Watching and listening to Teddy give a typically powerful and passionate speech was worth the price of admission tonight. It was moving for those of us who’ve followed the Kennedys and Teddy since the mid 1950s.
And Michelle proved that she can give a well-written and powerful stump speech better than any first lady who ever lived in the White House.
She’s a pro, and It’s fun to watch pros do their things.
Teddy, in effect, gave the convention keynote speech. And Michelle introduced herself and her husband in a way that will appeal to Obama supporters and many Hillary backers, if not to a lot of independents or Republicans.
Tone poems sooth the committed and sometimes create new interest among the wavering.
But how long will the Teddy’s and Michelle’s tone poems will be remembered by busy voters who have other things to deal with tomorrow?
Although I heard Obama’s widely acclaimed speech four hears ago, I don’t remember it. In one ear and out the other.
I guess I was distracted by Jimmy Carter and Michael Moore.
Speeches move the impressionable, but they don’t do much for voters who take the time to form opinions about McCain and Obama.
Polls show that the candidates are tied. The question is, which one will move the needle just enough to win?
Hard to predict.
Commentators on CNN and Fox News were frustrated that the Democrats wasted the first night by not attacking McCain. I think it’s too early to worry about that.
What counts is how the Clintons perform and what Biden and Obama say later in the week.
What was really interesting, I guess, is that both CNN and Fox devoted more time to their regular shows and talking heads than to the convention speakers.
In the old days, we saw tons of boring speeches by senators and governors, etc. I didn’t see a single one tonight, although I saw McCaskill on the big screen and clicked away from her when one of the cable networks looked like they were going to give her some air time.
Did anyone watch the big networks? Why would you?
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The Good News for Democrats from tonight is that the major networks were all broadcasting at least those two speeches, and the voters only really have to remember their impressions, not the speeches themselves.
Tomorrow night could be the death knell of news commentary; they’ve so focused on the HRC/BHO “conflict” half of them would need immediate psychiatric help if Hillary stomps their dreams as dead as I think she will. It will also be a media feeding frenzy as they try and tear her words apart.
It just needs some editing and a few links or maybe some videos. Where did this moderate, insightful attitude come from all the sudden? Did Ted Kennedy’s speech move you, as it did me, to work harder to try to unite the country on its common goals? Keep this tone to your writing and more people will want to hear what you have to say.
The vast majority of the electorate did remember that speech. That is why he is the presumptive nominee. IMO it is one of the greatest political speeches of all time. I highly suggest you watch it on You Tube again to refresh your memory because it has a lot of the same themes of unity and ending the divisiveness of American politics.
Not every speech is goging to be remembered forever. What I do think people will remember from last night through the election is two things.
1) That we love Teddy Kennedy. His speech was a joyous celebration of liberalism and it got everyone very charged up.
2) That Michelle Obama is a regular person and will make a terrific first lady.
I think that’s a good result.
She’s much smarter and more articulate than “a regular person.”
I think Hillary will have a tough time topping her .
… and it showed tonight.
Michelle was very good; Hillary was spot-on perfect.
Hillary is so much about Hillary. It’s embarrassing.
Yes, it was about Hillary. IMHO, if it hadn’t been about Hillary at the beginning, she wouldn’t have gotten her die-hard supporters all keyed in to the rest of the speech. Got ’em all worked up, then reeled ’em in with the hard choice: all we’ve worked for, or 4 more years like the last 7+.
I was never a Hillary supporter throughout this race, but I thought tonight’s speech held a lot more nuance than those of us “outsiders” to the campaign were supposed to read in to it.
I didn’t watch the speech. I respect both individuals but didn’t feel it necessary to hear their words.
As to the critics who wish for more red meat partisan attacks, I’m sure the attacks are coming but, I personally would be happy if the Dems relied on solid plans and policy instead of partisan attacks. I’m not your average voter though and the networks aren’t seeking my opinions.
It will come down to which candidate runs a tighter, more disciplined campaign. Obama has the lead in this category and I think he’ll maintain that discipline until election day.
If you want to sell lots of food, open a McDonalds, not a 5 star restaurant.
If you want to sell lots of tickets, show Star Wars, not The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
If you want to win an election – go negative.
at my kids’ swim class last night I overheard a mom and dad, after cajoling their child out of the water early, say they had to get home in time to hear Michelle’s speech.
I don’t think any Republican would say that for Cindy.
as we were watching Michelle Obama I leaned over and asked her if she thought Cindy McCain could give a speech like that.
Apparently my question didn’t justify a response.
She’ll sound more like a wife than a campaigner.
She’ll give more of a wife’s speech, not as much of a stump speech.
I hope she doesn’t even speak.