Feels like Monday, doesn’t it?
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: harrydoby
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Thorntonite
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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You know a campaign is in trouble when it’s major (only?) theme is where the opposition candidate may or may not live.
The world moves on but apparently Dick Wadhams doesn’t understand that.
From today’s Rocky
There are many people (including some elected officials) who live in Adams County and are elected from Adams County political subdivisions, and their physical address is within Adams County, yet their postal designation is Denver because the Post Office designates that address as a Denver address for mail delivery purposes.
I am glad to see this news story because it just continues to point out about the BS campaign (as Gertrude Stein once said of Oakland, CA) that – “There is no there, there.”
Is this the best they can come up with? I never thought DICK Wad was as good as he was built up to be, and this is yet another example of his inability to see what Coloradans really care it.
Here’s a hint, it’s not about zip codes!
Big hairy deal. Is this not a state-wide election or are we electing Senators by Zip Codes now?
Dick Wad is just miffed because he might loose his precious “Boulder liberal” tagline. Waaaaaah.
Heck of a campaign you’re running Dicky boy.
“The ZIP code for Pikes Peak, by the way, is 80809. The ZIP code for Mount McKinley is 99755.”
and Bob Schaffer vacations in the Marianas.
PDF of Sweatshop Schaffer’s sweatshop owner contributors from Saipan.
Peter Yarrow beautifully sings the Polis campaign song, to the tune of the Peter Paul and Mary mega hit written by Bob Dylan Blowin’ In the Wind:
What kind of man tells such lies and
claims that he just didn’t know
What kind of man tries to buy your vote and
lies about his past
What kind of man sends out releases that are
filled with lie after lie
The answer my friend is Jared Polis
The answer is Jared Polis
There was not a dry eye in the joint when he sang this at Jared’s birthday party. The second verse goes into specific Polis lies.
Those include lying about ROTC service, saying he never took lobbyist money and claiming that he always opposed vouchers.
A sockpuppet who puts in zero effort – how original…
A couple of more bars again to the tune of Blowin’ in the Wind:
What kind of man takes big lobbyist cash
and claims that he has not
What kind of man lies about his stands
and says it’s not his fault
The answer my friend is Jared Polis
the answer is Jared Polis
Was Jared telling the truth when he said he was in the ROTC? Was Jared telling the truth when he bragged about not taking lobbyist money? Was Jared telling the truth when he said that he had always opposed vouchers?
I know you are just doing your job David but cute terms like sock puppet cannot hide what Jared has done to the truth.
…if you actually have one.
he was paid to blog.
But too good a story to not share.
I just saved a pelican dangling from a piling. It was caught in some fishing line. I had to row out in the dinghy and cut it free and then as we drifted, cut the line wrapped around a foot. It was docile and just let me hold it as I did my surgery, drifting in the breeze.
Boy, a dinghy and a 285 pound guy is not a good combo…..
OK, everyone now, “Born free, free as the wind blows….”
I’m singing the theme song as I write this. 🙂
Hippies are great. Very entertaining. Interrupting a speech on reducing nuclear proliferation by shouting charges of warmongering? Brilliant!
last night. Great introductory piece.
They should front page it.
Jared should use the Peter Yarrow ditty. This is a truly boring commercial. Wait till you see the commercials that Shafroth will be airing. The Dixon/Davis Media team that Will hired are the best in the business.
Months ago Jared sent out a bunch of press releases that had false information. Fairly or unfairly those will come back to haunt him big time.
This race is between Shafroth and Polis. A little known fact is that Fitz-Gerald has only enough money now to do one week of a decent TV buy. They have burned through money with only the top line to show for it. Joan is in serious financial trouble and does not have the cash to compete with Shafroth and Polis.
I like it, it’s a great bio ad. Shafroth does not have the money that Polis or Fitz-gerald’s 527’s are going to pour in.
Will is going to be at maybe 5% and nothing but a speed bump in the road.
if Jared wasn’t in this race, Joan Fitz-Gerald would run away with it- she has a base and high name recognition.
It’s going to be a close race, but betweeen Joan and Jared
Will Shafroth is nothing but a spoiler- the only question is for who.
for “whom.”
Will really should drop out and move on.
Labor will not put any more money into Fitz-Gerald. Emily’s List will do $250,000. What other 527’s will be pouring in the money? Environmentalists, trial lawyers please tell me?
Shafroth has one million dollars cash on hand. Shafroth has his own personal money as well. Not Polis money but serious money. Dixon/Davis is the best media firm around and Shafroth has the money to do a major TV buy. Joan Fitz-Geald does not have that kind of money.
Fitz-Gerald is down to maybe $250,000 and her fundraising has dropped off while Shafroth has gone up. Joan is as a practical matter broke and has no real prospects to raise the money she will need. This is exactly the game plan followed by Gail Schoettler in 1998. Spend your money early and be left broke when you really need it.
If you are not a fan of Jared the only real alternative is Will Shafroth.
The unions already dropped mail for her. She is going to go broke but EL will put money in.
But Will has the worlds greatest sockpuppet with “Who To Believe.” How can he lose with such an asset…
(and no one will ever accuse me of knowing grammar), shouldn’t it be “Whom to Believe”?
Credible sockpuppets watch their grammar. I’m just sayin’ …
Joan Fitz-Gerald is out of money. I wonder where her supporters are to proclaim that she really is not broke?
Jared Polis can print his own money. Jared cannot explain all those press releases with statements that were false. David, can use the word he loves so much “sock puppet” as it makes him feel young. Yet, David and the other Polis fans cannot explain away those false statements
Will Shafroth has a million dollars on hand and is out raising Joan and Jared. Dixon/Davis are the best media team around and Will has plenty of money to buy time to air his ads.
Joan is a good person but her campaign does not have the cash to compete.
What is Joan Fitz-Gerald going to do for money?
All three could win. With only two candidates having real money this race will be between Polis and Shafroth. Fitz-Gerald’s field operation also seems to be doing poorly. Two months ago Joan was talking about keeping Polis under 30% and he ended up with nearly 40%.
Polis is on TV, Shafroth will be on TV in early June and Joan is out of money.
Maybe we don’t want to know.
Joan can almost afford to have less money she is ahead and has good name recognition.
It would take a lot more than 1 million to compete with Jared and Joan’s already existing bases and name recognition.
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you wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you on the nose.
sockpuppets don’t have noses.