Somebody must have tattled on Janet Rowland (or beet-red Mesa County in general) to, as the Grand Junction Sentinel reports:
Health care reform has been a priority of President Obama during his first year in office and a hot topic in recent weeks in Congress.
Whether it will be a topic of conversation at his planned town hall meeting Aug. 15 in Grand Junction has not been revealed.
The Denver Post adds that Obama will visit Grand Junction as part of a swing through the Mountain time zone–but not including Denver, this time the big city he’ll visit is Phoenix.
Whatever he winds up talking about in the staunchly Republican bastion of Grand Junction–and we expect it will be health care–you’ve got to give the President credit for taking his message to the reddest of the red, especially right now.
And who knows? With the “Obamination” himself daring to set foot in Junction, you might finally get to see Josh “Tea Party” Penry, Glenn Beck, “Swastika Guy,” and “Health Care Holocaust Guy” all on one protest stage. With Michelle Malkin roasting the pig and Tom Tancredo going off reservation–a family reunion with your most embarrassing relatives that attracts cable news trucks. A decisive chance to show their ‘912’ strength? The ‘Waterloo of Crazy?’ We’ll see next Saturday.
Disclaimer: to be clear, there are limits to how much crazy we think is necessary to accomplish the goal of discrediting one’s self, for example we really do hope this guy stays home.
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There are simply too many opportunities for someone to be the next Joe the Plumber and get him to say something–something that might not even have to do with health care–and pretty soon we have the next distraction from the real issue.
Of course, he’s a lot smarter than me, and I have to give him credit for having the balls to go to Mesa County to try to convince people who can’t be convinced to support a plan that they already hate.
One thing I’ll tell you: I guarantee anyone will be able to attend this event, and you won’t need to sign a loyalty oath just to get in. Obama is doing this with the express purpose of letting people who may not agree with a lot of what he’s saying ask a few questions of their president. If that’s not a change I don’t know what is.
Does “Obamination” refer to the man, as you suggest, or to the phenom ?
Somebody please tell me,
why is the flaming liberal POTUS more accessible to me, a flaming conservative, than my own local Congressman in a Conservative district ?
not due simply to your formidable involvement, but because I also feared how the electorate might react if they found out a Congressman could actually be responsive to the public and advance the public good.
….but I have a suspicion that IF both the DNCC and VoteVets will jump in with fundraising suport, that Hal Bidleck will.
Who will listen to now or when he’s elected.
the brain dead racists, health plan illiterate, Penry extremists, Janet “Bestiality” Rowland bigots, lunitic MesaMod types and those that Conservative Kathleen Parker calls “Those ignorant, right-wing, Bible-thumping rednecks are ruining the party” Republicans, then you probably couldn’t find a better place than Grand Junction. Hell, even Colorado Springs has an integrated population with their military installations to mollify and keep the Skinhead, Aryan Nation goons in check.
I just had a discussion with one of those uneducated Glenn Beck/Josh Penry lemmings who is absolutely convinced that President Obama has a concentration camp set up just for her. These idiots are verifiably unencumbered by the truth, showing that facts and evidence have no purpose in their value systems.
I’d like to thank President Obama in advance for the courage to come here and show that we have no fear of these right-wing-nuts who are trying to destroy our beloved country.
“…a rudderless Republican Party seems in danger of humiliating itself to death” -Jeremy McCarter
her comments in this story are priceless…
Thank you, Janet, for the timely evidence and proof for what I wrote about. What a loon!
One source guesses 20% are illegal aliens, Rowland guesses its more like 33%, and that makes her a loon ? It is now unreasonable to disagree with an advocacy group that is advocating for one particular view ? That doesn’t sound like the Dem Party I used to belong to.
Also, thanks for highlighting that Congressman Salazar is just as afraid of the public as Doug Lamborn.
It makes her a liar.
The evidence for our dear commissioners’ status as a “loon” is plentiful and has accumulated over the years into an open and shut case.
unless Barron thinks he knows her better than those who do know how she has embarrassed the R Party.
than Rowland’s own ignorance, is that the Colorado Republican Party would even think for a minute of running a dangerous extremist like Josh Penry for Governor while he echos Rowland’s mythology.