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September 02, 2008 06:41 AM UTC

Obama for real?

  • by: Nicky60293

Obama has been promising us all these great things and my question is how will he pay for all these things. If he becomes president he won’t know how to handle presure situations in the White House. He says that John McCain voted 90% with President Bush. But most of the Senate dessions is almost unanimous witch means Obama vote with McCain 90% as well in the Senate. White means Obama also voted with President Bush as well and what kind of change is that?


13 thoughts on “Obama for real?

  1. about teachers unions if this is what the public education system is spitting out these days. Did you get your McCain bobblehead doll out of that one? Don’t forget to submit your work to the campaign so you can get your points counted.

              1. You spelled truth wrong.  And in a way that is funny to anyone who’s heard an old novelty song famously performed by Spike Jones.

                You need to spell check what you have written and then read it over.  No one is going to respect you the way you currently write.  You could spell check what you are writing by doing it in a word processing program or by using Firefox or getting some sort of add on for Internet Explorer.  But even more important is to read what you write before you post it.  You are making a lot of basic mistakes like this.

          1. Obama has been promising us all these great things and my question is how will he pay for all these things.

            Actually, yes he has said how he would pay for them.  So this is wrong.  “Under McCain, the rich would see their tax burden ease. Under Obama, their rates would rise dramatically.”  Source LA Times  And that’s just one of the first things I found by googling ‘obama’ and ‘tax’.  You could also go to his campaign site and get at least a moderate level of detail about his plans.

            And the rest is pretty much the same.  You raise ‘concerns’ that are nothing more than talking points.  No facts, no information, and no links to support your infomation.  And when I search for ‘Obama vote bush 90%’ I find lots of conservatives spouting the same line over and over.  Example  

            Meanwhile the Congressional Quarterly did a study on the subject.  Guess what?  Obama did not vote ‘with Bush’ 90% of the time.  They rated his support for the president as 40%, not 90.  And his party conformity as 96% (which, before you jump on it, is not the same as being the most liberal).  McCain got a 90% support of the president rating and 88% party unity rating.  

            Additionally you misspelled ‘pressure’ as ‘presure’, decisions as ‘dessions’, and which as ‘witch’.  Not only that but your writing is atrocious.  Returning to that first sentence it should be written more like this:

            Obama has been promising us all these great programs.  My question is, “How will he pay for all these things?”

            Learn how to write.  The rest of your writing is riddled with similar errors, both minor and major.  

            And you still have not shown that you are any sort of Democrat.  Not even a conservative one.  Your posts look like someone trying to pull a scam on the rest of us and absent some reason to trust you we’re all going to go on assuming that you’re a Republican doing a ‘concern troll’ (look it up) and doing a particularly bad job of it.

    1. Because it shows your lack of respect for the rest of us and your lack of education.  Good spelling is a similar social signal to good hygiene.  

      The fact that a person cares enough to bathe daily is not directly related to his or her character.  However, almost no one would dispute that nasty funk is strongly correlated with a lack of concern of what others think and more basically it is unpleasant to be near a person who smells so very few people will find out what a charming fellow the unwashed slob is underneath all that dirt.

      Similarly juvenile spelling errors give the signal “Hey, I’ve not thought what I’m saying through.  And I don’t care enough about my own opinion that I’m willing to make it readable.”  True or not, that’s what it says to people reading it.  Additionally because your spelling and grammar is bad your writing just sucks.  I hate reading your opinions because they are ill-informed drivel and because they are not a pleasure to read.

      If you want your opinions to be treated on an equal basis with those of an adult you’re going to need to start writing and acting like an adult.  And the only reason I’m bothering to write this is in the faint hope that you might learn.  I am taking the chance that you can learn from your mistakes.  If not, I’m going to just ignore you and give one line dismissals of your ill-informed parroting of talking points, at the most.  

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