UPDATE: Here’s a telling quote in a story from Mark Matthews for the Denver Post:
“I think people really are ready for somebody who is not a part of the establishment, and that is certainly yours truly,” said Tancredo in a phone call confirming his bid.
Ernest Luning has the scoop for the publication formerly known as the Colorado Statesman:
Tom Tancredo is set to kick off a campaign for governor of Colorado, joining a crowded Republican primary field in what will be his third run for the office, Colorado Politics has learned.
Tancredo enters the race — after more than two months spent exploring a run — on the heels of a private poll showing him with a wide lead over other GOP candidates. The poll also shows Tancredo in a statistical dead heat with leading Democratic candidate U.S. Rep. Jared Polis…
…Tancredo plans to hold Front Range events Wednesday to officially launch his candidacy — including a noon stop at the Denver headquarters of the Independence Institute, the self-described free-market think tank Tancredo headed in the 1990s before winning the first of his five terms in Congress. He’s scheduled to start the day at Whistling Pines Gun Club in Colorado Springs and finish with an afternoon appearance at Grimm Brothers Brewhouse in Loveland.
We’ve said many times in this space that a Tancredo gubernatorial bid actually makes more strategic sense in 2018 than it did when he sought the state’s top job in 2010 and 2014. Tancredo appears to be in position to consolidate support from Steve Bannon, and potentially, from President Trump himself (Tancredo spent last weekend hunting pheasant with Donald Trump, Jr.). Polling data shows that Tancredo is an early favorite in a very crowded Republican field. Weak fundraising efforts from other top Republican candidates means the Tanc doesn’t have far to go to catch up with campaigns that have been underway for months.
It’s too early to gauge Tancredo’s potential in a theoretical General Election matchup, but his candidacy certainly shakes things up in a Republican Primary. The most immediate impact is with Arapahoe County District Attorney George Brauchler, for whom a Tancredo candidacy represents the worst-case scenario for his bid to win the GOP nomination. If Brauchler fell off a cliff with an awful Q3 fundraising effort, Tancredo just dropped a piano on his corpse.
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Circular firing squad primary, bigot candidate, Rs shown to be regressive xenophobes, what could possibly go wrong?
Bob Beauprez gives it another try?
Now the shitlords have something to get excited about.
What a week…..
Yesterday, Mueller indicts Manafort and Gates, and the third guy cops a plea.
Today, we're treated to Tommy "Tank" Tancredo's third run for governor.
And it's only Tuesday morning!
P.S. Since Tank is in, will Broccoli drop out?
State Establishment/Professional D's — you know, the ones paid to (try to) win elections and (supposedly) enact progressive policies — better get their shit together and not assume anything about the next election. Just check who our current president is…….
It is good to see that the Republican Party is working broadening it's tent….
If Tanc rolls a joint and smokes it in public, then I will believe that the GOP is broadening their tent.
With Fluffnutz sitting on his lap.
Or broadening their leaves beyond tea.
“I think people really are ready for somebody who is . . .”
So, as Tanc sees it, he’s just another misunderstood man who’s been ahead of his time????
At what point do we start labeling old white guys as the gallon of sour milk they are by stamping EXPIRED on their foreheads?
TT is a solid advocate for marijuana so the burning QOTD is: who will Fluffy get 100% behind next?
It is interesting how Tancredo can run as an independent in one election and then a Republican in the next and the tribe has no problems with his wavering allegiance to anyone but himself. What docile imbeciles.
To be fair, Sanders is doing the same thing…
Colorado Christian U probably won't endorse him in the primary but will suck on his stogie when the general comes around because
ABORTIONFreedom.I don't think Colorado Christian will endorse Tanc in primary or general. They won't want to risk their .501(c)3 tax status. But I'll wager CCU will try to find a way around that pesky IRS regulation.
That regulation is going to change soon.
I wanna see the combination of Tancredo backing marijuana freedom for Colorado AND having to clarify why the current Republican Sad!-ministration has a right to enforce Federal laws opposing marijuana use, sale and cultivation.