I am live blogging the state convention at Liberal and Loving It. I’m hoping that some of the speeches will be interesting, otherwise it’s going to be a loooooong day.
If you’re at the convention, please say hi if you see me. I’m 6’2″, 53 year old white male – with a laptop.
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Look forward to reading your take on it, David.
Also check out Colorado Confidential‘s team coverage, starting this afternoon with CD assemblies and other goings on. Some highlights: Janet Napolitano will speak for Obama, Terry McAuliffe for Clinton. And the problems registering alternates continue to plague organizers.
Here’s the Friday thread, not sure if it’ll keep updating or get a new one tomorrow:
It’s going to be a madhouse, but I look forward to meeting and talking to Democrats from around the state! (particularly our 2nd Congressional District).
Go Udall!
Go Obama!
Jared Polis
between 6 – 11 AM – say “Hi!” to your Greeter.
some say I look like they think Michael Moore (“Bowling for Columbine”) would look on a bad day.
I’ll be wearing a white Stetson.
Ok, final and full report up at http://www.davidthielen.info/p… at the end it talks about how they ran out of ballots for Obama, but had plenty for Hillary.
I really look forward to your work this summer. Almost as good as being there without the hassles of being there!
As to conventions, they are antiquated. Why not just say, “Let’s have a party for the party. Screw business. Speeches and free drinks.”
I do not know what happened, but have come up with 4 likely scenarios that range from innocent error to malicious intent:
1. The printer simply did not print as many as they were told to. The party ordered enough ballots to allow support for either Clinton or Obama to greatly shift in either direction. Judging from the number of signs in the audience I was more worried about running out of Clinton ballots. (I had a better view of the audience than the stage those few times I got sit in my seat).
2. 1 or 2 cases of ballots were simply misplaced This is rather harder to believe since we were all pretty conscientous about the security of the ballots. But once the distribution started, anything could have been possible. For example, I could see a volunteer stashing ballots someplace out of sight and then forgetting to go back for them when the voting started.
3. Obama ballots accidentally given to Clinton voters While this is possible, I find it highly unlikely. Most people there knew at least one National Delegate candidate they wanted to vote for and would have questioned that candidate not being on their ballots. Plus the National Delegate Candidate pages specifically said Clinton or Obama on them. Since no one that I am aware of brought up this concern about the ballot they received, I do think this scenario is what happened.
4. Someone flat out stole some ballots While this is the most malicious-intent secario we have it is also the most most fruitless. Had the ballots been printed the same way they were CD Conventions, there would have been concern about skewing the presidential preference poll. However, the State ballots were printed differently and in such a way that stealing unvoted ballots would not have mattered at all in this regard.
I am fairly confident the problem was either scenario 1 or 2 as the others seem rather far-fetched.
The end result was merely an inconvenience, not a major tradegy. Ultimately, generic write-in-ballots were provided with a list of all of the candidates and people just had to write down the people they were voting for. I believe only the last 150 or so people had to vote in this manner.
whoever picked up the ballots must have counted the number in a box and the number of boxes. So being short is very unlikely.
The Hillary voters finished a lot faster. Maybe many switched to Obama? We’ll know if that was the case on Monday.
Another mistake they made – no spot on the replacement ballots to print and sign your name. I had to ask what to do on that and then suggest they announce that to all voting.
They also did not X my credential until I reminded them to. I could have voted twice.
The ballots were delivered directly to the World Arena from the printer. There was no opportunity to count how many were in a box so there would not have a way to notice if a box or two was missing. From the numbers it looks like we were 2 boxes short.
And they did make the announcement to sign the ballots when the voting started even though there was not a space dedicated to it. The party decided that if ballots were not signed that they would still be counted because we had an electronic way of knowing who cast which ballot so the rule of no secret ballots was maintained.
Good thing the printer was not a day late.
I didn’t hear the initial announcement to sign it – but it was noisy and my hearing sucks so it could have been me.
thanks – dave
Just back from the convention/assembly (David I did not see you, though now with you pic posted I will recognize you in the future when we are not in a room with 10K other people).
My biggest and most pleasant surprise, was the civility (no, downright pleasantness/friendliness) of the CSprings Police who were dealing with the parking lot and other security issues.
I thought that there was a certain amount of overkill regarding concern about protestors and free speech zones (though had there been trouble and they had not been as prepared there would have been grousing about that)but they did a credible job and compared to police presence and overreaction at other political events I have attended (and frankly given my trepidition about what to expect with 10K dems in El Paso county)this was a veritable love-in.
They are to be commended. Let’s see if the DPD performs as admirabley.
… although, seriously,
Good Lord, it’s Colorado Springs, it’s not Santiago in “Missing.” The law-and-order district attorney likes to toss back a few (or eight) and drive around late at night. Two Democrats represent the town in the Legislature, and rumor has it they have safe passage through the redder parts of town, too.
Do Haners and NEWSMAN and cologeek and the others have the same trepidation about Boulder? Afraid someone will give you an unsought shiatsu massage, force-feed acai berries and criticize your footwear?
Best laugh I’ve had today
But to answer your question; yes.
the aromatic clouds coming from the college campus is usually enough of a smoke screen to pass through unnoticed. 🙂
They were verifying our credentials. He was really nice and polite. I asked him if Democrats were allowed in Colo Springs and he laughed and told me they had made an exception for today.
Very low key and friendly.
I asked one officer if he was searching for evil liberals. He smiled just that little and and in a way that couldn’t be more professional and curteous responded something like, “we’d have to arrest everyone”.