neocon agenda.

    3) As mentioned here, Bruce will be a complete circus / trainwreck.  He will suck up all of the media coverage.  People will equate Republicans with Doug Bruce.  Sure sounds like good news for Democrats to me!

    4) Recall Doug Bruce?  No way!  I can only hope that the Republican wingnuts in this district re-elect him.  HD 15 is a lost cause, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of Colorado can’t benefit from it.

  12. makes Josh “junior Tony Soprano” Penry’s verbal attack on a reporter and Janet Rowland’s bestiality rant seem tame by comparison.  And Republicans keep wondering why they keep losing ground to Democrats by leaps and bounds in Colorado.  Keep putting these loons out as the face of the party and you will assure that Republicans remain the minority party for a long time to come.

    1. Yes the Republicans lose big-time with him as their poster boy. And as long as he holds office he will remain front and center.

      But we Dems lose too because intelligent thoughtful Repubs working with us leads to better legislation. If we can blow the Repubs off we lose that.

      And if we don’t have credible competitors, we will get lazy in who we nominate and how good of a campaign they run. Ritter and the legislature are presently doing an awesome job because they have a tiny majority and feel the Repubs breathing down their neck.

      How good would it be if we had 80% of the legislature and could nominate Dennis Kucinich for gov and he would win?

  13. Hey, Guvs – got any sister blogs in other states copying your semi-regular series?  They could use the submission.

    Speaking of which, we need a Darwin Award equivalent for this series – best stupid public official story of the year.

  14. Britney puts up with a ton of photographers following her every move. Even with apparent mental illness, she has enough self-control not to assault the stalking paparazzi.

    Wimpy Dougie Bruce, on the other hand, has ONE measly photographer bother him for a second – and he loses all self-control.

    What a coward!

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