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August 16, 2005 08:00 AM UTC

Holtzman Gearing Up

  • by: Colorado Pols

Republican gubernatorial candidate Marc Holtzman is making a major campaign push this week.

Tomorrow a large mailing will hit Republican doorsteps, and on Saturday Holtzman launches his RV tour, called the “Roast Colorado Pork RV Tour: Getting the Pork and Excess Spending out of the State Budget.”

Holtzman will be the second candidate to undertake a major, publicized statewide tour after former Democratic candidate Rutt Bridges’ “listening tour.” It will be interesting to see if Holtzman’s RV tour and direct mail will prompt Republican Bob Beauprez to follow suit in some form. Campaigns like to say that they run a marathon, not a sprint, but you can’t watch the other guy get too big of a lead.


31 thoughts on “Holtzman Gearing Up

  1. Now, this ought to be funny.  I can’t wait to see what ‘pork’ Holtzman thinks he can find in the state budget, which may be the leanest in the country.  The Republicans and Democrats alike have done an outstanding job over the years identifying unnecessary spending.  If there was pork in the budget, it has already been identified and cut.  He’s set himself up for failure big time.

  2. Break out the smokers and the spits!  Hide your pot bellied pet porkers!  Just watch the ozone readings…too much BBQ’ing is not good for the atmosphere.

  3. Oh, Really?

    Failure is a foregone conclusion. The fun part will be watching him soil himself along the way. He’s in, then he’s out, then he’s in again. Flip-flopping LT gets hired as the spokesperson. Gets an office in the ghetto (right next to a liquor store). Now the piggly wiggly tour. How many pigs are going to die unnecessarily?

  4. I hate to admit it but, as a simi practicing jew I thought the exact same thing when I read of the Holtzman pork tour. Bad form but funny Mark. Destined for Jay Leno or the Daily Show.

  5. Hurry, hurry, step right up! Watch the inane spectacle of a very sad man’s dying campaign!  You won’t want to miss it folks.  John Elway, George Foreman will be there, and the latest buzz from the Holtzman campaign is that Ronald Reagan and even Jesus himself might show up! Don’t miss it! 

    What a schmuck.

  6. I think what MH meant was that he will be wearing a John Elway jersey on his National Lampoon RV tour and pork will be served on the George Foreman grill and LT will be passing out D.A.R.E brochures.

  7. Nice to see BB’s staff is hard at it this morning.  Maybe if they spent more time fundraising then blogging, they’d have a little more money in the bank…

  8. Hey Funny,

    I hate to break it to you but there is a chance, just a chance that perhaps people other than BB staffers think MH is a joke. You’ll find that out next August at the latest.

    You want to tell me that the diluge of MH staffers responding (once they make to work) isn’t forthcoming? Not like the guy isn’t offering up plenty of ammo.

  9. Yes, there is a chance people other than BB’s staff would think he’s a joke, say Owens staff or any of the other wonderful folks who lost us a senate seat, a congressional seat and both houses of the state legislature.

    Sounds like it’s time for a change, I’m not sure MH is it, but I know that BB isn’t.

  10. Dear Still Funny,

    Warning. Hurry, quick, run! Black helicopters are converging on your position.

    You are to report immediately to the nearest GOP “Be the Change” HQ. Here you must actually do something to get someone elected versus just bitching from your mother’s basement. Mike Miles will be conducting a seminar on fighting the establishment.

    Good Luck,


    Big Brother

  11. I used to wish MH would do the classy thing and pull out of the race but at the same time i am going to LOVE watching Napolean stumble and bumble all the way to Waterloo. 

    “I hate to break it to you but there is a chance, just a chance that perhaps people other than BB staffers think MH is a joke.”


  12. Is spam pork? Does anyone think the reason Holtzman did the 180 on his campaign focus is because of the upcoming sentencing of ex- WorldCom CEO Bernie Ebbers? Didn’t Holtzman host this guy when he was Sec. of Technology and praise him in print and on camera. much like spam this makes us go hmmmmm…

  13. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

      The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,

      whose face in marred by dust and sweat and blood;

      who strives valiantly; who errs,

    who comes short again and again,

      because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;

    but who does actually strive to do the deeds;

      who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions;

      who spends himself in a worthy cause;

    who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,

    and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,

    so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

  14. Is Spam pork?? Does anyone think that maybe Holtzman did a 180 on his Gubinatorial campaign message to distract from his envolvement with Bernie Ebbers ex-worldcom CEO up for sentencing this month. When Marc was Sec. of Technology he was pretty close to the guy hosting him here and praising him in print and on camera. Kinda like spam it makes you go hmmm…. And no I don’t work for Beauprez but MCI is a competitor of mine, despite that it was BS to see the way Ebbers and his motley fools raided that once proud company.

  15. Now, now children, in your seats!

    This is the lamest thread I have ever seen. BB seminar posters with the wit of three-year olds! The fact is, whether Beauprez wins or not, his weak leadership (a la Woody) on the GOP-sinking garbage scow that IS Refs C & D, is why rank-and-file limited government types want to puke right now.

    Thanks, Bill “TABOR Champ” Owens. Sold out your party for a Bush appointment, just like Mark Racicot and Christie Whitman. And now even poor Jane Norton is having to throw back a belt of whiskey, bite a bullet, and say she is “for Ref C” while she talks about the “principles of the Republican Party.” HAHAHAHAH!

    That’d be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, except I like Norton.

    As for all the ad hominem attacks, why don’t we just start a string of posts about how much shorter Holtzman is than BB? Or that he knows some guy who’s friends with someone who gave his sister a stock tip?

    You pansies are really reaching here. Why? Because whether neophyte Holtzman can win, or does a bus tour, or uses the wrong brand of hair gel, HIS CAMPAIGN ISSUES ARE DEAD-ON WITH GOP PRIMARY VOTERS.

    BB is bad on many issues that matter to primary voters: Guns, Taxes, privacy (see Patriot vote), and BIG SPENDING in DC.

    Whetver happens, a primary will be good for the REAL GOP. Give me a yarmulke, I’m for Holtzman

  16. Hey FundamentalistConserv4MH:

    Do you think that the college students posting for BB actually know what a yarmulke is?

    Most of these post-pubescent BB rah-rahs have never met an actual Jew who wasn’t just at the keg next to them in a frat basement.

    Well, maybe if they see a BRASSIERE made out of two of them, like at http://www.yarmulkebra.com/
    they’d be more interested.

    But then again, it’s almost bedtime for BB’s staff already!

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