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September 12, 2008 11:10 PM UTC

McCain Ad Bashes "Disrespectful" Obama

  • by: Colorado Pols

According to Colorado Independent, a new ad running in Colorado is bashing Barack Obama for being “disrespectful” toward Sarah Palin:

That 9/11 Truce didn’t last long.

The McCain campaign began running a TV ad Thursday in Colorado that raises the question: Is John McCain engaged in a high-stakes game of limbo? As his campaign since the Republican National Convention piles outright lies upon scurrilous outrage upon gross distortion, it remains to be seen just how low he can go.

“Lashes Out,” the latest 30-second ad from McCain, provides the answer. The ad menacingly accuses the Obama-Biden campaign of being “disrespectful” toward Sarah Palin. You can hear the announcer’s lip curl as she ticks off a litany meant to portray Barack Obama and Joe Biden as patronizing sexists.

Our favorite citation attacks Obama for calling Palin a liar, but the citation just shows this: “…lying…”

Context? We don’t need no stinking context!


50 thoughts on “McCain Ad Bashes “Disrespectful” Obama

          1. over someone who can’t locate Waziristan on a map while claiming she has foreign policy experience.

            McCain and Palin are criss-crossing the country lying, over and over and over not only about their opponents but also about their own records. Again today, McCain straight up lied to the entire country.

            Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Friday defended two debunked television ads attacking Democrat Barack Obama and claimed erroneously that running mate Sarah Palin never sought money for lawmakers’ pet projects as Alaska governor.

            McCain has not only lost his bearings, he’s lost his moral character and integrity.

              1. Will Palin go on with the “Ladies”? I don’t she has the guts for that. No real fight in that dog.  She will stick with the men so she can claim sexism if the interview gets tough.

                Now, those ladies were a great example of Pit Bulls in Lipstick!!! Go Barbra, Joy and Whoopi!

                Why does our press feel like they have to be nice to the politicians they interview?  Because they won’t come back for ratings?  If all interviewers hammered home for real answers, the politicians would have no choice.

                1. that other reporters will get tired of being compared unfavorably to the view and will start to ask real questions.

                  Jon Stewart should invite those 3 on for an interview – he could sell it as talking to 3 of the few reporters who are actually doing their job…

                1. …I couldn’t help but think that the man was lying straight to my face and it doesn’t bother him one little bit.

                  I’ve had enough of lying liers, thank you very much.

                    1. This time it’s a Big Oily Lie.

                      Palin claims Alaska “produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.” That’s not true.

                      Alaska did produce 14 percent of all the oil from U.S. wells last year, but that’s a far cry from all the “energy” produced in the U.S.

                      Alaska’s share of domestic energy production was 3.5 percent, according to the official figures kept by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

                      And if by “supply” Palin meant all the energy consumed in the U.S., and not just produced here, then Alaska’s production accounted for only 2.4 percent.

                      McCain’s choice to pick a resume padding running mate is pretty pathetic. But to lie for her is even worse. In fact, it’s dishonorable for McCain to believe he can insult the American public as he continues to do.  

    1. Nancy- doesn’t your action make you a sexist also?You might want to specify just what qualifies as sexism, in your world.In that particularly irony deficiency anemic way the wingnuts have of not seeing the disconnect mcinane who has called his own wife a trollop and a c*nt, and failed to redress one of his supporters who referred to Hillary Clinton as a bitch accuses someone else of disrespect.

  1. I never thought that I would look back fondly on the days when we were a “fly over state” rather than a “battle ground state.”  The seemingly endless stream of nauseating political ads is getting to be too much, and we still have weeks of it to look forward to.  When will somebody, anybody, discuss a substanive issue?

      1. Only 14% of voters actual look at the issues.  My guess is those are people like folks on this blog (well most folks).  

        I am amazed at how many of my college educated friends do not get a newspaper (or read news on line)and do not watch cable news.  All of their news is given to them by 3 minutes of info on the evening news.

        It is the “Lipstick” lie that is more intersting and more people can quote than any issue.

        I was surprised not to see any even one comment on your diary.

        1. I was really pleased that my daughter’s second husband gets the daily newspaper. Number One did not.

          Unfortunately, the Houston Chronicle is about as bad as they get.  

            1. Nancy- that would be as opposed to you getting yours from faux news channel.Perhaps the people promoting newspapers are just channeling Thomas Jefferson:were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” Your remark would tend to indicate you don’t read and might even support the banning of books or other materials you found objectionable and I’m suspicious of such instincts.  

              1. Actually I am an avid reader of newspapers.  My criticism of the media comes from experience and believe that the only way to really understand the landscape is to read the papers to find out what extremists will be saying next.

                It just surprises me how ignorant people believe that the papers are so impartial and they get their news from them.

                The thinking person should read papers with the understanding that they are only getting one side of the story.  ALWAYS read with the thought in the back of your mind “I wonder what the other side of the story is.”  

                As for book banning – most of the books people want to ban aren’t much in the area of literary works.  I have read most of them and found them to be boring.

                1. You really think newspapers are where readers go to find extremism? When you’re posting on a political blog? Were you home-schooled?

                  As to your weak apology for book-banning — that’s why librarians don’t want narrow-minded literary “critics” telling them which books to keep on the shelves. You do realize “most” of the books “people” (I use the term advisedly) want to ban include classic and Nobel-prize-winning works such as The Catcher in the Rye, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Beloved, The Bluest Eye, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Of Mice and Men, the Harry Potter series, Judy Blume novels and, yes, Daddy’s Roommate, the book Sarah Palin wanted gone from her hometown library.

                  I’m not surprised you find those books to be boring. They require at least a third-grade reading level.  

                  1. Go Blue was just asking Pols to delete comments made from Nobel Prize winning Nancy L Baldwin.  Interesting how you guys like to project the practices you employ (ban books, invent political correctness, brainwash anyone with alternative points of view etc..) onto others.

                    Lastly, no books were banned.  That was pretty much just a lie.

                    1. No, it was a triumph of the values that make this nation strong, in the face of Palin’s best attempts. Do some research (yes, that would involve reading) and you’ll find that books are pulled from library shelves all the time. Constant vigilance required to keep your close-minded types from prevailing. Thank goodness for the ALA.

      2. No one opposes “education”

        Its about

        government money and the mix (federal/state)

        Standards and consequences

        Public/private mix (all traditional to government charter to private vouchers)

        Teacher pay and how it is awarded.

        A better linking between school and work

        Unless you make specific policy calls there is nothing to comment on.

        I basicly agree with Obama:  

        more federal money, particularily for at risk kids.

        National ciricula and standards

        Charters, but not Vouchers

        Higher pay for teachers, but merit based.

        The one area I think really matters and we need a real debate on is on standards.

        I think we need longitudinal testing:  teachers shouldn’t be punished because the kids start the year unprepared.

        Teachers should be judged on the aggregate improvement of each student, not on the average performance of the student body against a standard, because it doesn’t take into account the childs prepation.

        My daughter is under 2 and is already working on her alphabet, should a teacher recieve the benefit of her early preperation.  By the same token, if a teacher takes a 7th grader from reading at a 2nd grade level to reading at a 5th grade level shouldn’t he be recognized as having advanced the student 3 grade levels as opposed to be punished for not achieving the standard.  The punishment should fall on the teachers who failed to keep the kid at grade level.

        1. It is the 50 year anniversary of faux reform in American Education, Back in 1958, the National Defense Education Act was passed. It was the first real federal intervention in local education.  It rewarded tuition scholarships for students who majored in language, math, and/or science. It was in response to the Sputnik crisis.  

          We went to the moon on the brains of men who had been educated on the G.I. Bill and WWII.  So the question is: Did the NDEA work?   How do we know?  And, then before one more gd cent is spent, we should ask the same question of every single local, state and federal tax payer funded reform.

          It won’t happen. It won’t happen for the same reason that Palin-McCain is going to win.  The US is a consumer culture; people are programed to response to anything “new” and to react, not to think. An independent analysis would require an educated populace…which America no longer has.  Instead, we are Pavlov’s people.  

          We have traded our ability to think for a front seat at American Idol.

  2. John’s using Palin to shield himself from his own record.

    “Just ask the Machinists in Pennsylvania who build Harley-Davidsons,” Obama said of McCain’s record. “Because John McCain didn’t just oppose the requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles, he called Buy American provisions ‘disgraceful.’ Just ask the workers across this country who have seen their jobs outsourced.  The very companies that shipped their jobs overseas have been rewarded with billions of dollars in tax breaks that John McCain supports and plans to continue.

    “So when American workers hear John McCain talking about putting ‘Country First,'” Obama said, “it’s fair to ask – which country?”

    Why won’t McCain talk about the issues? Why is McCain afraid of an honest debate on what matters most to Americans like their jobs?

    1. I’m curious, what do you think, here’s the ad. Especially with the juxtaposition of Obama’s smiling face and “Good Looking” presented as a slur (it was Biden who said that, as a self-depricating compliment to Palin) At the very least it’s the unmistakable subtext.

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