Most of us have read the reports about counties not being in compliance with persons and their medicaid and food stamps. The image portrayed as not been accurate.
Colorado Department of Human Services has known for YEARS about counties not following rules,time frames and procedures.There have been audit reports detailing these findings.
This shows again CDHS allowing the counties to do their own thing, with little or no oversight. We have seen this going on with the Citizen review panel. This is basically a group of “common folk” who can address social workers ethics and behaviors when it comes to Dependency and Neglect cases. OFTEN social services will lie or add things. Most of the time Judges don’t question what they are being told.
Jefferson County Human Services has had problems with their Medicaid and food stamps office for at least 5 years. This office had files lost, “misplaced” and caseworkers not follow up. Technicians were basically doing their own thing. Programs and procedures were not being followed. Jefferson County Human Services has untrained people not utilizing programming that would catch any kind of error regarding eligibility,determination and case worker error. Even County Management AGREED with many of the findings in this audit.
We further recommend that the County evaluate the knowledge base and credentials of individuals in key financial reporting roles and evaluate whether the responsibilities assigned are properly matched with the individuals’ capabilities and skill levels.
There is no second review of client applications prior to approval or denial of assistance. Caseworkers do not consistently acquire and maintain necessary documentation from each applicant to appropriately determine eligibility did not base on the applicant’s representations, nor do they consistently document in the file which information they deemed questionable. The County relies heavily on the participants to notify the County if payments appear incorrect. However, this would primarily serve to identify underpayments rather than over payments due to ineligibility”.
Columbine Courier AJ Vicens
“We’re putting together a team and will make some foundational changes,” Flora said. The team charged with fixing the problem in Jeffco will modify hiring practices, performance standards, training curriculum and discipline procedures for the community assistance division’s employees.
“Some people truly didn’t know what was expected of them,” Flora said, adding that hiring and training practices need to be improved.
“You’ve got to follow through and show there are consequences,” Flora said.
Johnson told the commissioners that the division has had three acting directors in the last year for “various reasons,” and that has contributed to its poor performance. But, she said, “this is not a one-year issue. This has been a problem-child area of this department.”
So for how long was this going on, We all have known since 2006, have cases been reviewed, did the county know this and allow OTHER cases to continue KNOWING most fall for the plea deal game.
“It is clear that Jefferson County Department of Human Services has no respect for fiscal responsibility.
In reviewing the 80 pages, it is clear that they are even willing to disagree with the accounting firm (KPMG) when it is clearly evident that they didn’t have qualified people in place to make sure that their accounting was even close to being accurate.
The mistakes that were reported by KPMG are so elementary. It’s like getting in a car and not knowing you need to use a key to start it. Their core accounting system has been undermined”.
Ms. Howard CPA
We want the residents to know , don’t be fooled by the smoke and mirrors. They have known about this and now it’s coming to light. As will many other things.
The Johnson Family
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the computer system for these benefit programs during the Owens administration in the Governor’s office, which was one of several major overhauls run out of the Governor’s Technology Office that didn’t work well.
The project was over budget, behind scheduled and an epic fail when it came to performance. A great deal of time and effort has been spent tring to clean up the mess that followed.
JeffCo is had its share of scandal in recent years, but the flubs by the outside computer contractor are the primary source of problems in these benefit programs.
On Medicaid and Food Stamp eligibility determinations, the state’s own workload study of 2007 acknowledged that the state is underfunding administration of these two programs at the local level by some $10million/year. How that plays out is that Counties limp along with far less staff than is really necessary to get people eligible and enrolled as fast as they should be. Now that the economy is doubling the number of people coming in to County agencies, there are even proposals to further reduce the state’s financial support for administration of these two programs.
W/respect to Child Welfare and CRP, the CRP cannot review D&N filings or child protection decisions. Their purview is employee conduct.