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December 26, 2008 04:37 PM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.”

–Katherine Whitehorn


40 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

    1. How easily can she win in 2010?

      I think she would have a hard time raising name ID and dollars. Assuming the GOP runs a credible candidate (ie – not Tancredo), it would be a difficult campaignb that would consume all Democratic resources in 2010 when we have to focus very heavily on the legislature due to redistricting.

      Although, as a spectator sport, I would love to watch Polly take on Tancredo!

      1. She’s been out of the State Legislature for close to 20 years and I think that probably hurts her. Folks that have moved to this state in the last 20 years don’t recognize her as readily although she has remained active and I think still has some name recognition among low information voters.

        I think her age (66) also plays against her.

        Pluses regarding her as a candidate are her lengthy experience in the House and Senate, her contacts with major players in DC and her ongoing work with the Democratic Party. I think they would back her bigtime so I’m not sure I agree it would be as difficult to raise dollars.  

  1. “Baca, a Democrat from Denver, reminded Ritter that if she were appointed, Colorado would be the first state to send a Latino woman to the Senate.”

    Senora Baca’s whole life seems to rotate on the fact of who she is.  How can we ever move past one’s origins if we keep talking about it? Isn’t that the goal, a homogenous society? It won’t happen if we keep re-segregating into milk and cream.  

    1. rearing “its ugly face?” The only thing I find ugly of late are your comments regarding women and minorities.

      Baca has been a hell of a representative and a driving force for the Democratic Party. Maybe you’ve been in Florida a little too long and don’t realize her contributions.

      Or maybe you’re just a guy who has serious issues with minorities and women, as reflected by other comments you have made here, including the one that you made regarding agreeing with Rush Limbaugh’s assessment of black football players.

        1. Seriously, give it a read.

          In her interview Baca-BarragГЎn recalled a personal note Senator Edward Kennedy sent to her with his best personal wishes during her Legislative campaign, saying, “We need more representation of the Chicano community in public office as we need more women, and Polly’s the best of both. … She will represent a progressive, bright, and effective addition to the state legislature, one who will speak for all the people of her district.”

          As a freshman legislator in the Colorado House of Representatives, Baca-BarragГЎn broke an old rule of the seniority system which imposed a “watch and wait” attitude on first termers. In the 1975 session of the Colorado Legislature, she introduced nine House bills and carried six Senate bills in the House. Two of these House bills and three of Senate bills were passed by both houses and signed into law by the governor. Throughout her term she sponsored 201 more House bills and 57 additional Senate bills. Of these, 156 passed both houses and are now law. Some of her most notable bills are Senate Bill 118, providing for the protection of deposits of public monies held by the state and national banks (1986); Senate Bill 87, providing authority to the Colorado district courts to enforce foreign subpoenas, (1985); Senate Bill 139, concerning assessment of civil money penalties by the state banking board, (1985); House Bill 1117, continuing the short-term-loan revolving fund in the division of housing, (1985); House Bill 1336, regulating the operation of non state post-secondary institutions in Colorado by the Colorado Commission of Higher Education, and many others.

          As the Denver Post summarized, Baca-BarragГЎn was known in Colorado as “a democratic senator representing 63,000 Adams County resident. On the other hand, she is the Colorado politician who has the closest ties to the nation’s Democratic Leadership in Washington, D.C. … In fact, Barragan, has better, more open links to the White House than Gov. Dick Lamm and other Democratic leaders in Colorado.” Throughout her work Baca-BarragГЎn won the respect of many leaders in the state of Colorado and nationally. By any standards, she must be judged a good policy maker.

          There is legitimate reason for pointing out that she would be the first Latina from Colorado to serve in the United States Senate. It would have been ridiculous of her not to point that out, considering her background and her extensive career.

          She isn’t basing her qualifications on her ethnic identity. It happens to be a part of who she is and who she has advocated for.

          Can you really not see that?  

          1. Oh, I’ve managed to avoid any really touchy issues so far in my tenure on ColoradoPols, but have to jump in now. Polly Baca would be qualified to be Senator because of her extensive experience as a legislator, her ability to represent the needs of her constituency, her contacts nationally, and a bit of a go-get-em attitude, it seems, not because she is a Latina, a woman, a Coloradoan, right-handed, or doesn’t need to wear glasses, all of which have nothing to do with whether or not she would make a great Senator. Yes, being a Latina is part of her identity, just as being a geeky geologist is part and parcel with Hick and being Jewish is part of Andrew Romanoff’s identity (I was hoping to point out that this would be a Colorado first too, but that damned Simon Guggenheim beat Romanoff to it in 1907!), but there are plenty of Latinas and geeks and Jews in Colorado who are immensely unqualified to be Senator.

            Polly Baca should argue that she has much more legislative success and the proper Rolodex to get things done in DC, compared with the three top contenders.  I don’t think anyone is ruling her (or Cary Kennedy or Peter Groff or anyone else mentioned previously) on account of their identity, or even shaping the criteria to eliminate them.  Look at the three top contenders – they all got to their present position (consider this their “stepping stone” to the Senator, should they get selected) through an election, where DavidThi808 mentions correctly that Colorado has a good track record of diverse winners.  This just means that the current wave of first-tier candidates happen to be a bunch of white guys, but that is just now.  Look at it this way – Groff or Kennedy or Polis were all discounted because they are all early in their careers and need to make something of themselves first unlike, if I dare say, Tom Strickland or Mike Miles for example, two white guys who seem to be occasional punchline to jokes instead of viable contenders.  A Senate seat isn’t something to be frivolously handed out, unless you’re talking Illinois or Alaska.  In 2010, there may be so few “qualified” white guys by these same standards compared to all the aforementioned up-n-comers, that this whole line of thought would be a moot point.

              1. Mike is Japanese, it seems.  Goes to show how much of an impact it had on my evaluation of his candidacy (it didn’t, because I don’t feel any different about it in light of this).  My apologies…

                  1. mixed race, as long as African American is among the mix, is considered Black. Have you ever seen Mike Miles, Missing? You could say that Obama is white, since he’s just as much white as he is black, but the fuss being made over his being our first Black President would definitely make that a minority view.

            1. Her Rolodex indicates exactly that, everyone else is using PDA’s.  Probably a lot of disconnected numbers by now.  

              And Hick doesn’t make being a geologist part of his “Why you should vote for me” riff.

              Based on the two of us being in a seminar and discussion group, I think it fair to say that her immigration beliefs are not in line with most Coloradans.  

              1. Just to be clear, parsing, I do agree with you – I had never heard of Polly Baca before the Greeley Tribune article and had to look her history up.  I wasn’t arguing for her candidacy (Andrew’s my guy); I was trying to frame her qualifications in a way that compares apples to apples with the other candidates for Senator.  Now, I haven’t a clue where she stands on immigration (or most other topics of Senatorial domain – see my ignorance above), but that seems like a more valid point on which to judge her than where her parents came from or how many X chromosomes she was born with.

          1. Unless there’s something I’m missing (along with parsing…).

            Parsing wrote (with my annotations…) ‘being lesbian is also female’, [which is] an obvious but important [extra point in filling some perceived goal of equality].’  I’m not sure “redundant” is the exact word…

      1. …if you add up the CEO’s who have plundered our treasury and economy and benefited from deregulation, and military types who find their existence justified by the war in Iraq.  Oh, and the hyper-evangs-authoritarians.  

        There, 23%.  

  2. That’s it.  I’ve decided.  I’m throwing my name in to replace Senator Ken Salazar when he leaves to become Secretary of the Interior.

    As a regular poster to Colorado Pols, I know how to reach out across the aisles.

    But at the same time, I have unimpeachable Progressive credentials as an “old-timer” at Daily Kos, a vocal Mike Miles campaign supporter, and as head of a very Progressive local party.

    As I have no voting record, the GOP will find it harder to make ads against me.

    I’m not from Boulder, or from Denver, so I should appeal well to rural voters.

    As a seasoned IT professional, I can add a lot to any Senate debate on technology or computer security.

    I don’t really add much to the ethnic, gender, or sexual preference mix but… – doggone it, people like me!

    </campaign> </snark>

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