A potentially fateful image posted to Facebook by Joe Neville, one-time lobbyist for the hard-right political agitators at Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and sibling in the powerful and controversial Neville political dynasty of Jefferson County:
Once-again Colorado gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo, evil genius supervillain Steve Bannon, and the Neville clan all conspiring under one roof! Oh to be a fly on the wall, as long as whatever Steve Bannon has on his face is not catching.
Yeah, you laughed at President Trump once too. Who’s laughing now?
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Tancredo won't be the nominee but I love watching Colorado Pols crap their pants.
Yeah nutlid. Just like you're privately crapping your depends over George Pappadopolous. Who woulda thunk the Dad from "Webster" could cause so much trouble for your soda fountain of justice?
Ready to answer my Ames Mayfield question?
From Nostramodus' prediction archives:
Who'd have thought Nutlid would go from #nevertrump to writing erotic Trump slash fiction about Trump: The Soda Fountain of Justice?
Is this like your #NeverTrump schtick?
No, bone-spur head, you've confused Colorado Pols with Ted Nugent.
The mental image Donald Trump conjures up before knocking one out.
Three Monsters You’re Glad Didn’t Show Up At Your Door Last Night!
Three ugly-ass dudes
The worst game of "Fuck, Marry or Kill" ever.
Moderatus’s Newest Bedroom Poster
Los tres amigos.
And you know how much Tank loves bilingual messages.
Rejected Prototype Entries From Trump’s Border Wall Competition
Nothing says "Aryan Übermensch" like a whiskey nose and a gargantuan belly.
The Three MusKKKeteers.
"Two Punks and a Drunk."
"We're All with Stupid."
"Countless innocent American lives have been lost due to the lies and the cowardice of these three deplorable ghouls."
“A Gin Blossom between Two Thorns.”
“Covfefe: It’s What’s for Dinner”
“We just thought we’d have some head shots taken now, for next year’s ‘wanted posters.'”
“We Hate America. Let Us Show You Just How Much!”
“The Mercer/Sinclair Craptastic Crapcasting Corporation (which is also a person in the eyes of SCOTUS) announced today its three ‘celebrity’ finalists for its weekly hit (or miss) television debacle, ‘Duncing With the Curs.’ They are (L to R): Senor Tomas Guillermo Guadeloupe Sanchez Rafael Rodrigo Manuel Epstein de la Tancredo; W.C. Fields/Benito Mussolini (too habitually pickled in booze to make the trains run on time); and Joe “Guns don’t kill people; reasonably priced access to healthcare made possible by a black Kenyan guy kills people — and no, LaPierre IS NOT French” Neville. Unfortunately, each Cur will be forced to Dunce alone as no prospective female contestants were willing to be seen with them, other than Ms. Vicki (Lost Her) Marble, disenfranchiser of bright, precocious, BS-averse Cub Scouts and extremist GOP Senator from West Secedeistan, whom Senor de la Tancredo immediately ruled out for having “calves the size of Persian melons from carrying the Koch’s water…and besides, she’s a foot taller than me, and twice as mean.”