“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”
–Gautama Buddha
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for the people of Pueblo, who sharply questioned Cory Gardner at his stealth town hall on Monday, November 20, 2017. Gardner was in town to sell the #taxualassault GOP tax plan.
I haven't seen the entire video yet, but there are some choice moments.
Daft, what is the critter with the lizard?
A Weasel taking care of the lizard (I used Google Image search https://images.google.com/ )
Calling Senator Spokesmodel a weasel is probably too kind.
Weasels Are Built for the Hunt
Like humans, weasels are secondarily altricial. Cory's built for donor service.
It is one hour and 27 minutes!
I have more important things to do. MJ, tell us – how does it compare with his experience in Durango a few months ago?
My favorite moments are those when the salty elders confronted Cory on his doublespeak. I think that the crowd as a whole was more sedate than the Durango crowd, probably because of the three hefty security people there to protect Cory from his constituents, and a staffer who kept control of the microphone. Questioners could not hold their own mics. But there were still many sharp exchanges, plenty of booing and jeering when Gardner lied, which was often.
1) at 12:50 Alvin Rivera asks him about why he's supporting a tax plan and Obamacare that will "hurt so many people", and why he's been silent on immigration. Cory responds with glibberish as usual.
2) At 16:33 Ms. Cates (sp?) who questioned Cory about the rise of fascism, quoting Lincoln, asked him if he would recognize Colorado's amendment 1A, denying corporate personhood, and that money is not speech. When Cory replied with glibberish, Ms. Cates mounted the stage and asked to use Cory's microphone (at 21:00) It took 3 staffers and 2 uniformed security men to escort the redoubtable Ms. Cates back to her seat.
3)At 26:00 Ms Javenau asks Cory to commit to not vote for the tax plan, saying "Reagonomics does not work". In response, Cory claims the tax bill is "heading in the right direction", to general jeering. Then he shows some charts from the report of The National council of Economic Advisors. These charts have bogus data which seem to show that wage growth goes down when corporate tax rates go up. However, in the real world, the opposite is true.
The chart Cory showed, which you can look at on page 3 of this report,
, seems to me to be taking credit for wage growth under Obama – era reforms, and attributing that to conservative policies. However, I’ll leave that analysis to the more economically literate Polsters.
There are many more choice moments on here. Basically, Cory got his ass handed to him yet again. A couple of other “sweet old ladies” told Cory not to give them any BS when he answered. People were asking thoughtful, to the point questions, and he just yammered on and repeated his talking points.
Put on the video in the background while you cook your turkey or whatever, R&R. It might give you some hope that the resistance continues.
Thanks for the summary.
Happy Thanksgiving all. I'm thankful to live in a country that has the institutional capability and history to handle a no-nothing like Donald Trump as president.
I'm also thankful for still being in reasonably good health; still breathing; and still "above ground."
Shout out to you. Been on an AC/DC binge and played "Highway to Hell" on guitar last night.
On the subject of gratitude, Dana Milbank wrote a good one
Here Are the White House Visitor Records the Trump Administration Didn’t Want You to See
In today's GOP, this is actually kind of tame compared to other stuff that's being tolerated for the sake of a tax cut for rich people……
Let's give a big hand to Rep. Joe Barton for owning up to this. No children, no relatives, and no animals were involved. Reportedly consensual with age-appropriate women. And since he's divorced, it's not adultery.
It sounds like he was thinking with what he was showing off in the photo.
Has anyone heard from Nutlid today?
A village is missing its idiot…
Didn't Trump issue him a pardon yesterday? And they carted him off to a petting zoo.
The flat earth guy's homemade rocket launcher broke down in his driveway….but he blames Big Gubmint for postponing his launch. The BLM said that there had been no official contact with Hughes, but that's Hughes' story and he's sticking to it.
I guess if one is setting out to prove the earth is flat, sourcing a quote doesn't matter much.
what a tragedy
I'm still trying to get my head around the math of something launched at 500mph that only goes 1800 feet high.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that in the second decade of 21st century, there are still folks who believe the earth is flat.
You do realize thereare peoplewho thought Donald Trump was qualified to be president?
That occurred to me after I posted.
Although most of them do not buy into evolution or global warming, I have believe that most of them accept that the earth is round.
To be fair, V….they were a minority of Americans! It was an interesting Turkey Day here: two members of my family, both life-long registered Republicans, one a Trump supporter and one a Trump hater, couldn't keep from taking jabs at each other!
Two More Women Accuse Sen. Al Franken Of Inappropriate Touching