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August 23, 2008 03:24 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The whole world is watching!”

–Protesters outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention


53 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Drudge reports a rumor and it gets front paged even though it’s logic is poor and Drudge has a lousy track record when it comes to “breaking news.”

    The National Enquirer reports on John Edward’s affair and it is yanked. Yet it turns out to be true.

    Granted, single data points do not connotate a trend. But I think the National Enquirer has at least as good a track record as Drudge once you discount the obviously BS stories they put in for entertainment.

    Can we treat them equally as I think it’s fair to say Drudge is less credible than the Enquirer.

    1. Don’t front page Drudge anymore, since he’s as reliable as National Enquire. As the saying goes a broken clock is right twice a day, but that doesn’t mean you rely upon it.

    2. Mostly, just posts items out there from other sources.

      I don’t think his goal is to present the one true fact, but to make available in an easy compilation, the process.  

      Sometimes he does editorialize, and then we might get the first glimps of the Monica affair.

      Drudgereports is an always active tab on my browser.  He has a wide variety of types of news, the page is uncluttered (Hello, MSM web masters), and is updated often.  Yes, sometimes the headline presented is spinfull, but he can’t fool me.  

  2. http://www.rockymountainnews.c

    This almost reminds me of Colorado’s attitude towards awarding of the 1976 Winter Olympic games to Vail.

    Once you get past the initial euphoria of being awarded the 2008 DNC, there is a real gamble for the Democrats having the affair here in Denver.  It has the potential to rally voters to the Democratic cause… or turn them off.

    I’m guessing the lukewarm feelings by average people have a lot to do with the saturation of negative ads on TV by McCain-Obama and Schaffer-Udall.  Both parties, and their outside allies, are in danger of alienating voters.  I can’t ever recall seeing so many negative ads so early.  I really miss the tone of the “Thanks, Bob” ads with the kids.

    As unfair as it is, a lot of the impact of the DNC next week is going to rest with the protesters.  If they get violent and/or trash the city, the public is going to hold the Democrats responsible.  Protesters aside, mess with the flow of traffic, or average people’s daily routines too much, and regular folks will not feel endeared toward the Democratic Party.

    Is the same thing happening in St. Paul?  Probably.  I’m not sure.  We just don’t get the press coverage of the RNC here that the DNC does… for obvious reasons.  But Minnesota has a contentious Senate race (Coleman-Franken) and may very well be getting McCain-Obama ads there as well.

    If (God forbid) both Denver and St. Paul see violence in the streets during their respective conventions, the question becomes:  Do we really need to have these national conventions anymore?

    They cost a ton of money, inconvenience the average citizens in the host cities, are flash points for violence, and decide nothing.  Primaries and caucuses have already decided the respective nominees.   The presidential candidate picks the VP.  No one pays attention to the party platform, once it’s been approved.

    They seem to have become media events only.  With shows like American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, America’s Got Talent, these political spectacles are not too much different… just more boring to the average viewer.  ABC, CBS, and NBC stopped doing gavel to gavel coverage some time ago.

    Both parties have lined up lists of impressive speakers each night.  But I think most TV viewers will only tune in for Obama, HRC, and Biden.  For the Republicans, it will be McCain, his VP pick, and either Guiliani, Romney or Huckabee (depending on who the viewer liked during the primaries.)

    1. …let alone 20th.

      What a waste of time, money, and energy.  

      Unlike the old days, we know who the candidates will be well before the convention.  Ho hum.

      Anything constructive that gets done at a convention can be done without the extravagence (sp?), with meetings of smaller groups, and by – gasp! – electronic means.

      OTOH, good for the prostitutes.  Also the sex workers. 🙂

      1. …gaudy, shiny and flashy.  Pomp and circumstance–just what the American public likes, from their TV shows to the selection of the POTUS.  

        There is also the whole illusion of a working democracy thing.  “Hey America, look at all of these regular people, just like you, picking our next President!”.

        As long as they’re spending this money on what amounts to a TV mini-series, they’re not making tons of ad buys so I don’t have to watch their stupid commercials 24/7.

    2. The problem with positive campaigning is that as soon as your opponent goes negative, most people are tempted to say, “Oh they’re both so negative, they’re all the same.”

      In my experience, voters rarely say, “This candidate is running a positive campaign, the other one’s running negative, I’m going to support the positive one.”

      So basically, since negative ads work to some extent, and since a single negative ad will immediately make most people disgusted with all the ads, there’s really no motivation for a candidate to stay positive.

        1. but for most people who run for office, the “doing what’s right” is what happens after they win. If you’re not going to try to win the election, what’s the point of running the campaign?  

    3. I believe that Americans should be able to gather in public places for public purposes, and that assembly should be facilitated and protected.

      Ya, we do have to have these conventions; this meet and greet and party and protest…..the whole damm thing…

      May it go well.  And, if it does not, may it just be because my beloved dems have blown it again….not because public places and public assemblies are not longer possible…

      By the way, GWB did one brave thing, perhaps in his whole damm life….and that was days after 9/11,,,,when he went to Yankee Stadium and walked out in full sight to the pitcher’s mound…the whole world was watching….he was a target….don’t tell me that the place was full of secret service…secret service is not always enough…and that time was truly a new ball game….and old George walked out on the pitcher mound.  I think that took guts…

      The other single act of personal courage was Jackie Kennedy who took her two children out in public days after the assassination…

      Am I going to the DNC or even downtown?  Hell no. You think I am crazy? But, I salute you all who are wading into the fray…..take care.

    4.    Except for the people who post on here, most of the people in the real world don’t give a rat’s ass about the convention, be it Democratic or Republican.  

        They will notice it when they’re stuck in traffic, or they’re dodging the folks over at Re-create ’68 blocking Speer Blvd., or they hear how much the city is going to have to pay out in overtime for cops.

      1. before we know it. I say stop complaining and enjoy the ride. Plus, isn’t it amazing to have such a historic moment in our country’s history happen in Denver? When people look back on this week they will associate our state and our city with political progress. I think it’s worth a little bit of temporary inconvenience for a lifetime of positive memories associated with Denver.


        1. Whether you’re a D, R, or U, it’s exciting to have all of this happening in Denver. Turn on the TV and NBC is doing the Nightly News from Denver. Tomorrow morning, Tom Brokaw is doing Meet the Press from Denver. MSNBC is broadcasting 20 hours per day from Denver. All week long, the whole world will see Denver.

          Sure, there will be some disruptions and distractions, but you’re right RSB, it’ll be over before we know it. I think Denver will look grand on the global stage.

          Now, I just need to figure out the best way to get to the Denver Center for the Performing Arts at 9:30 on Monday morning for a health care roundtable. Dang! Why did I think signing up for that was a good idea …

  3. In addition to the poll, regarding how people feel about the DNC being held in Denver, the the newspaper and Channel 4 had a few other polls.

    One asked whether people thought Colorado is a red, or blue, state.  60% thought it was somewhere in between.  22% thought it was red and 15% thought it was blue.  3% thought it was other or did not choose to answer.

    More interesting was the results on the War in Iraq issue.  As yesterday’s RMN article indicated “people’s views of the war are pretty calcified.”

    But it’s still an important campaign issue in the race for president, second only to the economy in Colorado voters’ minds and ahead of of the price of gasoline.  Overall, respondents think McCain has the better position on Iraq than Obama by 50 percent to 39 percent, the poll found.

    That is a significant difference!

    “Voters give McCain a little bit more credibility on Iraq because of his service,” said Craig Hughes, research director of RBI.

    “Even if they believe the war was a mistake, McCain’s history and biography gives him a bit more credibility on that issue.

    However, among the smaller group who cited the war as their top issue, Obama is the clear favorite by 56 to 29 percent.  

    While those are impressive figures, the question becomes:  How many Coloradoans see the War in Iraq has the top issue in this campaign?  Probably not as many as Obama would like.

    The polls were conducted by Public Opinion Strategies in consultation with RBI and have a margin of error of 4.38%

      1. why the Rocky Mountain News and CBS4 chose the topics they did.

        Personally, I wished they had indicated how many of the respondents (from the group that favored Obama 56-29) rated the War in Iraq as their top issue.

      1. .

        That does not bode well for the conservative CD-5 candidate from the American Constitution Party

        whose whole reason for running is to get that war wrapped up as quickly as possible, on the most favorable terms possible.  


        How can “conservatives” support ‘stay the course’

        when that course transgresses the core values that the USA stands for ?

        Ah, well.  It is what it is.


  4. “How’s this for spinning Bush’s humiliating climbdown in accepting an Iraqi timetable for withdrawal and McCain’s poor judgement in wanting a 100 year presence where the US isn’t wanted?

    According to the WSJ’s Yochi Dreazen says that Bush was right all along – the timetable can only happen because the Iraqis finally stood up so we can stand down! Wingnuts like the American Power blog are lapping it up.  No mention at all of Bush’s words from May, 2007:

    “It makes no sense to tell the enemy when you plan to start withdrawing. All the terrorists would have to do is mark their calendars and gather their strength – and begin plotting how to overthrow the government and take control of the country of Iraq. I believe setting a deadline for withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East, and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments. Setting a deadline for withdrawal is setting a date for failure – and that would be irresponsible.”

    However, the Iraqi Army has no artillery, no airpower, no logistical capacity, no field hospitals and little else that a modern armed force needs. It’s a glorified internal security paramilitary police force. And it has other problems too. Even Dreazen has to admit that:

    Some U.S. officials warn that the army also is still vulnerable to internal sectarian tensions. Baghdad recently ordered a Kurdish brigade operating in Diyala to move elsewhere, but the Kurds refused, saying they would only take orders from the semi-independent Kurdish government in northern Iraq.

    So if the Iraqi Army are standing up, it is only a bit – and the important question is “who for?”

    No, this timetable is all about Noor al-Napoleon believing his own hype and really thinking his Shiite and Kurdish factions can keep a lid on Kurds, Sunnis and the Sadrists long-term.  It’s unlikely to be true, but if Iraq is a free and sovereign nation then it should get to sort such questions out as it wishes to and on its own.

    h/t C&L



    By Webster G. Tarpley

    Washington, DC, Aug. 13 – This afternoon, Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney fell victim to what was evidently a political assassination. Gwatney was a major ally of Hillary and Bill Clinton, and was a leader of the strongly pro-Clinton Arkansas delegation to the upcoming Denver Democratic National Convention.

    Gwatney’s Arkansas delegation was known to be a hotbed of anti-Obama sentiment, and was reportedly ready to walk out of the Denver convention if Senator Clinton were not to be treated fairly by the Howard Dean- Donna Brazile DNC leadership.

    Observers in Washington are now asking whether the assassination of Gwatney can be read as attempted intimidation of the anti-Obama forces now gaining strength before the Denver convention.

    Is the death of Bill Gwatney part of an Obama body count which already includes the names of Donald Young (the murdered gay choirmaster of Rev. Wright’s church) and possibly others?

    This came from the Clintons4McCain website:


    For the record, I don’t believe a word of this.  Gwatney’s killer was mentally unstable.  There is no evidence that he was politically motivated.

      1. Gilpin Guy would have had us believe conservatives had Gwatney killed.  The Clintons4McCain folks would have us believe Obama supporters had him killed.  Both theories are ridiculous and unfounded.

        Yeah, it does “tell the tale.”  I just didn’t realize you needed me to spell it out for you.

      2. Same way lots of Republicans liked being very firm about Obama not being a Muslim.

        “I don’t believe at all that Barack Obama is a Muslim. I think it’s totally irrelevant that Barack Obama was educated in a madrassa. I’m shocked anybody would believe that Barack Obama wants to institute sharia.”

        Same way some on the left tried putting out stories about McCain causing the Forrestal fire and such. “Of course I don’t believe this, but it does raise questions!”

        1. …irresponsible of us not to speculate!

          I like it when people are up front about being conspiracy theorists–it always me to stay far away from them.  

          Whether birth certificates, prayers left in the Wailing Wall, body counts, secret Muslims or…

  6. I haven’t seen anything on this yet.

    Does the guv get to pick?

    Is the guv Dimmycrat?

    Otherwise, what’s the procedure?

    I would think that this matter would have been a major consideration in the vetting.  Just checking the experts here.  

  7. Today’s Washington Post has an update on Senator Ted Kennedy:

    Kennedy, 76, has spent much of the summer in hospitals. The cancer, which was discovered in May, required brain surgery in June and daily chemotherapy and radiation treatments for six weeks after that. But the veteran senator has still found time and energy in the past three months to:

    В· Record an emotional video for the first day of the Democratic National Convention on Monday, recapping inspiring moments throughout his life.

    В· Fly to Washington in the midst of treatments to cast a decisive vote in favor of legislation that would prevent a sharp cut in Medicare payments to doctors. Several Republicans, moved by his grit, switched their earlier votes on the bill, giving it a veto-proof majority.

    В· Orchestrate bipartisan talks on a universal health insurance bill he hopes to have ready for Congress to consider by the time a new president is inaugurated.

    В· Craft a Peace Corpsesque youth service bill he hopes to introduce next year to round out his legacy.

    В· Form a nonprofit group with friends to raise money and build an institute in Boston, next door to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, that will be dedicated to research and education about the U.S. Senate.

    And if his condition permits, he might make a surprise appearance at the convention in Denver.

    Not bad for a guy with brain cancer. Hope is he well enough to make it to Denver.

    1. doesn’t C-Span cover the conventions wall to wall?  If so, their website will have it I’d imagine.

      Of course, then you’ll probably have to listen to the absolutely fascinating commentary of Brain Lamb.  🙂

      1. I dunno.  I’m way out of the tech loop on these matters.

        I’m very impressed with my new used lawn mower that always starts with the first pull.  

        1. C-Span.org has all three of it’s networks plus c-span radio available live all the freakin’ time.

          Why-oh-why there is a need for 4 different c-span mediums I just don’t know…but they’re all there for our…um…enjoyment.  

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