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December 06, 2017 10:37 AM UTC

BREAKING: Gun-Toting State Representative Arrested At DIA

  • by: Colorado Pols

Rep. Lori Saine’s mug shot.

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Denver7 updates the story with details about just how stupid Rep. Lori Saine apparently was here, walking into an airport security checkpoint with a loaded 9mm pistol:

The probable cause statement says Saine’s arrest happened shortly after 1:45 p.m. The statement says a TSA agent spotted “what appeared to be a loaded firearm” in Saine’s bag.

The statement says she “knowingly brought the handgun into the North Screening Check point.”

When TSA agents checked the bag, they found a 9mm semi-automatic handgun with four rounds in the magazine. There was not a round in the chamber, according to the statement.

We’ll be interested to hear exactly what Rep. Saine told TSA agents when they found the gun in her bag. Did she assert something to make it clear she knew the gun was in her bag? Maybe a little “constitutional carry” bluster without realizing that wouldn’t help her legally?

Either way it’s the biggest moment of either negligence or willful irresponsibility since Rep. Jared Wright left a loaded handgun in a House committee room back in 2014.

Which you might recall was a career-ending screwup. Stand by for updates from Rep. Saine’s court appearance this afternoon.


UPDATE #3: Denver Post reporting that Rep. Lori Saine was in custody as of 4:30PM.


UPDATE #2: Via Denver7:

Court records and the Denver Police Department confirm Saine’s arrest, and DPD said the case will be forwarded to the district attorney’s office to determine if she will face charges.

The pre-filed charge is a sixth-degree felony, introduction of a firearm into a transportation facility.


UPDATE: Denver7’s Blair Miller connects an obviously relevant data point to this breaking story:


That’s the word from KUNC’s Bente Birkeland, we’ll update once we know more:

As readers may know, Colorado lawmakers exploit a loophole in state law that allows them to carry concealed weapons inside the Colorado Capitol: despite the fact that citizens with concealed carry permits are not allowed to bring their guns inside the building, and despite the fact that the state capitol already has armed State Patrol officers protecting everyone inside.

It would sure be nice if lawmakers would justify that privilege by being responsible with their guns.


45 thoughts on “BREAKING: Gun-Toting State Representative Arrested At DIA

  1. Know what would have stopped this? Requiring an ID to vote.

    But we CAN'T EVEN CONSIDER THAT can we Democrats?



    (Just tryin’ to help a mook out; Grammy doesn’t let him on the internet in the evening . . . )

  2. Hey, you are all jumping the .. ahead here.


    maybe, she was on her way to/from legislative work. It's not like she was DWI with the gun rolling around in the car.


    artistic expression- dio is on the right track.

    maybe the U.S. constitution isn't gonna bend for some pointless and foolish state law or rule. Didn't the shirtless sheriff figure that out?

    maybe she was undercover for the Kansas police.  Until she runs for governor, how we supposed to know?

    she is going to get a pardon anyway. It's not like she is colluding with Russians.


    besides, isn't this like one those made up crimes that aren't even in the Bible? It's not like she's 14. (14! Jays us)


    besides, everyone does it, right?

    1. Even more fun will be had once Congress passes the pending legislation to allow reciprocity for concealed-carry permit-holders to carry concealed in other states.

  3. Her booking report.  I hope she got a cellie who doesn't snore.  It looks like she got in after dinner. I hope they weren't serving fried chicken; I know how much she enjoys that.

      1. I read that DIA/TSA have confiscated about 90 guns in the last year.  Given her position, I'm surprised they arrested and booked her into jail.  She really must have given the TSA a lot of lip.

        If she wants to be a test case, I'm pretty sure she'll find out the hard way that her Second Amendment rights do not trump the rights of innocent travelers to a reasonable expectation of safety.  The last thing we need is a religious fanatic/RWNJ taking potshots in a crowded terminal at "suspicious" characters because they don't look like they stepped off the set of Ozzie and Harriet.

  4. Really stunning – a loaded 9mm pistol at a DIA checkpoint. It's difficult (if not impossible) to believe she merely "forgot" it. What did she intend to do with it on a plane?! If you ever see her at DIA (or anywhere else), be very careful. And apparently she was held overnight without bond. Am I remembering correctly idiot legislators like her are allowed to carry concealed at the Capitol, even though no one else is? A disaster waiting to happen.

    1. Maybe she's a secret believer of only a limited number of bullets being useful when defending yourself. Maybe she just came from the range and didn't take the time to clean and secure the weapon fully. Or maybe the bullets had names on them.

    1. Sounds like charge(s) under which she was arrested and booked into jail.  The presumptive charge(s) against her— in this case, a violation of CRS 18-9-118.  The DA will decide what to formally charge her with (for better or worse, crazy and stupid is apparently not a crime here) at her arraignment.

    1. It doesn't matter, because the law she was arrested for violating doesn't require anyone to be hurt.  We're just enforcing the laws we have, like the gunnuts are always telling us to.

    2. You mean the non-existent constitutional right to schlep a handgun into an airport?  Do your Second Amendment homework, Moddy.  Start by reading Heller.

  5. She's headed home.

    Colorado lawmaker released from jail after knowingly bringing a loaded semiautomatic handgun to DIA checkpoint

    Not sure about this bit, though…

    During court advisements, @lorisaine was the only one allowed to stay behind glass partition, shielding her face. She’ll get out of jail at no cost. $5k bond if she fails to show for next court date. She’s allowed to travel out of state. #9News #coleg #copolitics pic.twitter.com/SXASMANVJC

    — Marshall Zelinger (@Marshall9News) December 6, 2017

    Guess the TSA better stay on their toes.

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