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August 11, 2009 03:33 AM UTC

Junction Republicans (Unofficially) Promise Obama "Warm" Welcome

  • by: Colorado Pols

From today’s Grand Junction Sentinel:

Flags and protest signs may well be equally abundant when President Barack Obama visits Grand Junction on Saturday.

As Obama returns to a Republican-dominated area, amid political turmoil over health care reform – his top domestic priority – what kind of a reception might the president expect?

A poll follows. For your reading pleasure, we’ll leave you with the Sentinel positively shoveling the red meat they call “journalism.”

“The Republican Party of Mesa County is not putting out a call to action,” [Mesa County Republican Duncan McArthur] said. “What you see is not orchestrated. These people are genuinely concerned.”

The White House has said Obama will preside over town hall meeting Saturday, but the topic or topics haven’t been decided.

As Democrats try to push health care reform through Congress, they have been greeted at their own town hall meetings by boisterous protests, particularly about government-run health care… [note lack of quotes, Pols emphasis]

Red-faced protesters were not so much of a concern during the previous visit to Grand Junction by a president…

“Maybe the fear (of Obama’s policies) has created this because that was not a concern when President Bush came,” [former Mesa County commissioner Kathy] Hall said of the politically charged atmosphere around the country. “Maybe the administration has made people feel like they can’t be calm and accepting, I don’t know.”

It’s just ridiculous, isn’t it? Why can’t these nuts get it through their heads that ‘death panels’ are the only sure way to bring down the cost of care, and the economy would be better off if we euthanized everyone–except loyal Democrats of course–at age sixty?

You’re right, not helpful.

What should Obama expect Saturday in Grand Junction?

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36 thoughts on “Junction Republicans (Unofficially) Promise Obama “Warm” Welcome

  1. Not only will there be death panels for old people but there will be an army of lesbians sent out to talk women into having abortions.  What will they come up with next week. “The old people and aborted babies will be made into soylent green.  I saw it in the bill” perhaps?

    1. That’s a polite way to put it. We’re talking mobile abortion vans scouring our nation’s streets. Pregnant women who can’t pass vigilante “birth panels” will be forced into the vans. Those allowed to carry to term will have their offspring enrolled in state-controlled child care.

      I can’t remember whether that’s in the House version or the Senate version, but it’s got me steamed.

      1. The Senate takes in too much money from insurance companies to want to pay for abortions.

        Come to think of it, they probably don’t want to pay for death panels either.

        Or flu shots.

        1. As a cost-saving measure, ACORN can run the death panels using its Census appropriations. It’s a win-win-win — puts community organizers to work, the nation gets its death panels, and then when the Census comes around there are fewer people to count, so that goes more smoothly.

    2. facing the Mesa County Republicans is to keep from embarrassing themselves in a national spotlight. I don’t think the local GOP has any more control over the Tea Partiers than Senator Penry had over the Senate Republican Caucus.

      Which was essentially none.

  2. I was conjuring up a Janet Rowland one liner about sheep but you already mixed her in with Penry!

    Does no in the… well I’m not sure what to call it anymore… in the “other” party have any real issue with it being taken over by so called teabaggers, birthers and now deathers?

    The crazies have literally taken over the insane asylum and Senator McConnell, Rep. Boehner and Rep. Cantor are acting like Billy Bibbit, Charles Cheswick, and Martini.  

      1. government-run death panels competing with private death panels?

        I say we draw a line. The guy in HR, an anonymous claims adjuster, and my ability to avoid getting laid off if I’ve got a pre-existing condition — that’s the death panel that’s worked for millions of Americans. Why change things now?

        1. And you can’t argue with the free-market. If it says it’s your time to die so some fraud can buy another house, well then, I guess it’s just your time.

  3. President Obama’s mom died at the hands of a private industry death panel….the real thing.  

    It figures these ghouls like Palin and Beck, Doocey, Carlson, and Kilmeade would be crass and duplicitous and just plain shiity enough to push the “death panel” con. They know there’s a large gullable, misinformed uneducated  audience of goobers and frightened seniors out there that will swallow anything, no matter how disgusting, said about a black President’s course of action.

    But I bet not even these sewer dwellers thought about the fact that the ” government boards” they hallucinate about actually exist in the private sector. And that charlatans like the CEO of United Health Care makes Billions…..thats right billions….by denying life saving and giving treatment to others.

    To make it worse, what if these creatures do know?  

    Our President lived that horror through his mom’s own death.

    Ass wipes, one and all, these purveyors of hatespeach and mob rule. These miserable, lying shills.      

    1. you can’t argue with the free-market. If it says it’s your time to die so some fraud can buy another house, well then, I guess it’s just your time.

      1. a “kinda thinkin'”.  Nothing most people would recognize though.  With the thoughts you’d be a thinkin’, you could be another Lincoln, if you only had a …..

        1. You know the Joker from DC Comics.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J

          Now Obama, he’s half white … and aren’t Caucasians more pinkish.  We’ve got Glenn Beck who’s hands (top or bottom are the same color), then me who’s hands are 5 shades darker on top, then we have Southern Italians and Spaniards … much darker shades.

          1. and thinks that racism is funny.  I’d bet ole Libertad would be ecstatic about death panels if they were rubbing out people who don’t match his lily white skin color.  America has fallen into the gutter on the backs of these swine.

            1. Any 8th grader knows that’s the face of the evil Joker from DC Comics.

              The funny thing is none of these little gimmicks attract people.  They don’t want their president to be portrayed as an evil man … it turns people off to the Causes call for action.  The odd thing is either there aren’t many of these racially charged images or people are so pissed the images aren’t even registering.

              One image that is catching a rally cry is the Gadsden flag … standard yellow or red-white stripes you have a choice.

              1. it’s the face of the Joker from The Dark Knight movie, not the comics.

                But yeah, you’re right, there’s nothing wrong with comparing the president with a psychopathic villain for backing health care reforms first proposed by Harry Truman. The only shame is that it doesn’t catch on more.

    1. Back in the day, anti-Clinton feeling and rhetoric on the right was never quite like this, not even the accusations of murder. This is different.  This is naked racial fear, loathing and hatred…. Obama is Hitler.  Pol Pot. Pure evil. The viscious psychopath Joker even though nothing he’s said or done is any more radical than the next mildly center left Dem.  

      Let’s just hope some nutcase never gives conservative pols reason to say “Don’t blame us.  We can’t be held responsible.”  If this is what the GOP base is about, the GOP base and their apologists are repulsive, degenerate and pretty much everything they accuse Obama of being.

      1. You’re right on. There’s something incredibly visceral in these over-the-top protests with ridiculous, demonstrably wrong claims. (Yesterday’s USA Today exposed the “death panels” and “health insurance for illegal immigrants” claims as out-and-out fraudulent.)

      2. Remember how they kept claiming the Clinton’s had Vince Foster murdered? But you’re right, this goes much further.

        The election of Obama apparently didn’t show that this country had moved quite a way on race – it showed that part of this country had moved.

        But another part is still full of the sickness of hating and wanting to destroy everyone who is “different.”

  4. Someone call Boss Limbaugh, Palin, Beck and Gingrich and let them know they have senior citizen killer in their ranks!

    On April 24, 2008, Sen. Isakson spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate:

    Eighty percent of the cost of health care to me, to you, and to anybody else happens in the last 60 days of life. More often than not, people are not in a condition to make a decision for themselves. Because of laws, and because we are a compassionate nation, the physician will keep you alive as long as he can. If you had a chance, you might rather say if I am being hydrated and given nutrition but will never become conscious again, I give the doctors the authority to make the appropriate medical decision. The money that would save is in the “gazillions” of dollars–if there is such a number. It would help us to manage that cost.

    Oh noes!

    1. http://www.dailykos.com/storyo

         WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today denounced comments made by President Obama and his spokesman regarding Isakson’s alleged connection to language contained in the House health care bill on “end-of-life counseling.”

         Isakson vehemently opposes the House and Senate health care bills and he played no role in drafting language added to the House bill by House Democrats calling for the government to incentivize doctors by offering them money to conduct “end-of-life counseling” with Medicare patients every five years.

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