“The man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap.”
–Ayn Rand
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: TJDenver5280
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
BY: Dean
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
BY: Air Slash
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
BY: Air Slash
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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It's not the most violent or criminal by any means, but it's probably the weirdest account to date in the rogue gallery of boys behaving badly…..
No wonder he moved up his resignation date. This raises more questions than it answers.
If he is so wealthy and used a surrogate before – presumably not a staff member – why not re-hire the woman who carried his first two children?
And what is with impregnating the surrogate by intercourse. What happened to the time-honored method of a dirty movie, a Dixie cup and a turkey baster?
And apparently the Traditional Values Coalition knew about this last year. Was it before or after the 2016 election? Did they wait until after this creep was re-elected to approach Paul Ryan about him?
Inquiring minds want to know…..
Franks could have sired a kid any way he wanted to and could afford, except that he apparently involved taxpayer-funded office staff, and he wouldn't take "No" for an answer.
It's worth noting that he was also the "Rape victims don't get pregnant" guy, so his grasp of basic biology was maybe too sketchy for the turkey baster method.
What a jerk.
Maybe he may viewed in vitro as being a fundamental violation of his artistic free expression of his deeply held religious beliefs? . . .
Four strong candidates for State Attorney General met the people in Yuma, Colorado, today.
Phil Weiser, Joe Salazar, Michael Dougherty, and Amy Padden fielded substantive questions from the audience about water law, opioid abuse, the oil and gas industry vs. public health, and more. Another candidate, Brad Levin, sent a representative.
Raw video from the event, by Craig Stevens, is available here and here
I’ll try to get a diary with some of the Q&A up tomorrow. In the meantime, be happy that Democrats seem to have a deep bench for the office of Attorney General in Colorado. All candidates are qualified; all are attorneys who have worked in government agencies or the legislature.
What does Moderatus think about Trent Franks?
I’ll bet he’s wishing Franks had offered him the opportunity to earn $5,000,0000!?!
From the-site-that-must-not-be-named. Also, hahahahahahahahaha!
Steve Lebsock calls it ‘disgusting’ that foes just want to ’score political points’ bashing Lori Saine
Maybe if he switched parties, he might survive his sexual misconduct scandal. Half-joking.
It has to have occurred to him.
They do grade on a curve in the modern GOP.
Western Slope Polsters: Is the Jordan Cove LNG project on your radar? Because apparently, your local elected officials are meeting with Trump administration and making plans to extract and export it.
More insulting b.s. from Free Range Report. It arrogantly infers that anyone who lives on the Front Range of Colorado doesn't understand the workings of the West Slope economy, natural gas, and BLM lands. As for Mesa County's "distressed economy," maybe it wouldn't be so "distressed" if there was diversification beyond oil & gas.
We are very aware of the Jordan Cove giveaway. The reasons our elected officials are continuing to promote this boondoggle is for the benefit to a handful of companies and individuals.
The O&G industry miscalculated the future demand for Piceance Basin gas. They are sitting on a resource that costs more to produce than they can get on the current market. They believe that by contriving a way to export the stuff, they can get a price from Japan or some other Asian country that will turn a nice profit.
Most Coloradans will remember the shrill cries of "American energy for Americans". That was when they still believed that LNG powered cars would become commonplace and they would someday have a market here.
Their predicament is, of course, self-inflicted. The massive overdrilling of the last decade has created an enormous glut of oil and gas. The drilling industry made billions of dollars drilling wells with investors money, but now are struggling to stay afloat because their earlier greed set up this situation.
Jordan Cove is a gift to the O&G industry by Republicans who get most of their money from that same industry. It will, if built, do very little for the majority of western slope residents.
You've got it, Duke. The company that wants to build the pipeline and LNG port is Canadian with little apparent incentive to export Piceance gas. It remains to be seen how a port for floating bombs would be built along the Oregon coast. Some of the boosters I know seem to think that Trump's approval will override any Oregon objections.
It has a long way to go.
There are some Indian tribal lands involved as well…as I recall. They also have a say.
The toughest challenge for the JC Boosters Club is convincing it will benefit anyone but them. If it can be done anywhere legislatively, western Colorado is the place. The Republican agenda here has always amounted to a support group for O&G…and unabashedly so. It is the wellspring of lies, intimidation, and exploitation. It is SOP for Ray Scott, Scott Tipton, Eulin Willet, and all the commissioners in both Garfield and Mesa counties to continue the time honored traditition of carrying water for COGA.
It was ever thus…and will , no doubt, continue until the people of the valleys start electing Democrats…
Which, of course, Gertie, should start happening next year…don'tcha think?😜
Thanks, Duke and Gertie for 'splainin' the Jordan Cove thing. It was something I came across while trolling right wing pages. It's being boosted by people who won't really benefit from it, but think that oil and gas extraction is inherently patriotic.
"American Energy for Americans"!…no, wait…I mean, American energy for the Pacific Rim…yeah, that's it…💲
Where IS that lady in black pantsuit…?
“lady in black……” You're referring to Kathleen Sgamma?
I thought Tresi Houpt was a decent Garfield commissioner.
I am talking about the blonde woman, dressed in black, who did countless TV commercials for the American Petroleum Institute. Many of those ads preached the relaxation of regulations so companies might produce more "American energy for Americans".
The hypocrisy in the narrative about energy development is thick. The oil and gas industry cares about one thing only…profit.
You…the air you breathe…the water you drink…all collateral damage. The only thing the Oily Boys want from you is for you to shut up and get out of their way…
Tresi Houpt WAS a great Garfield county commissioner…and a great COGCC commissioner as well. The key word being "was". The current crop are O&G acolytes…every single one of them.
I'm not tracking on remembering a blonde pitchwoman. Guess I don't pay much attention to API ads.
That is precisely the point, CHB. Employing the "22,400 repetitions makes a truth" principle (from Huxleys' "Brave New World"), you are supposed to become so innured to seeing her, you tune her out…but not her message.
She (the lady in the black pantsuit) filled the airwaves for years with a message full of pretty pictures, half truths, and outright lies. But most of America believes her lies because they heard her night and day. She was ubiquitous.
For instance…do you believe the O&G industry employs 11,000,000 people in this country? Many people don't hear her say "supports"…not "employs". They just come to believe it is much more necessary to our nations future than it actually is.
Do you believe electricity provided by gas is cleaner than coal? It isn't. There is now much research demonstrating otherwise. From cradle to grave, so to speak, natural gas as fuel is dirty. Not in the burning process, rather, in the collecting process. It is as dirty as coal, when you consider all the externalities.
Most Americans believe a lot of things that are not true…and that is 'nuff said.
How to end sexual harassment in your industry or setting- Washington Post asked legislators, flight attendants, domestic workers, parents, and more.
I asked this question of the Democratic candidates at the Attorney General forum in Yuma yesterday, and got some varied responses.
Everyone wants victims to feel safe in reporting abuse. Everyone wants due process for the accused. Solutions in private industry included training, procedures, union contracts, and getting rid of forced arbitration agreements, and hiring more women… Duh!.
Solutions in private life included teaching kids that "they are the boss of their own bodies" in childhood, and teaching "positive consent" in schools, as well as enforcing Title IX policies. (which, of course, Devos as Ed Secretary under Trump is attacking).
In the legislature, Rep. Joe Salazar said that there is a process, but no consequences laid out for abusers, and that is a "big problem". There are no set punishments for stepping over the line, and the process is highly politicized. He said that Democrats are doing a better job of holding themselves accountable than Republicans are. He didn't think that a bipartisan commission would work, because of the intense partisan wrestling for dominance.
We didn't get a chance to discuss my idea of forming an independent commission to refer accusations to, for investigation and determination of consequences.
I don’t want to see and hear more “Me Too” stories. Not that it hasn’t been revolutionary and transformative to break the silence; but without systemic change, #metoo will lead back into passive acceptance and cynicism.
I am wondering if someone can help me figure out a phenomenon I observed last night. When I stepped out on to my deck about 9:00 PM, I saw a row of lights in the northern sky ( I live near Parachute) that moved east to west. There appeared to be about 15 aircraft, each with red and white blinking lights in a somewhat irregular line, all moving, single file, in the same direction.
I don't think they were alien spacecraft, but I have never seen such a thing before…anyone have a clue?
Thanks, Pseu…
They're buying our cover story Duke. Now, we don't have to kill them.
I kinda’ miss those days when that sighting would be proof of “Obama’s preparing to invade [Paonia]” among the right-wing nutlidosphere . . .
. . . now it’s just, “Meh. Mnuchin’s probably taking the wife out for a little holiday shopping in Aspen again . . .”
They were apparently viewed in Summit County, too.
erasing duplicate