That is so sexist.
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If the McCain camp is dumb enough to take the bait on this one, the pandora’s box of sexist comments made by candidates will have been opened. This is a battle that Sen. McCain, who has publicly called his wife a “c*nt”, cannot possibley win.
I’ve seen that before but have never gotten an authoritative source for it.
From The Real McCain by Cliff Schecter.
my wife would punch me in the face. Then again, I’m not a congressman.
He should treat her better or she’s gonna cut off his allowance.
Cindy was so mad she changed the locks on three of his homes…
A few weeks of brilliant moves by the McCain campaign, they do something so dumb that I am amazed.
Obama was obviously directing his scorn at McCain’s economic plan, rather than Governor Palin.
I read Puddin saying that it’s a sexist remark whether it’s directed at a woman or not, and I agree, but that is not what the McCain camp is trying to spin.
Did they not learn the lesson that the blogosphere learned two weeks ago? If you try to make a mountain out of something less than a mole hill, it will blow up in your face.
The GOP is going to come out with a lipstick ad now? Wait till the Dems come out with a John McCain “C**t” and “bitch” ad. Both of McCain’s sexist comments were not taken out of context.
Obama was clearly referencing Palin. That is why the crowd laughed so loud. They knew what/whom Obama was referring to. And the OLD Fish is McCain. Hello???
Is there anybody in there?
Anyway, his name calling is stooping so low. I really thought he would be above all of that. I was hoping he learned a few things after trashing Hillary so bad.
I don’t know how many times women have to put up with the sexism from his campaign.
I was wondering where you went.
did you have fun riling Bob up yesterday? You really had him going on the whole dismantling the military thing.
I should have known. Why else would she have defended the Hitler-Stalin pact. Good to see her come out of the closet.
Ken Salazar, Bill Ritter & John Hickenlooper, it is time to call the Unions. Its your choice to avert the divisive destruction. You have their cell numbers, but just in case…
Ernie Duran: (303) 425-0897
Colorado AFL-CIO: 303-433-2100
John Sweeney at the National: (202) 637-5000
Stern at SEIU: 202-730-7000
He’s the one responsible for this fiasco.
Why did Jonathan Coors do that?
You are sick.
Which explains your compulsions.
scroll on my friends !
about your “wide stance.” Didn’t that get you in trouble before?
Any word on when the Court of Appeals will be issuing its decision? Hopeful late in October. A reminder of how the GOP is the party of both family values and tea room trade!
I don’t get the wide stance thing. Plz explain.
This is such a line of utter B.S. you’re spewing.
1) The only reason McCain picked Sarah Palin is because she’s female and far-right. To pick someone because she is female is every bit as sexist as to not pick someone because they are female.
2) McCain has consistently in his life both treated women badly and spoken of them badly. While Obama has consistently treated them equally and fairly.
You’re lying.
Better to talk about a non-existent smear than to talk about how McSame wants to cut taxes for the rich, continue pandering to the oil companies and install as a possible future president someone who would take away a woman’s right to choose…
How do you think female and radical Xtain right bloggers feel when they are forced to read your swear words?
Nobody’s forced to read anything on the web.
So glad you agree on choice. No one should be forced to join the union or pay forced union dues. And before you go to Ernie Duran’s TPs …
Colorado’s government employees have the Right-to-Work, shouldn’t the rest of Colorado have these same rights?
p.s. Big Ups to the Governor’s Right-to-Work policy
And hey, put some asterisks in there, will ya?
You are a real piece of work, “Nancy L. Baldwin.”
Please just tell us how you respond to McCain using the same phrase a half-dozen times. “Lipstick on a pig” has nothing to do with sexism. That’s so obvious to anyone with half a brain that the McCain camp has SERIOUSLY overplayed its hand on this latest attack.
And it was clever of Obama to use it when he referenced Palin. Because he knew if there was any outrage over it he could deny he meant anything by it.
It was the same kind of strategy he used when he flipped Hillary Clinton the bird. He is too clever by half.
His audience knew what he meant in both cases. What is silly is that you think people are so stupid you can cover for him.
You know it was intentional. And you are just showing how idiotic you are by trying to cover for it.
trying to get hired by the McCain campaign? Your lying BS is right up their alley.
IKEA is coming to Denver.
Praise Jesus. Hallelujah!
That shГёuld have been IKEA is cГёming tГё Denver.
Praise JesГјs, HallelГјjah!
is wholly unsustainable and Palin fatigue is going to set in within a week or so?
I think you may be right. And in 2 – 3 weeks she could be viewed as a disaster for McCain.
…given that Obama’s fawning press coverage has lasted for about 18 months until two Fridays ago.
Palin is already viewed as a disaster… for Senator Obama.
Looks like McCain played the female victim card a little too quickly – guess it was burning a hole in his pocket. The lead balloon has begun to sink after a nice speech and convention bump.
indication of this?
More and more it looks like the idiotic wave of ridiculous attacks on Palin and her family is ending and the campaigns are tied in the polls.
This is a horse race, gentlemen.
Truer words have not been spoken – it is a horse race.
However, McCain wants to play the victim card over and over, and it’s getting old already. The press went over her background and record with such scrutiny because they were totally taken off guard that she was chosen, and thus had no information on her, not because she is a woman. She herself claims that type of whining does no good to women – that you just have to “work harder”.
And now today we are told Obama is sexist because he used the adage lipstick on a pig. Please.
The sexism card has obviously lost its’ sheen, but I personally hope they keep playing it.
Q: How should we solve the healthcare crisis in America ?
A: That’s a sexist question !
When every policy question or background question that was brought up about Sen. Obama’s past was shrieked out as racist.
I really do (no snark). I wish this could be a battle of ideas, policies and the direction of our country at it’s most critical time but I am afraid we are on the path to something quite different now.
Who loses out ? All of us.
That’s how Republicans win. “Be afraid, very afraid.” That’s how they took 2004 – again – despite all logical evidence that choosing Bush was a bad choice.
I used to go to Dean and other Democratic meetings in the long buildup to the 2004. Every time someone would get up and say, “We just need to get our message out there and we will win.” I wanted to bop them. The average voter in America cannot discuss any policy or topic beyond what they heard on the last series of ads.
The fact that Palin would try to reverse a hundred years of increasing women’s rights seems to be lost on those who think a woman, any woman is progress. And she’s pretty, would Ferraro get so much face time?
Couldn’t agree with you more.
When I see mainly Democrats and entrenched government oriented GOPers fail to debate the merits of extending the Right-to-Work to all Coloradans I understand clearly that our polarized nation if fraught with special interests.
p.s. Ewegen, I got the spell check download for this machine … I even gots ‘fraught’ right too cuz
Don’t you know it’s only a tool of organized labor to put more money in their pockets and put down hard working Americans?
“Policies“, not policy.
A shill with spell check is still a shill.
And by the way, how’s that wide stance thing working out for you?
it’s not “polarized nation if fraught with”, it’s “polarized nation is fraught with”
So even with spell check, you still come across as not that eloquent. But you are #1 here with cut & paste.
Fire up your coders and sell that solution to the browser companies and search guys.
I value your passion.
But it just seems to me that there’s no way coverage of her personally (her family, attacks on her, potential sexism of attacks on her, when she’ll give an interview, how much she’s helped McCain) doesn’t give way fairly soon to coverage of campaign issues. Eventually she’ll be one of the four, and given the time-crunch of early voting, the winner next phase of this campaign after Palin-shock may well walk away with it.
give specifics on his campaign issues yet.
Hope. Change.
Those two words alone derailed Hillary Clinton, who I was pretty sure was going to win the White House. Look how much money, experience, how many allies she had. Look at the overall political climate.
I think the Dem Congress laying such a giant fart in the faces of the voters hurt the establishment Clinton as much as anything.
For God’s sake, she had 200 million or something going into the race, didn’t she?
But I think that speaks to the same interesting point. I think most people agree that adopting Change as the central theme early was probably the main reason senator Obama outlasted senator Clinton.
This, of course, begs the question of whether McCain can avoid the same fate by trying to steal the theme right away after his convention. Pre-Palin, the race was Change vs. Experience. Now its Change vs. Change due solely to Mr. McCain’s actions. Maybe he can get it done, maybe he can’t, but I don’t think nominating governor Palin alone will be enough to get across the finish line.
Obama has been quite specific within formats of what he intends to do. His website is full of proposals. His acceptance speech was far more detailed that Mr. McBush’s.
And I found it to be full of specific promises but not explanations of how he’d accomplish said promises.
Well, yeah. Same with McCain too.
Obama must have given some specifics: enough for Business Week to write an article comparing his plans to McCains, and judging his better.
Business Week!…
I know, I know… I’m being sexist! LOL
…on a pig thing is highly offensive–to the pigs. Sure they’re mean, nasty, filthy creatures, but what did they ever do to be compared to Palin?
My Pit Bull was clearly not happy with the reference.
Talk about ridiculous. McCain blew it.
really denigrates newspapers.
If the McCain campaign is going to go shrieking its way to a fainting couch every time it can manufacture outrage over an illusory slight, this is going to be a long eight weeks.
McCain/Palin ’08 Manufactured Outrage First!
Yesterday Community Organizers International Trade Union Staff (COITUS) launched its official protest over Sarah Palin’s “demeaning, defactual rhetoric regarding our proud profession.”
Spokesman and part-time presidential candidate David Burge stated, “When America’s communities need organizing, who will be there to organize them, if not us?
Who will fight to make a difference by reaching out and working with communities to raise awareness of the importance of dealing with community issues by referring inquiries to outreach coordinators and making posters advertising interpretive dance and face-painting festivals while ensuring that each and every voter has the right to vote for their Democratic Party candidates who were once community organizers themselves?”
“That’s right. COITUS will!”
Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot the ground rules. When a Republican says it, it doesn’t count.
The pig is actually very clean. Pigs will pick one corner of their enclosure and defecate there, so they don’t get it on themselves. Cows , which I also raised, just poop where they stand. Pigs only roll in mud to cool off and actually are among the most intelligent, affectionate and clean animals.
…I am also well versed in the ways of the swine and I stand behind my comments 100%.
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.
though admire pigs more than politicians.
…I’m not sure I can tell much of a difference.
Although, I will grant you that Wilbur is much more admirable than most every politician.
One of the last things I did at UPI was covering the high school basketball tournaments. When I came to the Post, they had me cover the legislature. I said I was qualified for the job, on the grounds that I was already used to covering juvenile games…
Snowball! Set the hounds on Jambalaya. She knows!
…I don’t know nuthin’ bout nuthin’.
What he should have said is “You can’t polish a turd.” Then he couldn’t be accused of being sexist. Even constipated grumpy old men have turds every week or so.
Or demeaning to Republican turds like Karl Rove, etc.
I can not find it anywhere on the web, but last night on one of the cable news shows they quickly covered a story that Obama may be allowing 527s given the ridiculousness of the attacks against him.
Can anyone confirm this? I am waiting for info from the campaign.
I was happy to hear this. As most of you know, I believe negative campaigning is effective. And right now Obama needs other people to be ugly against the vicious attacks coming his way.
The high road is great, in theory. It didn’t work for McCain in 2000; he obviously learned his lesson well.
They can’t actually talk to the 527s (and we Dems, unlike the Repubs, follow the law on that). But they have said they will no longer make any public statements saying don’t do it to them.
And I think we need them – there are things that it doesn’t work for the campaign to say that an independent group can say.
we do need them and it is about damned time. Obama can’t win the election by playing defense until November. Some punches need to be landed on McCain.
I hate that you’re right about negative campaigning, WLJ.
Obama may be flip flopping on the 527s because he has been getting his ass handed to him in the polls. Not because of any ‘ridiculous’ attacks.
Barack tried to do this the honorable way, by running a campaign based on facts.
McCain / Palin have brought it to lipstick and sex for kindergartners.
So, let the games begin – I hope the 527s destroy Palin.
Niccolo Machiavelli said,
Basically, destroy your enemy so that they may never rise again. Sarah Palin, been good knowing you.
and while one of the candidates wins, the biggest loser is the state of our democracy.
Regardless of who started it or who does it worse.
Gravel applauds McCain’s selection of Palin.
Gravel says … the Trooper should have been fired, he shouldn’t be wearing the badge, he shouldn’t be a Trooper.
Gravel says the Unions didn’t want to step up to the plate for Public Safety. Do the Unions need to wait for this Trooper to kill someone before they get rid of him?
Gravel says Palin has more executive experience then McCain, Obama, and Biden have together.
Gravel says The Democrat Party is the party of war.
Gravel is for the peoples Right-to-Work too!
Ron Paul tells his voters not to support McCain.
And I’m pretty sure there are more Ron Paul fans out there than Mike Gravel fans.
It’s our fringe, and your fringe are the folks calling Obama a warmonger.
although the JJ Abrams show is pretty good.
I bet some of them probably will as many are, in fact, Republicans. Either way, you’re right in that none of it will be too relevant barring a Florida scenario.
Ron Paul endorsed 4 3rd party candidates today, from the Greens, the Libertarians, the Ralph Nader party and the Constitution party.
All year, he’s been saying there’s no difference between Republicans and Democrats,and that the GOP needs to be turned on it’s ear.
But he must have figured at the last minute
that endorsing the one candidate who stood with him on the issues, Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party,
might have thrown several Western states,
including Colorado,
to Obama.
He wanted to hurt the GOP to shake it up,
except he didn’t want to leave any bruises.
A real profile in courage.
Ron Paul, I want my donation back.
Quietly, Obama Campaign Calls In The Calvary
09 Sep 2008 07:41 am
Keep selling this and Amendment 47 will pass.
Even Union members know that their forced dues are used for radical politics of the union boss.
Logical? Nope, just the union boss mentality.
Hoffa, Sweeney, Stern where are you?
Senator Salazar, Mayor Hickenlooper, Governor Ritter where are you?
The people want to know why government workers have the right-to-work, yet you oppose this same fundamental American right for the rest of Colorado.…
voting Obama. Ug.
Obama also thinks we should teach sex education to children before they are even taught to read.
I agree with his policies to disarm America – but his sexism and his perverse sense of education is appalling.
You were just pretending to consider it to give weight to your comments. No one who was truly considering any candidate would then rule them out for such lame reasons.
You just don’t want to admit the tide is turning against this sexist pig.
Give me ONE example of sexism from Obama’s lips – just one. The lipstick one is silly, especially since Palin has called Hockey Moms “Bitches”.…
No, please don’t leave. Keep posting the same rants. You might turn LB our way!
Does anybody associated with the McCain Campaign sincerely beleive that these posts have any effect? Anybody that might be influenced by this lame tactic is not going to be reading politcal blogs.
My six-year-old boy has better skill at sarcasm.
I posted a diary on Obama’s sex ed policy. This was recycyled from Alan Keys.
Barack is trying to protect kids from sexual predators. You know the ones that snatch, rape and kill 5 year olds.
Go over the diary’s for the really low, low, no honor stance of John McCain.
So you were aware of this already. And yet you support him?
Where did you come up with that one?
A new book by Cliff Schechter has the inside scoop on John McCain. And if you want to know why John McCain was called “McNasty” in high school, read this.
At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.” McCain’s excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.
This event was witnessed by 3 reporters and two aides of John McCain, Doug Cole and Wes Gullett.
Maybe it was a term of endearment.
If this followed a joke by Hillary about lipstick on a pig or dog or something – referring to herself – then you have a point!
The pig is an improvement
Because no woman would make a statement that dumb.
And no guy who’s been in a serious relationship (straight or gay) would make a statement that dumb more than once – because boy would you learn.
So I’m guessing “Nancy” is a 16 year old male who’s still hoping for his first serious girlfriend.
And based on his writing, he’s not getting good grades in Language Arts.
That was funny. I actually laughed out loud. Feel free to correct my grammar if you like.
But I assumed it was a Betsy Hoffman reference?
…what, you think we are idiots? You think a term of endearment in front of 5 others is private?
You are an embarrasement to the people who tried to educate you.
Actually I do think you are idiots. But that is beside the point.
Except that was a clever comeback.…
John Mc Cain has no respect for women. He had a history of affairs with his first wife, dating Cindy while he was living with her, and even filing for a marriage license while still married. He is a woman user, and is using Palin to get the pro-life, anti-choice, anti-gay vote. Are you really all those things. If so, how could you have ever supported Hillary?
“Nancy” is just lipstick on a… Oh, never mind.…
Each time Nancy the Troll post something this will be my only response. Just an FYI to everyone else.
Shows your level of intelligence.
shows yours.
Doug Bruce for Supreme Overlord of the Universe!
Don’t tell them that, they’ll get all confused. 🙂
(…and Pontius Pilate was a Governor. Love that one.)
…was also a Republican. So is Palin.
The idiotic Jesus/Obama/Pilate/Palin circle is now closed.
So are you saying that if MLK was alive today he’d be voting McCain/Palin?
Considering Strom Thurmond was a Democrat, I don’t blame MLK for being Republican.
comparing Sen. Obama to Jesus.
Just saying…
McCain is sexist, we know that. Obama is Black, we know that.
I am not voting for McCain if we found out he signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
Because that would make him capable of time travel and exceedingly righteous.
Both Presidential plusses in my book.
But the 4th heartbeat away from the Presidency at this moment is…
Who makes McCain look young enough to be in “O-Town”.
Thank you LB.
Just to set the record straight, I would vote for McCain if he was capable of time travel.
so she can ride a dinosaur.
Obama flipped Hillary the bird during a debate?
Well I do. And so does alot of other women.
I have to ask you why you didn’t just do sjintheknow2 or something? At least then people wouldn’t get confused, thinking you were actually trying to make a coherent point.
Maybe because sjintheknow is no relation. Never posted under that title.
Sorry. But you can call me sjintheknow if it makes you feel better.
she disappeared about 5 minutes before you showed up. Your rhetoric is exactly the same too. At least cop to it, or tell me the name that you used to post under.
You are right Nancy, Barack is a Black Activist sympathizer and misogynist.
John McCain is an honorable man that loves his wife. They have pet names for each other like Trollop and Cunt and he treats her with the utmost of respect, by asking her to participate in wet t-shirt contest at Sturgis and making sure she is at least three feet behind him to protect her from crazed people that may be on the prowl to steal her purse.
He is an understanding rich man because he gets the common man and can feel their pain at the gas pump and in the mortgage fiscal. This is evident every time he and Cindy fuel up the Lear Jet to travel between their 7 homes.
And hell, if you can make $5 million a year, what kind of slacker are you? You don’t derserve to be in the middle class and have healthcare or access to quality public schools – why is that his problem anyway?
I just don’t know how I so mislead by Obama, I think I now see the light – I am voting for McCain.
Obama never flipped Hillary the bird.
She IS sjintheknow. It’s exactly the same type of outlandish crap she used to spout. Same crap, different name.
And if you want to refute that Nancy, feel free to tell me what your old screename was on Pols.
It should be obvious.
Now, THAT guy was GREAT with sarcasm.
I doesn’t.
Now listen – this has nothing to do with the campaign, it’s just freaking classic Joe Biden.
He’s just a speech taking the form of a car crash and is as colorful as it gets.
1. Here’s something I TOTALLY agree with. I’m not surprised at all that it was Senator Obama writing the letter and NOT McSame:
Mr. Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, asked that any “inappropriate windfall payments” to the chief executives and senior managers of those agencies be voided, in a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. and the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the new regulator for Fannie and Freddie.
Together, Daniel H. Mudd of Fannie Mae and Richard F. Syron of Freddie Mac are eligible for as much as $24 million in severance, retirement benefits and deferred compensation.
“Under no circumstances should the executives of these institutions earn a windfall at a time when the U.S. Treasury has taken unprecedented steps to rescue these companies with taxpayer resources,” Mr. Obama wrote.
2. Up late, I decided to catch up with the comments on todays CoPOls, and I have to tell you, I’m a little sick, and personally embarrassed.It’s fair to say I’ve seldom seen so little substance, and so much childish tit for tat from so many supposedly intelligent people. Turn off the TV folks and start to find some substance to discuss. You’ve all fallen into the trap of distraction that started with Palin’s nomination.