AP reports, since Tom Tancredo lives here we figured it was worth a note for posterity:
Sotomayor replaces retiring Justice David Souter, a liberal named by a Republican president, and she is not expected to alter the court’s ideological split.
Still, Republicans and Democrats were deeply at odds over confirming Sotomayor, and the battle over her nomination highlighted profound philosophical disagreements that will shape future fights over the court’s makeup as Obama looks to another likely vacancy – perhaps more than one – while he’s in the White House.
In the final tally, nine Republicans joined majority Democrats and the Senate’s two independents to support Sotomayor’s confirmation. They included the Senate’s few GOP moderates and its lone Hispanic Republican, retiring Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida, as well as conservative Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the party’s third-ranking leader.
GOP critics decried Obama’s call for “empathy” in a justice, painting Sotomayor as the embodiment of an inappropriate standard that would let a judge bring her personal whims and prejudices to the bench.
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Can you see any other country on the planet putting a racial minority or a woman from a poor backgroud on their highest court?
she doesn’t just check off the minority or woman box. She’s more highly qualified than any recent nominee. The Clarence Thomas of Latinas she’s not.
has had a racial minority on its highest court since 1967.
And now we get to celebrate again. And like Marshall we’ve got an exceptionally qualified jurist. I think in another 30 years we’ll see a supreme court that looks much like America.
you see America as a collection of separate groups, defined by their skin color, and the Court as some sort of egalitarian Board of Grievances.
I’d rather have a Court made up of jurists who strive to preserve and protect our Constitutional rights.
I couldn’t care less what they look like. They could all be left-handed lesbian atheist midgets (little people), as long as they don’t trample on my rights.
Do you really want a Court that’s based on looks?
Would you really want a court that believes in separate but equal? The Scalia types believe that the original intent should not be abridged. That means African-
Americans count for 3/5th of a person w/o the right to vote.
Based upon proportional representation, the court should have 5 women rather than two.
And statistically there’s no way that 2/3 of the best jurists in this country are white males. I celebrate the fact that we are getting to the point that we select the best jurists rather than the best white male jurists.
Judicial decisions should be based on statistics?
Theoretically speaking, our Supreme Court should not be 7/9ths male – there’s just no good reason for it other than old-fashioned prejudice. With the addition of Sotomayor, the court does now reflect a somewhat accurate picture of the ethnic makeup of the country (at least as accurate as a 9-member pool can accurately represent…). In no sense does the court accurately reflect the ideological makeup of the country, however – the “liberal” justices are mostly moderates, while the “conservative” justices are mostly extremists.
Within a certain range of highly qualified applicants, there is more than a bit of room for picking selectively. You can’t simply say “give me the best qualified candidate for the job,” because “best” is subjective. The Supreme Court must rule both on the interpretation of laws, and on the Constitutionality of them. For example, I don’t think Alito was the best possible pick for the Court, but I consider him capable of the job.
Sotomayor is, by almost all accounts, one of the best possible choices from the available pool of candidates. That she happens to balance out imbalances in the Court’s representation of the public is a bonus.
Which is why I’m glad we have the most qualified jurist in decades replacing Souter.
But to deny the fact that it’s an important social achievement for this country to have a Hispanic woman serving on the SCOTUS would be a great disservice to how far we have come in our history.
I believe in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the USA.
It still has more opportunity than any other country. It will remain strong.
My best congratulations to Sonia Sotomayor – a great day for America, as well
Justice Scalia will remain my favorite Justice, but I look forward to reading Sotomayor’s opinions – nonetheless, it’s a selection I deeply celebrate – as David pointed out, Sotomayor’s selection is one of many examples of the greatness of our good country
As a proud member of MECHA-alas back in college, I speak with all Americans in saying “Hasta la victoria, siempre!”